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Quiz – Why Does the Bible Say Eye for an Eye

Why Does the Bible Say Eye for an Eye

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – Why Does the Bible Say Eye for an Eye

  1. What does the phrase “eye for an eye” come from?
    a. The Ten Commandments
    b. The book of Proverbs
    c. The book of Exodus
    d. The book of Leviticus
  2. What is the purpose of the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. To bring justice to the wronged party
    b. To ensure the guilty are punished
    c. To deter people from causing harm
    d. To forgive the guilty
  3. What does the phrase “eye for an eye” mean?
    a. To inflict the same amount of harm as was done to another
    b. To forgive the wrongdoer
    c. To restore the balance of justice
    d. To take revenge on the offender
  4. What is another name for the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. The law of retribution
    b. The law of retaliation
    c. The law of reparation
    d. The law of reconciliation
  5. According to the Bible, how should the phrase “eye for an eye” be applied?
    a. In a literal sense
    b. In a symbolic sense
    c. In a spiritual sense
    d. In a metaphorical sense
  6. What is the main idea behind the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. To bring justice to the wronged party
    b. To punish the guilty
    c. To restore balance in the world
    d. To take revenge on the offender
  7. What did Jesus say in reference to the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. That it should be practiced
    b. That it should be ignored
    c. That it should be applied in a certain way
    d. That it should be followed to the letter
  8. What does the Bible say about revenge?
    a. It is never justified
    b. It is sometimes justified
    c. It should only be done by God
    d. It should be done in an appropriate manner
  9. What does the Bible say about justice?
    a. It should be done in a speedy manner
    b. It should be done in a fair and impartial manner
    c. It should be done in a strict manner
    d. It should be done in a biased manner
  10. What is one way to interpret the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. It means that people should be punished in the same way they have caused harm
    b. It means that people should be punished in a way that is equal to the amount of harm caused
    c. It means that people should be punished in a way that is proportional to the amount of harm caused
    d. It means that people should be punished in a way that is greater than the amount of harm caused
  11. What is an alternative to the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
    b. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord
    c. Two wrongs don’t make a right
    d. An eye for a tooth
  12. What is the purpose of the phrase “eye for an eye” in the Bible?
    a. To promote justice
    b. To promote revenge
    c. To promote forgiveness
    d. To promote compassion
  13. Is the phrase “eye for an eye” meant to be taken literally?
    a. Yes
    b. No
    c. Sometimes
    d. It depends
  14. How does the phrase “eye for an eye” relate to modern law?
    a. It is often used in a literal sense
    b. It is often used in a metaphorical sense
    c. It is often used as a deterrent
    d. It is often used as a punishment
  15. What is the underlying message of the phrase “eye for an eye”?
    a. That justice should be served in an equal manner
    b. That revenge is never justified
    c. That punishment should be proportional to the crime
    d. That retribution is the only way to achieve justice

Answers with Description

  1. C – The phrase “eye for an eye” comes from the Book of Exodus.
  2. A – The purpose of the phrase “eye for an eye” is to bring justice to the wronged party.
  3. A – The phrase “eye for an eye” means to inflict the same amount of harm as was done to another.
  4. B – Another name for the phrase “eye for an eye” is the law of retaliation.
  5. B – According to the Bible, the phrase “eye for an eye” should be applied in a symbolic sense.
  6. A – The main idea behind the phrase “eye for an eye” is to bring justice to the wronged party.
  7. C – Jesus said that the phrase “eye for an eye” should be applied in a certain way.
  8. A – The Bible says that revenge is never justified.
  9. B – The Bible says that justice should be done in a fair and impartial manner.
  10. C – One way to interpret the phrase “eye for an eye” is that people should be punished in a way that is proportional to the amount of harm caused.
  11. A – An alternative to the phrase “eye for an eye” is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.
  12. A – The purpose of the phrase “eye for an eye” in the Bible is to promote justice.
  13. B – The phrase “eye for an eye” is not meant to be taken literally.
  14. C – The phrase “eye for an eye” is often used as a deterrent in modern law.
  15. A – The underlying message of the phrase “eye for an eye” is that justice should be served in an equal manner.


  • Darlene & Greg

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