Will God Restore My Marriage after a Divorce – Can God Reunite a Divorced Couple – Divorce is a difficult process, both emotionally and spiritually. Many people find themselves wondering if God will ever restore their marriage after it has been dissolved. In this blog post, we will explore the biblical evidence for God’s restoration of marriages. We will also look at some of the steps you can take to begin the healing process after a divorce. If you are feeling lost and alone after your divorce, know that you are not alone. God loves you and wants to help you through this difficult time in your life.
Table of Contents
Will God Restore My Marriage after a Divorce?
Can God Reunite a Divorced Couple
The answer to this question may not be as simple as a yes or no. If you are asking if God can restore your marriage after a divorce, then the answer is yes. Divorce is not something that God desires for His children, but He is faithful and can work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

However, if you are asking if God will automatically restore your marriage after a divorce, then the answer is likely no. While we know that God is capable of restoring marriages, it ultimately depends on His will and timing. If both parties are willing to reconcile and put in the effort to rebuild their relationship, then there is a good chance that God will restore their marriage.
However, if one or both parties are not willing to work towards reconciliation, then it is unlikely that God will intervene. Ultimately, it is important to seek God’s guidance and wisdom in this situation and trust that He will lead you on the right path. Will God Restore My Marriage after a Divorce?

How God Feels about Divorce
The Bible is very clear that God hates divorce. In the book of Malachi, we see God’s heart on the issue: “‘For I hate divorce!’ says the Lord, the God of Israel. ‘To divorce, your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty,’ says the Lord of hosts. So be watchful!. . . guards your spirit. Do not break faith with the wife of your youth” (Malachi 2:16). But what does this mean for those who have experienced divorce? Can God restore a marriage after divorce?
The answer is yes! However, it is important to understand that God always wants us to do everything we can to avoid divorce in the first place. He desires for marriages to be healthy and thriving, and He will do everything He can to help us achieve that goal.
But even if we have made the decision to divorce, God’s love for us is still perfect and complete. He will never leave us or forsake us, and He is always ready and willing to forgive us when we come to Him in repentance. If we are willing to turn from our sin and ask for His forgiveness, He will graciously welcome us back into His arms
What are 7 Biblical Steps 7o Prevent Divorce?
Here are some practical steps you can take to help divorce-proof your Marriage:
- Commit your marriage to God. Pray together as a couple and ask God to help you strengthen your relationship.
- Communicate openly and honestly with each other. Be willing to share your thoughts, feelings, and needs with your spouse.
- Resolve conflict in a healthy way. Learn how to fight fair by avoiding arguments that lead to nowhere, name-calling, and hurtful words.
- Make time for each other. Investing quality time into your marriage is essential for keeping the spark alive.
- Express love and affection often. Physical touch is an important part of showing love and affection for one another. Make sure you are both meeting each other’s needs in this area.
- Be intentional about growing together spiritually. A strong spiritual foundation is a key to weathering the storms of life together.
- Seek help when needed. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you are struggling in your marriage.
If you are currently going through a divorce, know that God can restore your marriage if He so chooses. But even if He doesn’t, He will never leave you or forsake you. Trust in His perfect love and timing, and lean on Him for strength and wisdom during this difficult time.

What are 7 Biblical steps I can do to Try to Restore My Marriage?
If it is possible to be restored what are some practicable steps a spouse alone / together can take:
- Prayerfully seek God’s will
- Read and study scripture together
- Attend a marriage retreat or counseling
- Set realistic goals together and make a plan to accomplish them
- Work on rebuilding trust by being transparent and accountable to one another
- Forgive one another from the heart
- Commit to growing closer to God individually and as a couple.
When seeking restoration in a marriage it is important that both parties are committed to the process. If you are the only one trying, it may still be possible for your spouse to come around, but if they are not willing to work towards reconciliation then it is unlikely that God will intervene. Pray for guidance and wisdom during this difficult time
If My Marriage is not able to be Restored What direction should I take?
After divorce what steps can I take to put my life back in Sync with God’s Plan for me?
- If your marriage has ended in divorce, it is important to take some time to grieve the loss of what you had hoped for. Just as with any other type of loss, this is a process that will take time. Allow yourself to feel the pain and sadness, but don’t dwell on it. Instead, focus on rebuilding your life and finding hope for the future.
- One way to do this is by recommitting your life to God. If you have been putting Him on the back burner, now is the time to make Him a priority again. Spend time in prayer and reading His Word. Seek out Christian friends and mentors who can support you and offer wise counsel. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and help you to grow closer to God.
- Another way to move forward after divorce is by focusing on your own personal growth. This can be a time to pursue new hobbies and interests or to focus on your career. It’s also important to take care of your physical health during this time. Eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep will help you to feel better both physically and emotionally.
- Divorce can be a difficult and painful process, but it doesn’t have to be the end of your story. With God’s help, you can start fresh and build a new life that is even better than what you had before. Trust in Him and lean on Him for strength as you take these first steps forward.
- I encourage anyone who is going through a divorce to seek out a support group or counseling. It’s so important to have people in your life who understand what you’re going through and can offer helpful advice and encouragement. These types of resources can be invaluable during this difficult time.
If you’re facing divorce, know that God sees you and He cares about what you’re going through. He wants to help you heal and find hope for the future. Lean on Him for strength and wisdom as you take these next steps forward. Trust that He will never leave you or forsake you, and that He has a plan for your life – even if it doesn’t look like what you had hoped for.

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce?
From the Creation God’s purpose in Marriage has been to make a man and woman one (Genesis ). God hates divorce because it destroys His plan for marriage. In the Old Testament, God permitted divorce under certain circumstances as a concession to human sinfulness, but He always intended it to be a last resort (Deuteronomy 24:14).
- In the New Testament, Jesus raised the bar on marriage, teaching that it was intended to be a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:18-19; Mark; Luke 16:18). He also taught that divorce should only happen in cases of sexual infidelity (Matthew 19:39).
- While divorce is not part of God’s original plan for marriage, He does offer hope and healing to those who have been affected by it. If you are facing divorce, know that God sees you and He cares about what you’re going through. Trust that He has a plan for your life – even if it doesn’t look like what you had hoped for.
- If you have already gone through a divorce, there is hope for healing and restoration. God can use your story to help others who are facing similar challenges. Lean on Him for strength and wisdom as you take these next steps forward. Trust that He will never leave you or forsake you and that He has a good plan for your life – even if it doesn’t look like what you had planned.
- If you’re struggling with the pain of divorce, I encourage you to seek out a support group or counseling. It’s so important to have people in your life who understand what you’re going through and can offer helpful advice and encouragement. These types of resources can be invaluable during this difficult time.
No matter what your situation is, know that God sees you and He cares about what you’re going through. He wants to help you heal and find hope for the future. Lean on Him for strength and wisdom as you take these next steps forward. Trust that He will never leave you or forsake you, and that He has a plan for your life – even if it doesn’t look like what you had hoped for.
How to Find Hope after Your Marriage Ends in Divorce
After a painful divorce, it is very important to realign your life with God. Past is past but how can I pick up the pieces and begin afresh? Thes 7 steps can help you refocus your life and find hope after your marriage has ended in divorce.
- First, take some time to grieve the loss of your marriage. It’s normal to feel a sense of loss and grief when something you had hoped would last forever comes to an end. Allow yourself to mourn the death of your dreams and the loss of what could have been.
- Second, forgive yourself for any role you may have played in the demise of your marriage. We all make mistakes, and it’s important to learn from them so we don’t repeat them in future relationships. Forgive yourself, then let go of any resentment or bitterness you may be feeling towards your ex-spouse.
- Third, reach out to God for help and healing. God is the ultimate source of strength and comfort, and He wants to help you through this difficult time. Lean on Him for wisdom and guidance as you take these next steps forward.
- Fourth, seek out a support system of family and friends who can offer love and encouragement during this time. It’s important to have people in your life who understand what you’re going through and can offer helpful advice.
- Fifth, find healthy ways to cope with your emotions. This may include journaling, exercising, or spending time in nature. It’s important to do things that make you feel good mentally and emotionally so you can heal from the pain of divorce.
- Sixth, take some time for yourself. This is a time to focus on your own needs and wants. Do things that make you happy and help you relax. It’s okay to put your own needs first for a while.
- Seventh, trust that God has a plan for your life. Even though your marriage didn’t turn out the way you had hoped, know that God still has a good plan for you. He loves you and wants what’s best for you. Trust Him to lead you forward into the future He has planned for you.
If you’re facing divorce, I hope these tips encourage you that there is hope after the marriage ends in divorce. Take some time to grieve the loss of your marriage, then reach out to God for help and healing. Seek out a support system of family and friends, find healthy ways to cope with your emotions, and take some time for yourself. Trust that God has a plan for your life and He will never leave you or forsake you.
When Your Spouse Wants a Divorce but You Don’t
In many circumstances, one spouse wants to be released from the marriage commitment while the other does not.
If You do not what positive steps can I take to help Heal what is broken?
The following are some tips that might help.
- Prayer is always the number one go-to for strength, courage, and wisdom. God can turn any situation around if we allow Him to. He is faithful and just waiting for us to call on His name.
- Next, would be to consult with a Christian counselor or your pastor for guidance. It is important to have someone who can offer an objective opinion and help you see things from a different perspective. They may also have helpful resources available to assist you in this difficult time.
- Another step would be to join or find a support group for people going through similar situations. This will provide you with much-needed emotional support and allow you to share your feelings with others who understand what you are going through.
- Finally, take some time for yourself. This is a difficult time and it’s important to focus on your own well-being. Do things that make you happy and help you relax. It’s okay to put your own needs first for a while.
No one said this would be easy but if you lean on God and take positive steps forward, He will see you through this difficult time. Trust that He has a plan for your life and He will never leave or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:17)
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Final Thoughts – Will God Restore My Marriage after a Divorce?
It is important to remember that we live in a fallen world. It is important when is overtaken with sin, that we repent and get back up and then change our direction ad get our direction realigned with God