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Decoding the Biblical Character: The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible โ€“ The origin of the name Pricilla is thought to have come from the Latin word โ€œpriscusโ€, which translates to โ€œancientโ€ or โ€œoldโ€. This is thought to be the source for the nameโ€™s use in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament. Dive into the captivating tale of Priscilla in the Bible and her profound influence. Unearth the true meaning of Priscilla in the Bible in this comprehensive exploration.

The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

As we delve into the rich tapestry of biblical narratives, itโ€™s fascinating to spotlight the unsung heroes whose impact resonates throughout the ages. One such dynamic character is Priscilla. A woman who stands as a beacon of faith, hospitality, and discipleship in the New Testament, Priscillaโ€™s story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of faith and action. But what is the true meaning of Priscilla in the Bible?

Priscilla: A Snapshot

Who is Priscilla?

Priscilla, often paired with her husband Aquila in the New Testament, emerges as a key figure in the early Christian church. She was a tentmaker by trade, but her influence extends far beyond her profession. Priscillaโ€™s life exemplifies the active role of women in early Christianity, and her teachings have had a lasting impact on the churchโ€™s theological landscape.

The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

Priscilla and Aquila: A Dynamic Duo

15 Remarkable Women Bible Characters: Their Stories and Impact | Bible | Women

Working hand in hand with her husband Aquila, Priscilla played an integral role in establishing Christian communities. Known for their hospitality, they opened their home to believers and served as hosts for church gatherings. This level of involvement was no small feat in the societal context of their time.

Pricilla was a Tentmaker

Tentmaking, a profession cited in the New Testament, was a widespread and crucial trade during Biblical times. Priscilla, Aquila, and even Apostle Paul, were tentmakers by profession, which provided not only a source of income but also a means to support their missionary work. This profession, although seemingly humble, had a profound significance and intricate aspects worth exploring.

  1. A Common Occupation: Tentmaking was a prevalent trade in the Greco-Roman world. The occupation entailed creating tents and other similar structures that were used for various purposes, including housing, military campaigns, and market stalls. This demand made tentmaking a lucrative and sustainable profession.
  2. Use of Leather and Goat Hair: Tentmakers primarily used sturdy and weather-resistant materials like leather and goat hair, known as cilicium. The latter was especially associated with the region of Cilicia, where Paul was born. These materials provided durability and protection from diverse weather conditions, ensuring the tentsโ€™ practicality and longevity.
  3. Highly Portable Shelters: Tents during this time were designed to be easily transportable. This portability was vital for nomadic communities, military campaigns, traveling merchants, and religious pilgrims, who required robust and mobile shelter options.
  4. Trade and Travel: Tentmakers often traveled as their work demanded. This itinerant lifestyle offered opportunities to meet diverse groups of people and spread the Christian faith, much like Paul and Priscilla did. Therefore, tentmaking was not just a trade; it was also a conduit for evangelism.
  5. Skilled Labor: The craft of tentmaking required specific skills in cutting, sewing, and joining heavy materials. Mastery of these skills often took years of training and experience, suggesting that tentmakers were highly skilled artisans.
  6. Self-Supporting Ministry: For Christian evangelists like Paul, tentmaking was a means to earn a living without being a financial burden on the early churches. It allowed for a self-supporting ministry, facilitating independence and minimizing potential criticisms about financial motives.
  7. Societal Implications: As a tentmaker, one would typically engage with people from various social classes, from soldiers and traders to nomads and religious pilgrims. This gave tentmakers unique insights into the diversity of human experiences and societal structures of their time.
  8. Metaphorical Significance: The trade of tentmaking also carries metaphorical significance in the New Testament. Paulโ€™s letters often used tentmaking as a metaphor for his mission of spreading the Gospel and building churches, referring to our mortal bodies as โ€œearthly tentsโ€ and heaven as an โ€œeternal house.โ€

Understanding the trade of tentmaking during New Testament times provides us with a more profound understanding of the socio-economic, cultural, and even theological contexts of the era. As we learn about this occupation, we gain a renewed appreciation for the work of tentmakers like Priscilla, Aquila, and Paul, and the crucial role this humble profession played in the expansion of the early Christian church.

The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

Priscillaโ€™s Symbolic Significance

So, what does Priscilla symbolize in the biblical context? As a woman of faith, she represents steadfast devotion and active participation in spreading the Gospelโ€™s teachings. Priscilla embodies the virtues of hospitality, discipleship, and theological education.

Priscilla: A Figure of Empowerment

In an era when womenโ€™s roles were often limited, Priscilla stands out as a figure of empowerment. Her leadership in the church and the respect she commanded from Paul and other community members highlight her as a strong, capable, and influential woman.

The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

Meaning of Pricilla

The name Pricilla has a long and storied history, starting with its various origins in different languages. It has been used in both the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic languages, each of which has its own unique interpretation of the name.


The origin of the name Pricilla is thought to have come from the Latin word โ€œpriscusโ€, which translates to โ€œancientโ€ or โ€œoldโ€. This is thought to be the source for the nameโ€™s use in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament.


In the Hebrew language, the name Pricilla is thought to derive from the word โ€œparachโ€, meaning โ€œto breakโ€ or โ€œto break into piecesโ€. This interpretation of the name suggests that the bearer of the name is strong and able to break through any obstacles.


In the Greek language, the name Pricilla is thought to come from the word โ€œpriscillaโ€, which means โ€œancient oneโ€. This interpretation implies that the bearer of the name is wise and has a deep understanding of the world.


In Aramaic, the name Pricilla is thought to come from the word โ€œparaschโ€, meaning โ€œbranchโ€. This interpretation suggests that the bearer of the name has a strong connection with nature.

The name Pricilla has a long history, and each language has its own interpretation of the nameโ€™s meaning. Whether it is used to suggest strength, wisdom, or a connection to nature, the name Pricilla has a rich and deep meaning that goes beyond the name itself.

Lessons We can Learn from Pricilla

Priscilla, also known as Prisca, is a laudable figure in the New Testament of the Bible, serving as a key disciple of Paul and embodying a steadfast commitment to spreading the Gospel. Her story provides a compelling and enlightening wealth of lessons for Christians and individuals seeking a greater understanding of faith, dedication, and leadership.

  1. Demonstration of Courage: Priscilla exhibited immense bravery in her journey with Paul, particularly when they faced danger and persecution. From her, we learn the invaluable lesson of courage, how to face our own fears and trials with faith, and how to stay the course despite adversity.
  2. The Importance of Hospitality: Priscilla and her husband Aquila were renowned for their hospitality. They opened their home to Paul and later to the church. This exemplary act teaches us the significance of sharing, not just our resources, but our lives and faith with others.
  3. Valuing Teamwork in Ministry: Priscilla and her husband Aquila worked as a team in spreading the gospel. Their unity and collaborative efforts demonstrate the impact of working together in harmony within the body of Christ.
  4. Commitment to Discipleship and Mentoring: Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos preaching incomplete truths about Jesus and took him under their wing to teach him more accurately about the Gospel. The act underscores the importance of discipleship and mentoring in the Christian faith. It is not enough to know the truth; we must also guide others who might be seeking it.
  5. Role of Women in the Church: Priscilla, a woman, was instrumental in teaching and leading in the early church. Her involvement offers a powerful lesson about the role of women in Christian ministry and leadership. It calls for a reevaluation of any prejudiced perspectives that underestimate the capabilities and contributions of women in the church.
  6. Boldness in Faith: Priscilla, along with her husband, risked their lives for Paul and the early church. Their boldness in living out their faith is a compelling lesson for modern-day Christians. It challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and to stand firm in our beliefs, even when faced with potential harm.
  7. Sacrifice and Dedication: Priscilla and Aquila were tentmakers by profession, and yet they dedicated their time and resources to the cause of the Gospel. This demonstrates the essence of sacrifice and dedication in Christian life.
  8. Relentless Pursuit of the Gospel: Priscilla was zealous in her pursuit of spreading the Gospel. Her passion and determination teach us the importance of being relentless in our faith journey and mission.
  9. Embracing a Life of Servitude: Priscillaโ€™s life embodies servitude. Through her, we learn to lead by serving, and we understand the value of selflessness in the Kingdom of God.
  10. Perseverance Amidst Uncertainty: In the face of an uncertain and often hostile world, Priscilla never wavered from her mission. This calls upon us to remain committed to our faith, persevering even when the path ahead seems unclear or fraught with difficulties.

Priscillaโ€™s life and her zeal for the Gospel provide lessons that resonate even in the present day. She is a model of courage, hospitality, teamwork, discipleship, boldness in faith, sacrifice, relentless pursuit, servitude, and perseverance. Through her, we learn that our commitment to faith can influence the lives of many and significantly shape the course of the Christian journey.


  1. Where is Priscilla mentioned in the Bible?
    Priscilla is mentioned in three books of the New Testament: Acts, Romans, and Corinthians.
  2. What does the name Priscilla mean?
    Priscilla is a Latin name meaning โ€œancient.โ€
  3. What role did Priscilla play in the early church?
    Priscilla was a teacher, leader, and host in the early Christian church, actively participating in spreading the teachings of the Gospel.

Final Thoughts โ€“ The Meaning of Priscilla in the Bible

In understanding the meaning of Priscilla in the Bible, we discover a narrative of faith and leadership that resonates today. Priscilla is not merely a historical figure; she is a symbol of empowerment, a testament to the role of women in the church, and a beacon of the virtues of hospitality and discipleship.

How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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