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Quiz – What The Bible says about Surrender

Quiz - What The Bible says about Surrender

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What The Bible says about Surrender

Quiz – What The Bible says about Surrender

  1. What does the Bible say about surrender?
    A. It’s an act of submission to another
    B. It’s an act of faith
    C. It’s an act of helplessness
    D. It’s an act of obedience
  2. What did Jesus say about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring contentment
  3. Where did Jesus tell his disciples to surrender?
    A. To the enemy
    B. To the world
    C. To God
    D. To His will
  4. What did the Apostle Paul say about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring strength
  5. What did Jesus say about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring contentment
  6. What did Jesus say to the woman at the well about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring salvation
  7. What did Jesus say to the rich young ruler about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring righteousness
  8. What did Peter say about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring repentance
  9. What did James say about surrendering to God?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring wisdom
  10. What did Jesus say about surrendering to God in the Lord’s Prayer?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring submission
  11. What did Paul say about surrendering to God in Romans 12?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring offering
  12. What did Paul say about surrendering to God in Philippians 2?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring obedience
  13. What did Paul say about surrendering to God in 1 Peter 5?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring surrender
  14. What did Jesus say about surrendering to God in Matthew 16?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring sacrifice
  15. What did Jesus say about surrendering to God in John 15?
    A. He said it would bring peace
    B. He said it would bring joy
    C. He said it would bring humility
    D. He said it would bring obedience

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What The Bible says about Surrender | God | Bible Verses | PDF | Quiz |Unique Facts | Classes

Surrender: Bible Verses about Surrender to God


  • Darlene & Greg

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