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Waiting on God for a Wife? ( 23 Tips )

waiting for a wife

Patience is Difficult, but God knows what and who is best for us to be married to. Learning to Hears God’s Voice, and be open to the Gifts God is bringing your way. While you wait Focus on your growth so that when God does show the correct path for you, you will be a better husband for her.

Waiting on God for a Wife?

Waiting on God for a wife? Many people have asked this question, and the answer is not always clear. Some people believe that it is wrong to date or look for a spouse, while others believe that it is okay as long as you are doing so with the intention of finding someone to marry. So, what is the right answer?

Waiting on God is never wrong, but there are things you can do to increase your chances of finding a wife

Marriage is From God
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Why is God Keeping me Single? 

God knows the best path for us, and sometimes that path includes being single. He may have a specific person in mind for you, or He may want you to focus on other things first. Trust that God knows what is best for you, and be patient while waiting for His will to be revealed. Waiting on God for a Wife?

Single and Waiting on God

While it can be difficult to wait on God for a spouse, there are many benefits to being single. You have more time to focus on your relationship with God, you can serve Him more fully, and you can learn how to love yourself. These are all important things that will help you when you do eventually get married.

How Does God Lead You To Your Spouse?

There is no one answer to this question since everyone’s path to marriage is different. However, there are a few things that God often uses to guide us toward our spouse. He may use people, events, or circumstances to show us who we should marry. He may also use our feelings and intuition to let us know that someone is the right person for us.

What Are Scriptures on Waiting on God for a Spouse?

There are many scriptures that talk about waiting on God for a spouse. One of my favorites is Proverbs 18:22, which says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” This scripture reminds me that finding a wife is not something to be taken lightly and that it is important to wait for God’s timing in this area.

How Does God Give Confirmation From God on Who to Marry?

Sometimes God will give us a clear sign that someone is the right person for us. This sign may be something that we see or feel, or it may be something that happens in our lives. If you are feeling uncertain about who to marry, pray and ask God for guidance. He will not steer you wrong!

What To Do When I Get Tired of Waiting on God for a Husband?

If you find yourself getting tired of waiting on God for a husband, there are a few things you can do to help pass the time. You can serve Him more fully, spend time with friends and family, or even date someone with the intention of marrying them. Remember that God has a plan for you, and He will bring you the right person at the right time. Trust in Him!

What are things I can do to be Positive while I wait?​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

While it can be difficult to wait on God for a spouse, there are many benefits to being single. You have more time to focus on your relationship with God, you can serve Him more fully, and you can learn how to love yourself. These are all important things that will help you when you do eventually get married.

What Kind of Christian Activities would Attract Christian Women?

While you are waiting you can serve God in Many areas, some of them are;

Prayer – Prayer ministry for your local church, for the persecuted church, or for the world

Evangelism – Witnessing to others about Jesus Christ

Discipleship – Teaching new believers about God’s Word

Missionary work – Serving in a foreign country or in a difficult area of your own country

Church leadership – Serving in a position of leadership in your church

Church service – Helping with church events or activities

Charitable work – Doing volunteer work for a charity or helping those in need

If you are looking for ways to become more involved in your Christian faith, there are many opportunities to do so. There are also many Christian women who would be interested in dating someone who is active in their faith. By serving God with all your heart, you will not only grow closer to Him, but you will also attract women who share your values and beliefs.​​​​​​​

Remember that God has a plan for you, and He will bring you the right person at the right time. Trust in Him! ​​​​​​​

Fellowship – Attending church regularly

Prayer – Spending time in prayer

Study – Reading the Bible

Serving others

Attending Christian conferences or events

When you are involved in activities that honor God, you will be more likely to meet someone who is also interested in Him. Trust that God has a plan for you and be patient while waiting for His will to be revealed.

  • Get involved in activities and organizations that attract Godly women – this will help you to meet someone who shares your values
  • Be social – talk to people and make friends
  • Dress well and take care of your appearance
  • Be yourself – don’t pretend to be someone you’re not
  • Don’t give up – keep looking for the woman God has for you. He will bring her into your life when the time
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What can I do to Focus on my Growth, better for me and Her in the future?

Taking classes, working on my personal projects, spending time with friends and family, reading books, and meditating; all of these are things I can do to focus on my growth. I need to be the best possible version of myself so that when God does bring me a wife, I will be ready for her. And, she will be blessed to have me as her husband!

I also need to pray for guidance and for God’s will in this matter. I know that if I am focused on Him and His plan for me, then everything else will fall into place. I just need to trust in Him and stay patient.

  • Enroll in Spiritual Disciple Classes
  • Take a Foreign Mission Trip
  • Help in a Local Mission
  • Teach a Singles Class
  • Begin a Singles Ministry

Final Thoughts – Waiting on God for a Wife?

It is best to be patient and trust God for His Direction. Continue to grow in your relationship with Him and be active in Christian activities. You never know who God might bring into your life when you are doing His work!​​​​​​​


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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