Woman Teacher in the Bible. Woman teacher is a hot topic in Christianity today. There are many who feel that women should not be teaching men and that it is unbiblical. However, there are also many scriptures that seem to point to the fact that woman teachers were used by God (to teach the word of God) throughout history. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of these scriptures and see what they have to say about woman teachers in the Bible.
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An Exploration of Women Teachers in the Bible (Gospel in the King James Bible)(Women in Scripture)
Blog Introduction: It is safe to say that when most people think about teachers in the Bible, they think of men. After all, the vast majority of teachers mentioned by name in Scripture are men. But there are also a number of women who are identified as teachers in the Bible. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of these women and what we can learn from their examples.. Some were older women, some were younger women and some had their own husbands. They had different roles (Role of Women) and helped the local church.

Pricilla (Teach Men)
Priscilla (Acts 18:26) – Priscilla was a woman who, along with her husband Aquila, taught the apostle Paul the way of God more accurately. We know that she was a woman of great intellect and ability because she is actually listed before her husband in this verse.
This indicates that she was probably the more prominent teacher of the two. What can we learn from Priscilla? First, we see that women are fully capable of teaching men. Second, we see that a wife and husband can work together for the Kingdom even though one may be more prominent than the other. She is described as being fellow workers in sharing the sound doctrine in bible studies doing good works. Bible Study is so important beyond race and Gender.
Priscilla is one of the most intriguing characters in the New Testament. She is mentioned several times throughout the Pauline epistles and acts as a mentor to Apollos. But who was she? In this blog post, we will explore the life of Priscilla and what we can learn from her example.
Priscilla was a woman of great faith. She and her husband Aquila were Jews who had been expelled from Rome by Claudius. They eventually settled in Corinth, where they met Paul. Priscilla and Aquila became close friends with Paul and fostered his ministry by hosting gatherings in their home (Acts 18:1-3).
Priscilla was also a woman of great wisdom. When Apollos came to Corinth, he began preaching boldly about Jesus. However, he only knew about John the Baptist’s baptism and did not know about the Holy Spirit (Acts 18:24-26).
Priscilla and Aquila took Apollos aside and gently taught him the way of God more accurately. As a result of their instruction, Apollos became a powerful preacher and made a significant impact for the kingdom of God (Acts 18:27-28).
Lois and Eunice (Bible Verses)
Lois and Eunice (2 Timothy 1:5) – These two women were grandmother and mother to Timothy, one of Paul’s closest disciples. It is clear from this verse that they had a profound influence on Timothy’s life and faith. We see from their example that mothers and grandmothers play an important role in shaping the next generation for Christ.
Lois was the mother of Eunice, and Eunice was the mother of Timothy. We don’t know much about Lois, except that she was a woman of faith who passed her faith down to her daughter. In 2 Timothy 1:5, Paul says that he is reminded of Timothy’s sincere faith which first lived in his grandmother Lois and in his mother Eunice. Because Lois had sincere faith, she was able to pass that faith down to her daughter Eunice. In the biblical narrative they shared the way of the Lord and were teachers of good things to young Timothy.

Eunice is best known for her role in raising Timothy to be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. In 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul says that from infancy Timothy had known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make him wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. It is clear that from a young age, Timothy had been taught about the Lord and had put his faith in Jesus Christ. This was due in large part to the influence of his mother Eunice.
Lois and Eunice were two women who made a significant impact on the Kingdom of God. Although they were not well-known in their own time, they have been remembered by God and recorded in His Word for all eternity.
We can learn from their example that our faithfulness today can make an eternal difference tomorrow. Just as Lois passed her faith down to her daughter Eunice, we too can pass our faith down to future generations.
Let us be faithful today so that our children and grandchildren will be able to say with Paul, “I am reminded of your sincere faith which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice.”
Phillips Daughters
Philip’s Daughters (Acts 21:9) – These four women were Prophetesses, which means that they were spokeswomen for God. We see from their example that women can serve God in many different ways. We also see that even though they were not married or part of a church leadership team, they still had an important ministry within the early church.
They Were Prophetesses. They had the gifts of the Holy Spirit and were servant of the church. Found in thew King James Version of the Scriptures.
The Holy Spirit had been given to Phillips’ daughters and they were using their gifts to prophesy. Throughout Scripture, we see that God often uses women to prophesy (Judges 4:4; Acts 2:17-18). While this gift was not exclusive to women, it was something that they participated in.
In the New Testament book of Acts, we see the role of prophetesses and prophets summarized in two verses. In Acts 2:17-18, Peter quotes the prophet, Joel, saying that in the last days, God will pour out his Spirit on all people, and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
And on my menservants and my maidservants I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. Then, in Acts 21:9, we see the prophet Agabus foretelling a famine that would come upon the whole world (this took place during the reign of Claudius Caesar). From these verses, we can see that prophets and prophetesses functioned as spokespeople for God, declaring his word to his people.

In addition to Peter and Agabus, other prophets and prophetesses mentioned in Acts include Anna (4:36), Philip’s daughters (21:8-9), and Judas and Silas (15:32). As we see from these examples, God continued to use prophetic ministry even after the death of Jesus Christ and the sending of his Spirit at Pentecost.
The New Testament is a collection of 27 books, all of which were written in Greek. The first book, the Gospel of Matthew, was written around A.D. 70, and the last book, the Book of Revelation, was written around A.D. 95.
The books were written by a variety of authors, including Paul, Peter, Luke, and John. Initially, they were circulated among the early Christian churches in an informal way. However, as the years went by, it became increasingly clear that these books needed to be collected into a single volume. This process was completed around A.D. 400, when the New Testament was officially canonized by the Council of Carthage. Since then, it has remained an essential part of the Christian faith.
Phoebe First Female Deacon
Phoebe is commended by Paul for her service to the church. The greek word “deacon” means servant or minister. Phoebe was likely a leader in the church at Cenchreae, a seaport city east of Athens. Given that women could not hold official positions of leadership in Greco-Roman culture, it is significant that Paul would commend Phoebe in this way.
While we don’t know everything about Phoebe’s ministry, we can infer from Paul’s words that she was involved in some capacity in preaching and teaching the gospel, as well as serving others in the church. This would have been no small task, given that Cenchreae was a busy port city with many people coming and going. It would have been essential for Phoebe to be able to navigate both the Christian faith and Greco-Roman culture with wisdom and grace. She used her spiritual gifts to help Paul and other Fellow prisoners of Christ.
The Book of Acts provides a glimpse into the early days of the Christian church, and the role of deacons was essential to its functioning. Deacons were responsible for administering the day-to-day affairs of the church, such as collecting offerings and distributing food to widows and orphans.
They also served as an important link between the church leaders and the congregation. In Acts 6, we see that the apostles appointed seven men to serve as deacons, including Stephen, Philip, and Procorus. These men were held in high esteem by the church community, and their service was greatly appreciated. Today, deacons continue to play a vital role in many churches, implementing the programs and ministry initiatives of the church.
They are often active members of the community, working tirelessly to serve those in need. In short, deacons play a vital role in the life of any church community, acting as both administrators and servants.
The Topic of preaching and teaching women is important in understanding how women exercise authority as taught in the King James Bible. These women are described as self-controlled pure working and served god church, teaching men, younger women and older women likewise to do.
Final Thoughts – Woman Teacher in the Bible
Paul’s words about Phoebe give us a glimpse into the ministry of early female deacons. They were not merely assistants or administrators, but vital members of the church who preached and taught the gospel served others, and navigated difficult cultural waters with wisdom and grace. Let us follow their example as we seek to serve Christ and his church today.
As we can see from their examples, women have always played an important role in furthering God’s Kingdom both inside and outside of formal church settings. They helped spread the great commission, in worship service and in church service to the infant church. So let us never underestimate the power of a godly woman! May we all aspire to be like those mentioned in Scripture -Women who teach others about Jesus with wisdom, knowledge, grace, and truth.
God Bless Greg