First Time Visitors – Greet them, Introduce yourself, Give them a Bulletin of today’s events, Show a map of the facility, restrooms, if they have children assist them to find the appropriate classes and locations. Above all realize God is Drawing them for a reason.
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How to Welcome First Time Visitors to Church
Church attendance has been declining in America for decades. Many churches are looking to increase their congregation numbers by creating a welcoming environment for new visitors. If you have never visited your church’s building before, here are some tips on how to make an impression and feel like you’re at home!
Welcoming Ministry
The purpose of this team is to make people feel welcome when they are visiting the church for the first time. This team should be made up of people who are friendly and outgoing. They will greet visitors as they walk in the door, offer them a church bulletin, and show them where to sit. Jump to Church Greetings and Salutations: 5 Ways to Greet a Church Congregation

When you arrive at your church, there should be someone available to greet you. Make sure to smile and say hello! The greeter will give you a church bulletin and explain where to sit. How to Welcome First Time Visitors to Church
Church Bulletin
The church bulletin is a resource for new visitors, including worship service information such as the order of the service and times that children’s ministry will be offered. It also includes: Directions on how to get there Parking options What time fellowship hour begins A word from your pastor Your welcome letter
Fellowship Hour
Invite new visitors to fellowship hour before or after the worship service. This is a great way for them to meet other church members and learn about your church’s community. Fellowship hour should always include food, such as donuts and coffee during morning services, and pizza in the evening! It also helps if there are board games available for people to play, or tables where they can sit and talk.
Treat Visitors like Family
Don’t forget the most important part of welcoming your first-time visitors… make them feel like family! This is not something that you do once; this should be a place of community where you truly care about the well-being of everyone who visits.
What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish
Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines
Welcoming Ministry There Early
The Welcoming Ministry should be there early to help set up for the worship service. This includes putting out church bulletins, setting up signage, and making sure that the greeter area is ready to go.
Ministry Team – Greeters at the door
- Friendly can be a husband and wife team
- Teenager and an adult
- Grandparent and Grandchild

Make sure there is someone available to greet people as they walk in the door
It takes a lot of courage to visit a new church, your mind is full of questions and you are in unfamiliar surroundings. Make sure there is someone available to greet you as soon as you walk in the door.
Introduce yourself or ask the greeter to introduce themselves, offer a handshake, and welcome them.
The greeter should also be prepared to answer questions about who they are, where is the bathroom located, how do I get into the sanctuary (where church services happen), etc. It can help to have some pamphlets on hand that give an overview of the church and its services.
If you are unable to greet people in person, make sure someone is manning the front desk or answering phones so that visitors can get help when they need it.
Church greeter’s role:
The role of a church greeter is vitally important – they are the first person that visitors meet and they set the tone for the rest of the visit. Church greeters should be welcoming, friendly, and helpful. They should be prepared to answer any questions that visitors have and help them get acclimated to their new surroundings. If you are unable to greet people in person, make sure someone is manning the front desk or answering phones so that visitors can get help when they need it.
Introduce Yourself and Welcome them Warmly.
The church can be an intimidating place for first-time visitors, but with a warm welcome from the congregation, they’ll feel right at home. The person greeting should have a warm, friendly, positive, and welcoming demeanor. In a very easy-going way befriend them and make them feel comfortable. Make sure to smile and look them in the eye. If you don’t know the person, introduce yourself and ask their name. It’s also a good idea to find out why they are visiting your church today.
Avoid being too personal, but be friendly and helpful in a non-pushy way.
Introduce them around the room if possible pointing out where things go such as bathrooms or children’s areas. Explain what is going on for that service whether it is bible study, a sermon, or just a time of worship.
If there is something you think the visitor might like to know such as an upcoming event or activity, let them know about it and invite them to come back.
The church can be an intimidating place for first-time visitors, but with a warm welcome from the congregation, they’ll feel right at home.
Offer something that will help them get Oriented
You can give them something that will help them get oriented when they visit your church for the first time. This could be a map of the facility or information about upcoming events. If they are able to find what they are looking for, it will make their experience much more pleasant.
Can be a copy of the day’s events or a map of the facility.
Make sure that all information is up to date and accurate.
If you have a website, include a link to it on the brochure.
This will help them find out more information if they want
This will give them something to take notes on or when they get home they can look up the website for more information.
If you have a church app, include a QR code that will take them right to the download page.
This will make it easy for them to get the information they need without having to search for it.
Make sure that all of your contact information is included on the brochure in case they have any questions.
This will make it easy for them to get in touch with you if they need anything.
Hopefully, by providing first-time visitors with some helpful information, you can make their experience a positive one. Welcoming new people into your church is an important part of showing the love of Christ to them.
Final Thoughts – How to Welcome First Time Visitors to Church
You want to welcome people and be clothed in the love of Jesus. Thinking Spiritually God is drawing them to his light let them see Jesus’ Reflection in you. You are the first impression of a city set on a Hill.