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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Poisoning your Body

What Does the Bible Say about poisoning your Body

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about poisoning your Body with Food, Drink or Other Substances

  1. What does the Bible say about consuming food and drink that is unclean or unhealthy?
    A. It is a sin
    B. It is permissible
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is discouraged
  2. According to the Bible, what should be avoided when it comes to food and drink?
    A. Anything that contains sugar
    B. Anything that is not organic
    C. Anything that is unclean or unhealthy
    D. Anything that is not from a reputable source
  3. What is the Biblical commandment regarding the consumption of alcohol?
    A. Do not drink
    B. Drink in moderation
    C. Drink in excess
    D. Drink whenever you want
  4. According to the Bible, what is the appropriate response to those who are intoxicated?
    A. Ignore them
    B. Criticize them
    C. Show compassion
    D. Judge them
  5. What does the Bible say about using drugs to alter one’s state of mind?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  6. What does the Bible say about consuming food or drink for the purpose of getting a “high”?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  7. According to the Bible, what should be the primary purpose of consuming food and drink?
    A. To get drunk
    B. To satisfy hunger
    C. To get a high
    D. To fulfill desires
  8. What does the Bible say about using food and drink to numb pain or suffering?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  9. What does the Bible say about using food and drink to escape reality?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  10. According to the Bible, what should be our primary motivation for consuming food and drink?
    A. To satisfy our desires
    B. To enjoy the experience
    C. To please God
    D. To escape reality
  11. What does the Bible say about using food and drink as a way to control or manipulate others?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  12. What does the Bible say about consuming food and drink to satisfy selfish desires?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  13. What does the Bible say about using food and drink to bring glory to God?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin
  14. According to the Bible, what should be done when it comes to consuming food and drink?
    A. Enjoy it in moderation
    B. Overindulge whenever possible
    C. Refrain from it
    D. Abstain from it
  15. What does the Bible say about poisoning one’s body with food, drink or other substances?
    A. It is permissible
    B. It is discouraged
    C. It is encouraged
    D. It is a sin

Answers to above questions with Description

  1. D. It is discouraged
  2. C. Anything that is unclean or unhealthy
  3. A. Do not drink
  4. C. Show compassion
  5. B. It is discouraged
  6. B. It is discouraged
  7. B. To satisfy hunger
  8. B. It is discouraged
  9. B. It is discouraged
  10. C. To please God
  11. B. It is discouraged
  12. B. It is discouraged
  13. C. It is encouraged
  14. A. Enjoy it in moderation
  15. B. It is discouraged


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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