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Quiz – The Church of England

Quiz - The Church of England

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic The Church of England

Quiz – The Church of England

  1. What is the official name for the Church of England?
    A. The Anglican Church
    B. The Protestant Church
    C. The Catholic Church
    D. The Episcopal Church
  2. What is the highest position in the Church of England?
    A. Archbishop
    B. Bishop
    C. Pope
    D. Vicar
  3. What document is considered to be the Church of England’s founding document?
    A. The Magna Carta
    B. The King James Bible
    C. The 39 Articles
    D. The Westminster Confession
  4. In what year did the Church of England break away from the Roman Catholic Church?
    A. 1075
    B. 1534
    C. 1662
    D. 1717
  5. Who is the current leader of the Church of England?
    A. Queen Elizabeth II
    B. Archbishop of Canterbury
    C. The Pope
    D. The Archbishop of York
  6. What is the Church of England’s official stance on homosexuality?
    A. It is a sin
    B. It should be accepted
    C. It is a matter of personal opinion
    D. It should be discouraged
  7. What is the Church of England’s stance on the ordination of women?
    A. It is prohibited
    B. It is allowed
    C. It is a matter of personal opinion
    D. It should be encouraged
  8. What is the main liturgical language used in the Church of England?
    A. Latin
    B. Greek
    C. Hebrew
    D. English
  9. What is the name of the Church of England’s governing body?
    A. The General Synod
    B. The Anglican Synod
    C. The Westminster Assembly
    D. The Ecclesiastical Council
  10. What type of church is the Church of England?
    A. Protestant
    B. Catholic
    C. Orthodox
    D. Anglican
  11. What is the official religion of the United Kingdom?
    A. Protestantism
    B. Catholicism
    C. Judaism
    D. Christianity
  12. What is the role of the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England?
    A. He is the spiritual leader
    B. He is the political leader
    C. He is the legal leader
    D. He is the administrative leader
  13. How is the Church of England funded?
    A. Donations
    B. Government grants
    C. Taxation
    D. Investment income
  14. What is the difference between the Church of England and the Church of Scotland?
    A. The Church of England is Protestant and the Church of Scotland is Catholic
    B. The Church of England is Anglican and the Church of Scotland is Presbyterian
    C. The Church of England is Catholic and the Church of Scotland is Protestant
    D. The Church of England is Episcopal and the Church of Scotland is Lutheran
  15. What is the Church of England’s official stance on abortion?
    A. It is a sin
    B. It should be accepted
    C. It is a matter of personal opinion
    D. It should be discouraged

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