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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say About Circumcision

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say About Circumcision

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say About Circumcision

  1. What does the Bible say about circumcision?
    A. It is commanded
    B. It is forbidden
    C. It is not mentioned
    D. It is optional
  2. What was the original purpose of circumcision according to the Bible?
    A. A sign of the covenant between God and Abraham
    B. A symbol of religious devotion
    C. A sign of social status
    D. A sign of purity
  3. Who were the first people to practice circumcision according to the Bible?
    A. The Israelites
    B. The Egyptians
    C. Abraham and his descendants
    D. Adam and Eve
  4. In what book of the Bible is circumcision first mentioned?
    A. Genesis
    B. Exodus
    C. Leviticus
    D. Numbers
  5. What is the significance of circumcision in Christianity?
    A. A sign of repentance
    B. A sign of faith
    C. A sign of obedience
    D. A sign of devotion
  6. How was circumcision performed in the Bible?
    A. With a knife
    B. With a stone blade
    C. With a flint knife
    D. With a sharp rock
  7. What was the punishment for not being circumcised in the Bible?
    A. Death
    B. Exile
    C. Banishment
    D. Excommunication
  8. In what book of the Bible does circumcision become a requirement for all males?
    A. Genesis
    B. Exodus
    C. Leviticus
    D. Numbers
  9. What does the Bible say about circumcision for women?
    A. It is commanded
    B. It is forbidden
    C. It is optional
    D. It is not mentioned
  10. What is the spiritual significance of circumcision?
    A. Removal of sin
    B. Dedication to God
    C. Commitment to the faith
    D. A symbol of obedience
  11. What covenant was circumcision a sign of in the Bible?
    A. The Covenant of Law
    B. The Covenant of Abraham
    C. The Covenant of Marriage
    D. The Covenant of Redemption
  12. What does the Bible say about circumcising infants?
    A. It must be done
    B. It is optional
    C. It is forbidden
    D. It is not mentioned
  13. What was the purpose of circumcision in the Old Testament?
    A. A sign of religious devotion
    B. A sign of the covenant between God and Israel
    C. A sign of obedience to God
    D. A sign of social status
  14. What is the difference between circumcision and baptism?
    A. Baptism is spiritual and circumcision is physical
    B. Baptism is optional and circumcision is mandatory
    C. Baptism is mandatory and circumcision is optional
    D. Baptism is done publicly and circumcision is done privately
  15. What does the New Testament say about circumcision?
    A. It is still required
    B. It is no longer necessary
    C. It is optional
    D. It is now forbidden

Answers to Above Questions with Description

  1. A. It is commanded
  2. A. A sign of the covenant between God and Abraham
  3. C. Abraham and his descendants
  4. A. Genesis
  5. B. A sign of faith
  6. B. With a stone blade
  7. A. Death
  8. B. Exodus
  9. D. It is not mentioned
  10. D. A symbol of obedience
  11. B. The Covenant of Abraham
  12. B. It is optional
  13. B. A sign of the covenant between God and Israel
  14. A. Baptism is spiritual and circumcision is physical
  15. B. It is no longer necessary


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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