Table of Contents
How to Motivate Church Members / Leaders are Excited / Making a Difference
How to Motivate Church Members? Motivation flows down from the Top. If Your Leaders are Motivated, Enthused, Excited about their service. This is contagious. People want to serve in areas that they feel will make a difference in God’s Kingdom.
They naturally want to be involved in a ministry that has strong Leadership and Direction. It is exciting and people are excited and enthusiastic. They not only have the heart to make a difference, but They also want to be where the action is.
Flows From The Top
The servant of God is the person who is willing to do what God asks, when He asks, where He asks, and no matter what God asks. We serve God because we like it, because I want to do it with love and conviction and in doing so, I feel great satisfaction.
The model of servant was our Lord Jesus according to Philippians 2:5-8: “There is therefore in you that there was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider being equal to God as a thing to hold on to, but stripped himself, taking the form of a servant, made like men, and being in the condition of man, humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, and death on the cross“.
What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish
Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines
20 Expert Tips to Motivate Church Members to Serve.
Christ freed us from sin and made us accept to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the Word reveals that some of us are predestined to serve in different ways in the construction of his Church: And he himself constituted some, apostles; others, prophets; others, evangelists; to others, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11). God draws us out of slavery so that we may be servants (Exodus 10:3) and stewards of what He gives us. If we are to serve God, we must do so with the right motivation.
![How to Motivate Church Members to Serve: 20 Expert Tips 2 Go and make Disciples](
But how to motivate members of your Church? Here are 20 tips to help you encourage and motivate God’s Servant.
I Did Some Research and Most Churches find that 80/ 20 Rule, 20% of your workers do 80% of the Ministry. From a Leadership Perspective, it is the same. We can wrongly spend 80% of our time, encouragement, teaching, training, thanking the 20% that are not adding value, while neglecting those that are excelling.
Unfortunately because of this your Best Motivated Workers get Neglected, Not Thanked, Not appreciated. After time they get worn out, discouraged, and then can give up.
Bible Remains the Same / Culture Changes.
Begin with Paul’s requirements for Timothy and Titus. The faithful who wish to serve must be models for the whole flock. Not to be neophytes, nor given to wine, or greedy. They must be a picture of maturity for all.
It’s about equipping and promoting people who can help advance Christianity to places where I haven’t come and haven’t gone. You must shepherd with a view to biblical requirements. It’s your baseline. Therefore, Paul tells Timothy to look for faithful men who can teach others and aspire to a good office.
We are looking for people who keep the guidelines of God’s Word in their lives, not turn the Church into a circus. If you teach your brethren, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished by the words of faith and good doctrine you have followed (1 Timothy 4:6).
Today is a time of Excitement. With the advances in technology, people can share the gospel from their living rooms across the world. No Longer do you have to go for months on a boat, or ride days on a donkey or camel. You can get in a car and traverse great distances in hours. You can now take a team on a plane and in hours to a place to share the words of our master.
Leaders always Growing
To build a generation of servers that can become leaders, teachers, pastors, you need to be in a permanent learning position. There are young people who are worth watching what they do. The whole Church should have confidence in those who offer to serve and ask God to help them correctly.
There are several ways to keep your eyes open. You can mingle with the congregation and interact with the faithful. You can pray daily throughout the church directory. Strive to provide teaching opportunities to everyone, without discriminating against anyone. So there is in you this same feeling that there was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5).
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A Leadership that is always growing and maturing in their leadership. Creates an atmosphere of Growth, Learning, Studying, exciting New Understanding of God unchanging word. Sometimes I have felt it just in the atmosphere, people’s words, their smiles, the energy they have. The Sacrifice that they prioritize their united mission to serve others.
Wait for Clarity.
If we in a local Congregation believe that God adds to his body as he sees fit. We can come to the thought, that God better than we do, knows what gifts and talents that his local body there needs. So it is our role to look across the flock and see the gifts God has put there and help them serve in their God-Given Spiritual Gifts
- Gift of Vision
- Teachers
- New Moms
- Gifts of Outreach
- Gifts of Singing
- Gifts of Fellowship
- Gifts of Giving
- Gifts of Encouraging
- Gifts of Being a Peacemaker
- Gifts of Organization
- Gift Prayer Warrior
- Gift of Preaching
Wise Leadership would look with spiritual eyes and see people’s spiritual gifts. And develop them and put them to use in The Local Flock. God is the one who put them there.
You must wait for the Holy Ghost to give you direction and clarity in what you do. It’s not randomly selecting people, let alone force someone to serve because we want them to. The service is done out of love, not out of obligation or interest (2 Corinthians 12:15). To all the faithful who wish to integrate into any service, clarify the doctrine, and teach the truth in general. Let them understand what they are going to do and also what they are willing to receive.
As Paul explains to Timothy, look for people who have clarity about the truth. People with the ability to answer the question and be clear about basic gospel issues, especially those teachings that are under fire and not popular in today’s world. Solicitous to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).
Provide Training Opportunities / Motivated People Thirst to Grow.
Provide training that enhances your skills, grows them. Not everyone was born to serve but there are faithful who if they are not properly motivated, will never want to get involved in the activities of the Church. You have to know how to talk and express yourself because it requires you to integrate to serve.
- Teaxher Training Workshops
- Childrens Ministry Workshops
- Evangelism Workshops
- Substance Abuse Workshops
- Mission Workshops
- Invest in Your Teams
- Experts can be brought in, rest of flock g]can catch the excitement
- Send your teams out for training
Bring in experts that have been successful in serving in god’s kingdom this way. You can see God was blessing their labor
Listening Objectively to What God Might be Saying Through His Flock
This means showing those who want to serve as giving and receiving criticism in a good way. Be honest but meek at talking and correcting each other about things they can improve. Paul had much to criticize of the Corinthians, but he opens the epistle by thanking God for them (1 Corinthians 1:5).
We often limit serving in the Church to obey orders, fulfill duties, and praying for our brethren. But serving goes beyond that. It is a form of worship of God and of helping our brothers and sisters. When you give and receive from others according to the Word, you learn from them and from yourself. Good feedback helps the growth of service and the faithful in the Church. But it will not be so among you, but whoever wants to grow great among you will be your servant (Mark 10:43-45).
Vision / Reality Need To Complement Each Other
The best way to motivate people is to be honest with them to reality, so the person responds to the need he previously ignored. We cannot motivate a person to change attitudes if they do not perceive the need.
If we look at Christ’s ministry, we will see that this was one of his rules of work. He taught his apostles enough teaching to be effective in a situation. Then I’d send them to practice. Unsurprisingly, the disciples realized that they lacked more preparation. Then they returned to the Lord full of questions and desires to learn. There was a perfect balance between what they received and what they wanted, the result of their constant exposure to reality. Then I called the twelve and started sending them in pairs… (Mark 6:7).
Saying Thanks / Provide Encouragement.
A very common problem in many leaders is that they tend to get excited about what they do themselves, but they don’t see and recognize the work others are doing also. People are often discouraged, encouraged with biblical truths, in prayer, worshipping, and constantly following them.
Not offering money or rewards for performing a service to the Church, for we are wrongly accustomed to believing that they always paid him for his services, and the Church of Christ first and foremost is characterized by his simplicity and humility of heart.
The true test of a teacher’s efficiency is not found in what he knows, but what his students know. For those who want to enrich themselves fall into temptation and bond, and in many foolish and harmful greed’s that plunge men into destruction and doom (1 Timothy 6:9).
I Took an older minister with me on one of our missions trip. He was a vwery good older minister, he was conservative, he knew the bible. The people in the village we were at loved him.
He Baptized many people as he taught. The difficulty was that in all his teaching, he gave all the crdit to himself. It was what I taught, what i did, Look what I know, Listen to me because who i am.
I had several of our team come to me and share that they were offended, because they all were here working as a team. And he was taking all the credit and meekly bragging about it.
It was very hard for me but I took this Older preacher, whom I respected greatly, and share with him about his giving credit to god and the rest of our team. I asked him to go on a walk with me down a railroad track so we could be alone.
he received it very well and made the appropriate changes. Things went well for the rest of the Campaign. But he never returned with us on any more trips after I talked to him. It was hard but needed to be addressed.
Providing / Showing the How
Another way to motivate is by demonstrating how things should be done. A common problem in churches is that they have too many people exhorting the faithful, but no one explains or shows them how they should do it also.
Therefore, it is important that you explain and demonstrate. Christ was so effective because He never taught his disciples anything without demonstrating it in his own life. I exhort you to love because the master;
He exhorted them to serve, for He was the first to serve; I urge you to preach and show as you did, among other examples. By presenting yourself in everything as an example of good works, in teaching, showing integrity and seriousness (Ephesians 6:6).
Radiate Enthusiasm.
Motivating the faithful by radiating personal enthusiasm is very important. It often seems that ministry becomes a boring routine, without dynamism. It becomes difficult for the leader to maintain enthusiasm over the years.
If you want to motivate people to serve, you’re going to have to show plenty of enthusiasm in everything you do and say. Your enthusiasm must be so great regardless of how many faithful accept the call to serve! This method requires more work than others, for one must be willing to demonstrate everything he teaches.
So, my beloved brethren, be and constantly, growing in the Lord’s work always, knowing that your work in the Lord is NOT in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Be Understanding / Listen
It will be difficult to motivate someone to serve, especially if the person still clings to bad experiences, anger, spite or pain. What you mean for a person is more important than what you can tell or do for them. This is going to determine how you’ll hear what you say. Between the leader and the parishioners, there must be a climate of total acceptance.
Before you call parishioners to serve, be honest with those around you: let them see you as it is. Leaders who seem to know more, and elevate themselves, always fall. This causes inhibition among people and when they realize that the leader is not honest with them, they become disillusioned and stop believing in God and His Word.
Seek, therefore, brethren among you seven men of good testimony, filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we commission from this work (Acts 6:3).
Believe in what God can do with the person.
It is necessary to keep in mind that God does not call a person for what he is, but for what he can become. We all have the courage for Christ’s cause, so it is our responsibility to constantly communicate this truth.
It is so important that as we see people, we can see them for what they can become. If God simply looked at our sin, things would be dark indeed. But he sees what Love, Forgiveness, Teaching, patience, Guidance can grow.
Let us not fall into the common mistake of setting aside those who seem half -rare” to us and sticking to those who seem so much “better” to us.
Show that you trust them more out of love and mercy than for mistakes made, just as Christ loves his disciples despite their faults. In any circumstance, cultivate the personal relationships of those around you that is an example to motivate others to serve and integrate into the ministries of the Church. In what requires diligence, not lazy, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (Romans 12:11)
Listen to your faithful.
Feedback does not mean receiving criticism, it also means knowing what the faithful are saying. Sometimes they may have doubts, fears, needs they wish to express, and if we walk in an unlistening attitude of heart and refuse to listen, then what example of motivation do we give to the faithful? How do we want parishioners to become involved and part of God’s Family?
It’s knowing how to listen to what they say. Do we want people motivated to serve? So let us listen to what they have to say, for sometimes God can use someone’s opinion to improve something that is not right or to support that service that is needed from something. Every man shall soon be to hear, late to speak, late to anger (James 1:19).
Gratitude is Golden.
Gratitude is indispensable if we want to motivate our faithful to serve. Let us not thank the faithful for receiving a reward for the service performed. Thank the effort you have received. A simple Thank you can be more than enough, so they will feel that their effort is worth it.
But the gratitude must be heartfelt, not words. Recognize the discipline and behavior of members who help spread values and also encourage sharing that effort with others so that the parishioner is motivated to participate and fully integrates as a united community. I thank the one who strengthened me, Christ Jesus our Lord, for he was faithful to me, putting me in the ministry (1 Timothy 1:12).
Evaluate Tasks, not People.
Many times we fall into the mistake of judging people based on their actions, not knowing why they do it or what motives they had to act in that way. We all at some point have reason to do our actions, whether right or wrong. God did not put us as judges, He commanded us to preach His Word and live according to His will. If we live by judging others by what they do and do not understand their actions, how will we expect to motivate faithful to serve and follow Christ’s example?
Let’s avoid sub judging for lack of information. We evaluate the actions, whether they are appropriate or not, and from it, whether the person is able to improve or worsen for it. Don’t you make distinctions between yourselves, and you come to be judges with bad thoughts? (Santiago 2:4).
Motivators Are Confident.
Let us not hesitate or hesitate to do what we do, for if we show insecurity or hesitation, even those who hear the message will feel the same and do not want to participate. If we are to motivate the faithful to serve, let us do it without hesitation. Let’s show firmly that we’re doing the right thing, even if we’re afraid inside. For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, of love, and of self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).
Many motivators are characterized by being confident in what they do, even when they are in difficult situations. Let us not let emotions paralyze us from giving the message or calling to serve those who are really willing. Let us be strong and courageous and trust in the power of God. Not with an army, nor with strength, but with my Spirit, said the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 4:6).
Move into Future / Not Living in Past.
A common mistake for many refusing to serve is that the servants of greater stay often remember with mockery and contempt the mistakes of other faithful who came to serve. Not bringing up bad things is a necessary step to attract faithful to serve. No one likes to be reminded at all times by his dirty rags, and as the Word says: I am the one who erases your rebellions for the sake of myself and will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25).
The brethren are corrected with love and firmness, but also with meekness.
If we are unable to forget mistakes, we are telling the faithful that the same will happen to them when they choose to serve in the Church and will not want to take the step forward. Mistakes must be kept discretion and avoid falling into gossip and disunity.
As stated above, make no difference between people. Our ability to motivate will be less effective if we differentiate between persons. It may seem good at first because we don’t know anyone, but avoid keeping those differences over time, because they tend to discriminate against servers and destroy the good deed they’re doing. May your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ be without the meaning of people (Santiago 2:1).
Being Fair means giving everyone their due. It’s not being egalitarian, it’s fair. Discrimination prevents the growth of ministry, equally, the faithful, feeling discriminated against, and leave the church and parishioners are unmotivated to join in serve. It means that unity and teamwork are paramount so that people feel exhorted to serve.
Be reliable in everything you do.
Being reliable is the foundation of trust. Reliability does not come from what is said or done, but is the result of the cohesion maintained over time. The first to demonstrate reliability is the pastoral team, demonstrating trust and natural affection for the congregation.
Fear and insecurity do not allow an ideal environment to motivate you to serve. Neither is mistrust. It is worth distrusting at first, but a constant environment of distrust does not allow us to achieve goals and objectives
. Let us be sincere and honest in communicating and appointing tasks, even if the brother is a neophyte in what he does. Giving her the opportunity to build and contribute to the Church is important because by doing so, she will serve as an example for the faithful who later come and want to join in Church Family.
Paul – I have Run The Race
If you want to develop in the faithful the motivation to serve God, integrate it in your daily work. Jesus kept the goal before him, even if they criticize him and even treated him like he was crazy. Although at first, others will be uncomfortable with their behavior, is there anything wrong with integrating into the spiritual realm objectives that one considers to be of the highest value in life, and that perseverance will have a positive impact on the congregation?
Don’t be frustrated if the first day no one follows. It may take several days, weeks, and even months, and even the result will not be the one you imagine, but you do not give up. Keep motivating, keep insisting. Entrust your steps to God and defend your goal to the end. Faithful is the one who calls you, who will also (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
Do Everything for the Glory of God.
Let us not forget that all we do is to honor and glorify God and his Church. It is the most important task when motivating to serve. Stand in prayer, persevere in the Word, and do not give up.
Do not fade, nor stop believing in yourself in others, because this will lead to ruin. Don’t be obsessed with goals, accomplishments, or results beyond what God allows.
Many times God’s plan is unknown and sometimes, with what is given to him, he can work great changes and exhort the masses. Remember that serving others is of great esteem to God and helps the Church to stand together in love, in vigil, and family as befits brothers and sisters.
Motivation does not depend on the shepherd, the faithful, or the gratification to receive. It is excellent to exhort brothers and sisters to serve. We must know how to balance and stand firm in prayer, asking God to add every day those who are destined to serve in his Church. Let us not tire of doing well, for in time we will know if we do not faint (Galatians 6:9).
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