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9 Thoughts: What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church (2024) ⛪

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

The Bible has a lot to say about leaving a church. In the book of Acts, we see that the apostle Paul was forced to leave the city of Antioch because of persecution. However, he didn’t just leave Antioch; he also left the church there. Later, in the book of Corinthians, Paul gives instructions on how to deal with someone who is causing division in the church.

He says that it is best to avoid associating with that person. So, if someone is causing division in the church, it may be best to leave that church and find another one.

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

The Bible also says in the book of Hebrews that we should not forsake gathering together. So, even though there may be times when it is necessary to leave a church, we should still make an effort to stay involved in a local church community. Doing Good Work, learning sound teaching helping faithful members are all important

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

9 Biblical reasons to Change Churches.

What are the legitimate reasons to leave a church? On this point, Albert Mohler, in his article entitled “Should I Stay or Should I Go” writes the following:


When members leave the church for insufficient reasons or without biblical justification, the communion of the church is broken, its witness is weakened, and the peace and unity of the congregation are sacrificed. Tragically, a superfluous understanding of church membership undermines our witness to the gospel of Christ”.

Here is a list of the most common reasons. First, it is a list of considerations. Search the Scripture yourself and consider in light of the Scripture whether there is Biblical justification and whether it is God’s will for you to leave the fellowship.

The Bible is clear that there are times when it is appropriate to leave a church. In fact, there are nine specific circumstances where changing churches may be the best decision.

Changing Because of False Teaching (Leave)

It is vitally important to leave a leadership if they are teaching false doctrine. This is because false doctrine can lead people astray from the path of truth and salvation. The Bible is very clear that we are to beware of false prophets and teachers (Matthew 7:15; 2 Peter 2:1).

False doctrine is any teaching that goes against the core tenets of the Christian faith, such as the Trinity, the nature of God, and the gospel message. When people are taught false doctrine, it can cause them to doubt their faith and even ultimately leave the church.

That is why it is so important to be diligent in our studies and to make sure that we are following sound biblical teaching. If we find ourselves in a situation where the leadership is teaching false doctrine, we must be willing to leave in order to protect our own faith and spiritual well-being.

Changing because there is a Spirit of Immorality

In his letter to the church at Corinth, the Apostle Paul warned against allowing a spirit of immorality to take root. He noted that such a spirit was a major reason why God had judged Israel in the past, and he warned that the same would happen to the church if they did not repent. Sexually immoral people are best to avoid if members of the body of Christ. Paul suggest church discipline by the church leadership. They can decide the best ways to help a brother sins and also protect the family members.

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

The apostle listed several specific ways in which this spirit manifests itself, including sexual promiscuity, idolatry, and greed. He also warned that this spirit leads to division and disharmony within the church.

Ultimately, Paul insisted that those who are immoral cannot inherit the kingdom of God. This is why it is so important for churches to guard against any hint of immorality. When left unchecked, it can destroy lives, families, and even entire congregations.

Changing because of the Spirit of Dividing and Fighting

A church that is constantly fighting can damage its testimony, discourage its members, and hinder its effectiveness. It is difficult for an outsider to see a church as a place of love and acceptance when the members are constantly in conflict.

This can lead people to question whether the church is really a safe place for them, or whether it simply reflects the world’s view of “every man for himself.” In addition, constant fighting can take a toll on the emotional and physical health of church members. When people are constantly stressed and on edge, it can lead to illness and other problems.

And finally, a church that is consumed by infighting is less able to focus on its mission and ministry. It can become so caught up in its own drama that it fails to reach out to the community and make an impact. All of this ultimately damages the church’s witness and hinders its ability to be an effective force for good in the world.

We have to contend with fighting and strife at work, in school, and sometimes in our families, it is important that the Church be a place of refuge and healing.

Changing Because lack of Worship, Prayer and Teaching (God)

why is it important that a church stay focused on worship?

When we gather together as a church, our primary purpose should be to worship God. Though there are many activities that take place within the church, worship should be our ultimate goal. There are several reasons why worship is so important.

First and foremost, it is an act of obedience. We are commanded to worship the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). Secondly, worship is a way of expressing our love for God. When we sing songs of praise and thanksgiving, we are telling Him how much we appreciate all that He has done for us.

Thirdly, worship is a means of spiritual growth. As we lift our voices in prayer and praise, we are opening our hearts to God and inviting Him to work in our lives.

Finally, worship is a way of fellowship. As we join together with other believers to celebrate the goodness of God, we are reminded that we are part of something much larger than ourselves. When we keep worship at the center of our church gatherings, we are fulfilling God’s purposes for His people.

The Church needs to be a place where we can develop our spiritual gifts in the real of sound doctrine.

Changing Because Flock Not Being Fed (Verses)

The church is the body of Christ, and like any healthy body, it needs to be properly nourished. The Bible tells us that we are to feed the flock of God (1 Peter 5:2).

This means that we are to provide both physical and spiritual sustenance for the people of God. Just as our bodies need food and water to survive, so our souls need the Word of God and fellowship with other believers.

When a church fails to provide these basic necessities, it will eventually become weak and unhealthy. But when a church is faithful in feeding its flock, it will be strong and vibrant, able to withstand any trial or challenge.

Changing because of Church not helping the Poor

The Bible is very clear that we are to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. In James 2:15-17, it says, “If a brother or sister is without clothes and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.” This passage makes it clear that simply having faith is not enough – we must put our faith into action by helping others. Jesus also said in Matthew 25:40 that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” When we help those who are in need, we are showing love and compassion to both them and to Jesus.

As Christians, we are called to follow the example of Jesus Christ and love our neighbor as ourselves. One concrete way we can do this is by offering help and support to those who are less fortunate than us. The church is uniquely positioned to provide assistance to those in need, and we have a responsibility to use our resources to serve others.

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

By providing food, clothing, and shelter to those who are struggling, we are showing them the love of Christ and bringing hope into their lives. In addition, when we offer assistance to those in need, we are also helping to break the cycle of poverty and dependence.

We all have something to offer, and when we work together as a church community, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate.

If the church is not evangelizing.

The Great Commission is the mandate given by Jesus Christ to his disciples to go forth and spread the gospel to all nations. This commission was not just for the disciples, but for all believers who have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.

It is our responsibility as Christians to share the good news of the gospel with those who are lost in sin and do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe (Romans 1:16). It is the good news that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

 When a church stops evangelizing, it stops growing. The gospel is the good news of Jesus Christ, and it is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16).

When a church stops sharing the gospel with people who are not yet believers, it is effectively saying that the gospel is not good news and that it does not have the power to save. As a result, the church will begin to shrivel and die.

In addition, when a church focuses inward instead of outward, it will gradually become more and more self-absorbed. This can lead to division and strife as people compete for power and position. Eventually, the church will become little more than a social club for like-minded people, and its witness in the world will be severely compromised.

When we spread the gospel, we are sharing this good news with others so that they too can be saved from their sin and have eternal life in heaven.

There are many lost people in this world who need to hear the gospel. We need to be bold in our witness and share the good news with them. The stakes are high because eternity is at stake. We need to be faithful in spreading the gospel so that others can come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

A church is a body of believers who come together for worship, fellowship, and/or service. The term “church” can refer to a local congregation, denomination, or the entire worldwide body of Christ. When a church stops evangelizing and instead focuses on internal matters, it runs the risk of becoming inwardly focused and losing sight of its mission.

Additionally, the church may become isolated from the community and lose relevance. As a result, the church may struggle to attract new members and may eventually decline. However, if a church remains focused on outreach and evangelism, it can stay vibrant and relevant, even in an ever-changing world.

Changing a church when it becomes focused on Money

When a church becomes focused on money, it often loses sight of its true purpose. Money can be a powerful motivator, but it should never take precedence over the Gospel message. When churches prioritize money over evangelism and discipleship, they dishonor God and miss out on the opportunity to impact lives for eternity.

Instead of being a source of hope and healing, they become an institution that is more concerned with its bottom line than with spreading the Good News. As a result, many people who might have found faith in Jesus Christ are turned away from the church, and the body of Christ suffers.

What Does the Bible Say about Leaving a Church

Churches that are focused on money often become self-centered and idolatrous, forgetting that their ultimate goal is to glorify God and make disciples of all nations. When this happens, the church ceases to be a light in the darkness and instead becomes part of the problem.

The Church is not developing Spirituality.

There are several reasons why spirituality and the presence of God do not develop in a given congregation. One of the most common is they tend to believe in truths that do not appear or have a biblical basis for it, and often do not allow the flow of the Holy Spirit and develop the gifts in the faithful

A church that is not growing spiritually will soon begin to stagnate and decline. Members will become less involved, attendance will dwindle, and financial contributions will decrease. The church will lose its sense of purpose and direction, and eventually, it may even close its doors.

This is a tragic outcome, but it is all too often the result of a church that has lost its way. In order to avoid this fate, churches must stay committed to spiritual growth. This means constantly striving to deepen their understanding of the Bible and grow in their relationship with God.

It also means reaching out to new people and inviting them into the church community. By staying focused on spiritual growth, churches can ensure that they remain vibrant and relevant in today’s world.

7 Biblical Reasons to Leave a Church

Deciding to leave a church can be a difficult and emotionally charged decision. Various reasons might lead someone to consider such a step, and the Bible provides some guidelines that might be relevant. Here are seven biblical reasons one might consider leaving a church:

  1. False Teaching (Galatians 1:6-9)
    • If the church strays from core biblical doctrines or promotes teachings that are clearly against the teachings of the Bible, it may be a sign that it’s time to leave.
  2. Lack of Spiritual Growth (Ephesians 4:11-16)
    • The church is supposed to be a place where believers grow spiritually. If you find that you’re not growing or being encouraged to grow in your faith, this could be a reason to look elsewhere.
  3. Immorality Among Leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-7)
    • The Bible sets forth qualifications for church leadership. If leaders are engaged in blatant and unrepentant immorality, it may be a sign that the church is not being governed well.
  4. Division and Disunity (1 Corinthians 1:10-13)
    • A church that is characterized by ongoing, unresolved conflict and division might not be a healthy environment for spiritual growth.
  5. Idolatry or Pagan Practices (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
    • If the church adopts practices that are unbiblical or idolatrous, it’s advisable to separate oneself from such a community.
  6. No Opportunity to Serve (1 Peter 4:10)
    • The Bible teaches that every Christian has been given spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ. If a church is not allowing you opportunities to use your gifts, it might not be the right place for you.
  7. Spiritual Abuse or Manipulation (Matthew 20:25-28)
    • A church should be a place of spiritual nourishment and care, not a place where spiritual authority is abused for power or personal gain.

It’s important to note that no church is perfect, and it’s often better to work on issues from within the church before deciding to leave. However, there are certain situations where leaving might be the most biblically responsible action to take. Always pray and seek wise counsel when considering such a significant decision.

Final Thoughts – What does the Bible say about leaving a Church

This is such a diffucult change to make in a persons life. Usually you have been struggling to become part of the solution, rather than leaving. Several thoughts are there:

God Is Author of:

  • Love
  • Peace
  • Unity

Satan is Author of:

  • Lying
  • Division
  • Strife

Pray for you in Your decision

God Bless Greg

Parting thought – My Mom and Dad Left their home congregation because they moved couches into the dining hall. They were having difficulty eating in the church building. Mom and Dad were in their mid-sixties. The congregation they moved to was doing the same thing. Mom and Dad came back but it was 7 years later.



  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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