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15 Unique Bible facts that Might Imply UFOs

15 Unique Bible facts that Might Imply UFOs

15 Unique Bible facts that Might Imply UFOs with verse and Description

  1. Ezekiel 1:4–28 – This passage describes a vision of God, who is surrounded by four creatures with four wings, four faces, and four wheels that are “full of eyes.” It is often interpreted to mean UFOs since the description is quite similar to modern descriptions of UFOs.
  2. Genesis 6:4 – This verse states that the “sons of God” saw the daughters of men and took them as wives. It is sometimes interpreted as referring to aliens coming to Earth and interbreeding with humans.
  3. Job 1:14-19 – This passage describes a “wheel in the middle of the air” that is described as having a “voice of thunder” and a “pillar of fire.” It is interpreted as a possible reference to a UFO.
  4. Deuteronomy 33:17 – This verse describes God riding on a “cherubim” and “flying upon the wings of the wind.” Some have interpreted this as referring to a UFO.
  5. Exodus 24:10–11 – This passage describes God’s presence as a “pillar of cloud by day” and a “pillar of fire by night.” It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  6. Isaiah 6:1-7 – This passage describes a vision of God sitting upon a throne with six wings and a voice like thunder. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  7. Daniel 7:2-14 – This passage describes a vision of four beasts, each with four wings and four faces. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  8. Jeremiah 4:13 – This verse describes a “whirlwind” from the north with a “cloud” and “fire” inside it. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  9. Ezekiel 10:1-22 – This passage describes a vision of God with four creatures with four wings and four faces. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  10. Isaiah 66:15 – This verse describes God descending from Heaven with a “voice of thunder.” It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  11. Isaiah 19:1 – This verse describes a “flying child” that is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  12. Numbers 24:17 – This verse describes a “star” coming out of Jacob and a “sceptre” rising out of Israel. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  13. Ezekiel 1:15-21 – This passage describes the four creatures with four wings and four faces. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  14. Revelation 4:6-7 – This passage describes four living creatures around the throne, each with six wings. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.
  15. Revelation 9:17 – This verse describes a “star” falling from Heaven to Earth. It is interpreted by some as a reference to a UFO.

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UFOs: Bible Verses That Might Imply UFOs


  • Darlene & Greg

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