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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Atonement

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about Atonement

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about Atonement

  1. How did Jesus atone for our sins?
    a. Through prayer
    b. By offering Himself as a Sacrifice
    c. Through fasting
    d. By forgiving others
  2. What did Jesus sacrifice on the Cross?
    a. His will
    b. His life
    c. His faith
    d. His pride
  3. How did Jesus fulfill His mission of atonement?
    a. By dying on the cross
    b. By performing miracles
    c. By spreading the gospel
    d. By praying for others
  4. What did Jesus accomplish by atoning for our sins?
    a. He reconciled us to God
    b. He justified us before God
    c. He sanctified us before God
    d. He abolished sin
  5. What did Jesus do to atone for our sins?
    a. He suffered
    b. He died
    c. He shed His blood
    d. He paid the price
  6. What is the significance of Jesus’s atonement?
    a. It demonstrates God’s love for us
    b. It shows us how to live a holy life
    c. It provides us with an example of how to forgive others
    d. It gives us hope for salvation
  7. What does the Bible say about Jesus’s atonement?
    a. It is a demonstration of God’s grace
    b. It is a reminder of our sin
    c. It is a sign of God’s wrath
    d. It is a reminder of God’s justice
  8. How does the Bible describe Jesus’s atonement?
    a. Atonement is an act of love
    b. Atonement is an act of mercy
    c. Atonement is an act of justice
    d. Atonement is an act of faith
  9. What did Jesus do on the cross to atone for our sins?
    a. He was crucified
    b. He was scourged
    c. He was mocked
    d. He was buried
  10. Why did Jesus atone for our sins?
    a. To show us how to live
    b. To save us from our sins
    c. To enable us to be reconciled with God
    d. To demonstrate His love for us
  11. What does the Bible say about the effects of Jesus’s atonement?
    a. We are redeemed and justified
    b. We are sanctified and saved
    c. We are forgiven and renewed
    d. We are purified and enlightened
  12. What does the Bible say about the purpose of Jesus’s atonement?
    a. To bring us peace and joy
    b. To bring us hope and salvation
    c. To bring us wisdom and understanding
    d. To bring us love and forgiveness
  13. How does Jesus’s atonement bring us closer to God?
    a. By offering us a way to be reconciled with God
    b. By providing us with a way to access His grace
    c. By giving us the opportunity to be forgiven
    d. By allowing us to experience His love
  14. What does the Bible say about the power of Jesus’s atonement?
    a. It has the power to restore us to God
    b. It has the power to transform us
    c. It has the power to save us
    d. It has the power to renew us
  15. What does the Bible say about the ultimate result of Jesus’s atonement?
    a. We will be redeemed
    b. We will be restored
    c. We will be saved
    d. We will be forgiven

Answers to Above Questions with Answers with Description

  1. B. By offering Himself as a Sacrifice – Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice on the cross to atone for the sins of humanity.
  2. B. His life – Jesus sacrificed his own life in order to atone for the sins of humanity.
  3. A. By dying on the cross – Jesus fulfilled His mission of atonement by dying on the cross for the sins of all mankind.
  4. A. He reconciled us to God – By atoning for our sins, Jesus reconciled us to God, allowing us to be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with Him.
  5. C. He shed His blood – Jesus shed His blood on the cross in order to atone for our sins.
  6. A. It demonstrates God’s love for us – Jesus’ atonement demonstrates God’s love for us, as He was willing to lay down His life to redeem us from our sins.
  7. A. It is a demonstration of God’s grace – The Bible states that Jesus’ atonement is a demonstration of God’s grace and mercy towards us.
  8. B. An act of mercy – The Bible describes Jesus’ atonement as an act of mercy and love, demonstrating His willingness to give us a way to be reconciled with God.
  9. A. He was crucified – Jesus was crucified on the cross in order to atone for our sins.
  10. B. To save us from our sins – Jesus atoned for our sins in order to save us from the consequences of our sins and to restore us to a right relationship with God.
  11. A. We are redeemed and justified – The effects of Jesus’ atonement are that we are redeemed and justified before God.
  12. B. To bring us hope and salvation – The purpose of Jesus’ atonement is to bring us hope and salvation through His death and resurrection.
  13. A. By offering us a way to be reconciled with God – Jesus’ atonement brings us closer to God by offering us a way to be reconciled with Him.
  14. A. It has the power to restore us to God – The Bible states that Jesus’ atonement has the power to restore us to God, allowing us to be forgiven and renewed.
  15. D. We will be forgiven – The ultimate result of Jesus’ atonement is that we will be forgiven of our sins and restored to a right relationship with God.


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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