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Quiz- What the Bible Says about Forgiveness

Quiz- What the Bible Says about Forgiveness

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What the Bible Says about Forgiveness

What the Bible Says about Forgiveness

  1. According to the Bible, what is the primary purpose of forgiveness?
    A. To restore relationships
    B. To punish wrongdoing
    C. To remove guilt
    D. To bring glory to God
  2. According to the Bible, what must happen before someone can be forgiven?
    A. The wrongdoer must repent
    B. The wrongdoer must make amends
    C. The wrongdoer must be forgiven by God
    D. The wrongdoer must forgive others
  3. According to the Bible, what does God require us to do if we want to be forgiven?
    A. Love our enemies
    B. Give generously to others
    C. Acknowledge our sins
    D. Ask for forgiveness
  4. According to the Bible, what does it mean to forgive someone?
    A. To forget what happened
    B. To no longer feel anger or resentment
    C. To excuse a person’s wrongdoing
    D. To restore a relationship
  5. According to the Bible, how many times is a person supposed to forgive another?
    A. As many times as it takes
    B. Three times
    C. Seven times
    D. Seventy times seven
  6. According to the Bible, what is the importance of forgiving others?
    A. To show mercy
    B. To demonstrate love
    C. To experience peace
    D. All of the above
  7. According to the Bible, what does it mean to be forgiven by God?
    A. To be given a clean slate
    B. To receive a second chance
    C. To be released from guilt
    D. All of the above
  8. According to the Bible, what is the key to forgiving others?
    A. Understanding
    B. Compassion
    C. Humility
    D. Patience
  9. According to the Bible, what does it mean to be “covered in the blood of Jesus”?
    A. To be protected from harm
    B. To be cleansed from sin
    C. To receive God’s forgiveness
    D. To be given eternal life
  10. According to the Bible, what is the result of forgiving someone?
    A. Strengthening relationships
    B. Releasing bitterness
    C. Becoming more like God
    D. All of the above
  11. According to the Bible, what is the power of forgiveness?
    A. To reconcile relationships
    B. To bring healing
    C. To restore hope
    D. All of the above
  12. According to the Bible, what is the purpose of the Lord’s Prayer?
    A. To teach us how to pray
    B. To show us how to forgive
    C. To remind us of God’s love
    D. All of the above
  13. According to the Bible, what is the importance of confession?
    A. To admit wrongs to God
    B. To seek forgiveness
    C. To experience repentance
    D. All of the above
  14. According to the Bible, how can we be assured of God’s forgiveness?
    A. Through prayer
    B. Through confession
    C. Through faith
    D. All of the above
  15. According to the Bible, what is the ultimate expression of forgiveness?
    A. Asking for forgiveness
    B. Giving forgiveness
    C. Accepting forgiveness
    D. Showing mercy
    You Can Uses these Questions in your Small Group or Class

What Does the Bible Say about Unforgiveness | Bible | PDF | Quiz | Bible Verses

Forgiveness: Bible Verses about Forgiveness

What Does the Bible Say about Forgiveness and Healing | Bible | Forgiving | Classes


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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