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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Golgatha

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about Golgatha

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about Golgatha

  1. What is the location of Golgatha mentioned in the Bible?
    A. The Temple of Jerusalem
    B. The Garden of Gethsemane
    C. The Hill of Calvary
    D. The Sea of Galilee
  2. What is the meaning of Golgatha in the Bible?
    A. The Place of the Skull
    B. The Place of the Dead
    C. The Place of the Cross
    D. The Place of Sacrifice
  3. What is the significance of Golgatha in the Bible?
    A. It was the site of Jesus’s trial
    B. It was the site of Jesus’s crucifixion
    C. It was the site of Jesus’s resurrection
    D. It was the site of Jesus’s ascension
  4. What is the name of the mountain where Golgatha is located?
    A. Mount Sinai
    B. Mount Tabor
    C. Mount of Olives
    D. Mount Calvary
  5. According to the Bible, who were the witnesses to Jesus’s crucifixion on Golgatha?
    A. The disciples
    B. The Romans
    C. The Jews
    D. The Pharisees
  6. Who asked for Jesus to be crucified on Golgatha?
    A. The Jews
    B. The Romans
    C. The Sanhedrin
    D. The High Priest
  7. According to the Bible, what did the Roman soldiers do on Golgatha?
    A. They gambled for Jesus’s clothing
    B. They nailed Jesus to the cross
    C. They mocked Jesus
    D. They spat on Jesus
  8. What was the purpose of Jesus’s crucifixion on Golgatha?
    A. To pay the price of sin
    B. To bring salvation to the world
    C. To make an example of Jesus
    D. To show his power over death
  9. What did Jesus say on Golgatha?
    A. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
    B. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”
    C. “It is finished”
    D. “Behold, I am the Son of God”
  10. Who offered Jesus a drink of wine mixed with myrrh on Golgatha?
    A. John the Baptist
    B. The Roman soldiers
    C. Mary Magdalene
    D. Nicodemus
  11. According to the Bible, who asked for Jesus’s body after his death on Golgatha?
    A. Mary Magdalene
    B. John the Baptist
    C. Joseph of Arimathea
    D. Nicodemus
  12. What did the Roman soldiers do with Jesus’s body after his death on Golgatha?
    A. They buried him in a tomb
    B. They burned his body
    C. They threw it into the sea
    D. They left it on the cross
  13. What happened to Jesus’s body three days after his death on Golgatha?
    A. He was resurrected
    B. He was taken to heaven
    C. He was taken to hell
    D. He was taken to the Temple
  14. According to the Bible, who witnessed Jesus’s resurrection from the dead on Golgatha?
    A. The disciples
    B. The Jews
    C. The Romans
    D. The Sanhedrin
  15. What did the Bible say happened at Golgatha?
    A. Jesus was crucified
    B. Jesus was resurrected
    C. The veil in the Temple was torn
    D. Jesus ascended into heaven

Answers to above Questions With Description

  1. C. The Hill of Calvary
  2. A. The Place of the Skull
  3. B. It was the site of Jesus’s crucifixion
  4. D. Mount Calvary
  5. B. The Romans
  6. B. The Romans
  7. C. They mocked Jesus
  8. A. To pay the price of sin
  9. B. “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”
  10. B. The Roman soldiers
  11. C. Joseph of Arimathea
  12. A. They buried him in a tomb
  13. A. He was resurrected
  14. A. The disciples
  15. B. Jesus was resurrected


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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