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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say Not to Do on the Sabbath

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say Not to Do on the Sabbath

15 Multiple choice questions on the What Does the Bible Say Not to Do on the Sabbath

  1. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Work
    B. Play
    C. Pray
    D. Rest
  2. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Play games
    B. Worship God
    C. Plant crops
    D. Gather wood
  3. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Cook food
    B. Sing hymns
    C. Carry burdens
    D. Go to church
  4. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Offer sacrifices
    B. Build fires
    C. Go to the beach
    D. Read the Bible
  5. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Shop
    B. Eat
    C. Attend meetings
    D. Make crafts
  6. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Go fishing
    B. Create art
    C. Bake bread
    D. Travel
  7. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Study
    B. Pray
    C. Plant
    D. Reap
  8. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Rest
    B. Take a nap
    C. Buy or sell
    D. Gather stones
  9. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Light a lamp
    B. Play music
    C. Write letters
    D. Tell stories
  10. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Plow
    B. Gather food
    C. Perform miracles
    D. Cook food
  11. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Go to the movies
    B. Visit friends
    C. Go for a walk
    D. Reap the harvest
  12. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Visit a temple
    B. Pray for others
    C. Do laundry
    D. Brew beer
  13. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Worship idols
    B. Make weapons
    C. Perform labor
    D. Draw water
  14. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Give gifts
    B. Seek medical help
    C. Cook food
    D. Play sports
  15. What does the Bible say not to do on the Sabbath?
    A. Sing songs
    B. Take a journey
    C. Wash clothes
    D. Work in the garden

Answers it above Questions with an answer

  1. A. Work
  2. C. Plant crops
  3. C. Carry burdens
  4. A. Offer sacrifices
  5. C. Attend meetings
  6. A. Go fishing
  7. C. Plant
  8. C. Buy or sell
  9. D. Tell stories
  10. A. Plow
  11. C. Go for a walk
  12. D. Brew beer
  13. C. Perform labor
  14. B. Seek medical help
  15. B. Take a journey


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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