15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic Events in the Bible that Might Imply UFOs
- In what book of the Bible is the story of Ezekiel’s wheel found?
A. Exodus
B. Job
C. Ezekiel
D. Leviticus
- What did Ezekiel describe as the wheel in the sky that appeared to him?
A. A burning bush
B. A chariot of horses
C. A pillar of fire
D. A whirlwind of fire
- Who is the angel that appears in the book of Zechariah?
A. Gabriel
B. Raphael
C. Uriel
D. Michael
- What does the angel tell Zechariah about the object he is seeing?
A. It is a sign from God.
B. It is a flying chariot from another world.
C. It is a weapon of destruction.
D. It is a tool of the devil.
- What type of object did Joshua see in the sky that caused the sun and moon to stand still?
A. A burning bush
B. A whirlwind of fire
C. A chariot of horses
D. A pillar of fire
- In what book of the Bible is the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah found?
A. Genesis
B. Exodus
C. Leviticus
D. Numbers
- What did the Lord send from heaven to destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?
A. A flood
B. A storm
C. Fire and brimstone
D. An earthquake
- In what book of the Bible is the story of the parting of the Red Sea found?
A. Exodus
B. Leviticus
C. Numbers
D. Deuteronomy
- What did Moses use to part the Red Sea?
A. His staff
B. A pillar of fire
C. His sword
D. A whirlwind of fire
- What did Elijah ascend in the whirlwind?
A. A chariot of horses
B. A burning bush
C. A pillar of fire
D. A chariot of fire
- In what book of the Bible is the story of the Tower of Babel found?
A. Genesis
B. Exodus
C. Leviticus
D. Numbers
- What did God use to confuse the language of the people building the Tower of Babel?
A. A burning bush
B. A pillar of fire
C. A whirlwind of fire
D. A chariot of horses
- What did the Lord show to Isaiah in a vision?
A. A chariot of horses
B. A burning bush
C. A pillar of fire
D. A chariot of fire
- In what book of the Bible is the story of the three men in the furnace found?
A. Genesis
B. Exodus
C. Daniel
D. Leviticus
- What did the three men see in the furnace?
A. A burning bush
B. A pillar of fire
C. A chariot of horses
D. A fourth figure walking in the flames
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