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The Comprehensive Guide on How to Improve Church Attendance

How to Improve Church Attendance

Discover effective strategies and insights on how to improve church attendance in this comprehensive guide. Learn to nurture a vibrant church community, enhance engagement, and promote spiritual growth.

Table of Contents

The Importance of Improving Church Attendance

Church attendance is more than just a number; it signifies the spiritual vitality of a congregation. Communal worship facilitates a sense of belonging, stimulates spiritual development, and strengthens the bond with faith.

Thus, a decline in church attendance may indicate an array of issues, ranging from diminished engagement to disconnect with the church’s mission. In this guide, we’ll explore practical strategies on how to improve church attendance, considering various factors that contribute to a thriving and active church community .

Assessing Your Church’s Current Attendance Situation

Before embarking on strategies to improve church attendance, you must comprehend the current scenario. Assess the average church attendance. Observe if there are specific times of the year when attendance spikes or dips. Are there noticeable trends impacting attendance? Analyzing these aspects can shed light on where to concentrate efforts, thereby creating an effective roadmap to enhance attendance.

Go and make Disciples

Church growth is not just about numbers; it has far-reaching implications for the church itself and the wider community it serves. Here is a table that outlines why church growth is crucial to a community church:

Expanded ReachAs a church grows, it expands its reach within the community. This allows for increased influence and the ability to touch more lives with the message of the Gospel.
Enhanced ResourcesChurch growth often brings additional financial and human resources. These can be used to enhance existing programs , start new initiatives, or increase aid and outreach.
Community ImpactA growing church can have a significant positive impact on the local community. It can provide more services, like food banks, counseling, youth programs, and community events.
Member DevelopmentGrowth provides opportunities for members to step into leadership roles, furthering their personal development. It also promotes a vibrant, dynamic community that attracts others.
Succession PlanningAs a church grows, it has more options for future leadership succession . This is vital for the long-term health and sustainability of the church.
Church LegacyGrowth helps to ensure the long-term viability of the church, allowing it to leave a lasting legacy of faith in the community.
Greater DiversityA growing church often becomes more diverse, reflecting the wider community. This can enhance the church’s understanding and response to diverse needs and perspectives.
Stronger FaithA growing church can help its members to have stronger faith, as they see the impact of their faith within their community and the positive changes in people’s lives.

The goal of church growth should always be grounded in the church’s mission to serve and love its community, proclaiming its faith in meaningful, relevant ways.

What is Vision Casting – Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish

Check this vision – I would follow this – Greg Gaines

Evidences that Show the Need for Churches to incorporate Hybrid Churches, Combination of Online and Physical Attendance

Pandemic ImpactThe COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary for churches to hold online services. Even after restrictions are lifted, some people may still prefer to attend services online due to health or other concerns.
Reaching More PeopleOnline services can reach more people than physical services alone. They allow people who are unable to attend in-person due to distance, illness, or disability to participate.
Changing Social NormsAs more aspects of life move online, people are becoming more comfortable with engaging in activities, like church services, online.
ConvenienceOnline services provide convenience. People can participate from the comfort of their own homes, which can be especially beneficial for families with young children or elderly individuals.
FlexibilityOnline services offer flexibility. They can be accessed at any time, not just at specific service times. This can be helpful for people with varying work schedules or other commitments.
Technological AdvancesAdvances in technology have made it possible to have high-quality online services, including live streaming, chat functions for real-time interaction, and the ability to give online.
Outreach PotentialOnline services can extend a church’s reach to the global community, not just those in the immediate geographical area.
Continued EngagementOnline services allow for continued engagement with the church community during the week, not just on Sundays.
Visitor FriendlyFor those unsure or feeling uncomfortable about visiting a church for the first time, online services provide an accessible and less intimidating option.

It is clear that the integration of hybrid churches, combining online and physical attendance, is not only a reaction to current needs but also a strategic move to cater to shifting societal norms and to reach a larger audience.

How to Improve Church Attendance

The Power of Welcoming: Creating an Inviting Atmosphere

An inviting atmosphere is a cornerstone for improving church attendance. This doesn’t merely include the greeting at the entrance, but also the overall friendliness of the congregation and staff. Fostering an environment where everyone feels loved, accepted, and cherished can significantly influence people’s decisions to attend church regularly.

A warm and welcoming greeting can make a significant difference in a visitor’s experience at a worship service. Here is a table showcasing some innovative ways to greet people coming to worship:

Personalized WelcomeTrain your greeters to be observant and personalize their welcome based on what they notice. For example, if they see someone with a soccer jersey, they might say, “I see you’re a soccer fan! Our pastor loves soccer too.”
Welcome PacketCreate a welcome packet that includes information about the church, upcoming events, and a small gift, like a bookmark or keychain with a meaningful scripture or church logo.
Welcome VideoHave a welcome video playing in the lobby, highlighting the church’s activities, sharing messages from the pastor and members, and expressing excitement for newcomers.
QR CodeIn our digital age, consider using QR codes. Visitors can scan the QR code at the entrance and be directed to a welcome page on your church’s website.
Text Message WelcomeEncourage visitors to text a certain number (displayed on a welcome sign or in the bulletin) to receive a welcome message or subscribe to church updates.
Cafe-style WelcomeSet up a coffee station with snacks near the entrance, promoting casual conversation and creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Children’s WelcomeIf the new arrival is a family with children, have designated younger greeters who can introduce the children to their respective Sunday school or children’s program.
Nametag InnovationEncourage everyone, not just visitors, to wear nametags. It creates an environment where everyone is open to meeting someone new. Try color-coded nametags to differentiate between first-time guests, regular attendees, and staff.

Remember, the goal is to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome. Each church must decide the best methods for its unique congregation and resources.

How to Improve Church Attendance

Making Services More Engaging

Church services should be more than a routine; they should be an engaging and enriching experience. This could include incorporating visual aids during sermons, holding interactive Bible studies, or even having occasional guest speakers. These activities can make services more interesting, encouraging attendees to return frequently.

Making church services more engaging can have a profound impact on congregation participation and retention . Here is a table highlighting some strategies to accomplish this:

Interactive SermonsIncorporate interactive elements in the sermon such as real-time questions and answers, small group discussions, or use of digital technology for immediate feedback or voting on certain topics.
Engaging WorshipDiversify the music used in worship to cater to different tastes. Consider incorporating contemporary music styles or use of varied instruments. Also, encourage participation in worship, not just observation.
Use of TechnologyUtilize technology like projectors for visuals, apps for interactive bible studies, live streaming for those unable to attend, and social media platforms for community building.
Community OutreachEngage the congregation in community service projects . It gives members an active role and a sense of belonging and purpose.
Involvement OpportunitiesProvide various opportunities for members to get involved, like choir, youth programs, hospitality, outreach, etc. People are more engaged when they are actively involved.
Relevant SermonsCraft sermons that speak to the daily life experiences of your congregation. Address contemporary issues and provide biblical insights and guidance.
TestimonialsEncourage members to share their personal testimonies. It promotes community and can be highly engaging and inspiring.
Small GroupsEncourage the formation of small groups for bible study, prayer, fellowship, etc. They create a sense of belonging and deeper engagement with the church community.
Creative ArtsIncorporate arts like drama, dance, poetry, etc., into services. They can bring bible stories to life in an engaging and relatable way.
Children and Youth ProgramsOffer engaging programs for children and youth . They are the future of the church, and providing relevant and enjoyable activities for them is key.

Each church must adapt these suggestions to fit its unique context and congregation, making sure to maintain the integrity of their religious teachings and practices while adding these engaging elements.

How to Improve Church Attendance

Offering Diverse Worship Styles

One size does not fit all when it comes to worship styles. Some may prefer traditional hymns, while others lean towards contemporary music. Offering diverse worship styles can cater to the varied preferences of your congregation, subsequently enhancing church attendance.

Implementing Innovative Technologies

Embracing technology can significantly boost church attendance. This could involve live streaming services for those unable to attend physically, offering online giving options, or using digital platforms for communication. This way, you make church activities and worship accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or circumstances.

Incorporating technology into worship can significantly enhance the experience and facilitate increased participation. Here’s a table outlining some of the technology options available for use during worship:

Live Streaming PlatformsServices like YouTube, Facebook Live, and Zoom can be used to livestream services, allowing members who are unable to attend in person to still participate.
Presentation SoftwareTools like ProPresenter or EasyWorship can be used to display song lyrics, scripture readings, sermon notes, and visual aids on a large screen during services.
Audio SystemsAdvanced audio systems, including microphones, speakers, and mixing consoles, can enhance the quality of music and spoken words during the service.
Lighting SystemsIntelligent lighting systems can create an atmosphere conducive to worship and highlight different parts of the service.
Digital Bibles and AppsDigital Bibles allow congregants to follow along with readings and sermons. There are also many apps for daily devotionals, prayer reminders, and Bible studies.
Church Management SoftwarePlatforms like ChurchTrac or Planning Center can be used to plan services, schedule volunteers, track attendance, manage giving, and facilitate communication among members.
Websites and Social MediaA well-maintained website and active social media presence can foster community, provide information, and reach potential new members.
Podcasts and BlogsChurches can record sermons or teachings and publish them as podcasts. Blog posts can provide additional spiritual instruction or community news.
Online Giving PlatformsTools like Tithe.ly or Pushpay make it easy for congregants to tithe and give offerings digitally.
Interactive WhiteboardsThese can be used during Bible studies or youth services to encourage interaction and learning.

Each of these technologies, when used thoughtfully, can support and enhance worship without detracting from the spiritual focus of the service.

The Role of Social Media in Boosting Church Attendance

In this digital era, social media plays a crucial role in community building. By creating an active social media presence, you can reach a wider audience, share church activities, and engage with your congregation. Social media platforms can also be an excellent tool for reminding people about upcoming services or events.

The use of social media has become a powerful tool in spreading the Gospel message. The following table presents the importance and advantages of using social media to share the Christian faith:

AccessibilitySocial media allows the Gospel message to reach an unprecedented audience. Users from around the world can have access to the Gospel message at any time and place.
EngagementSocial media platforms provide an interactive environment. People can engage with content through likes, shares, comments, and direct messages, fostering communication and dialogue.
Community BuildingSocial media enables Christians worldwide to connect, engage in discussions, and foster a sense of community. It breaks down geographical and cultural barriers.
EvangelizationIt allows churches, ministries, and individuals to share scripture, devotionals, sermons, and inspirational messages, potentially reaching those who may not regularly attend church.
EducationSocial media can be used as a tool for teaching and learning. It can offer Bible studies, educational videos, and informative posts about the Christian faith.
Event PromotionChurches and Christian organizations can use social media to promote events like worship services, Bible studies, community service projects, and more.
Real-Time UpdatesSocial media provides a platform for real-time information sharing, such as prayer requests, church announcements, or updates on mission trips.
Visual StorytellingThrough images, videos, infographics, and other visual content, social media can tell compelling stories that bring the Gospel to life.
OutreachSocial media can serve as an effective tool for outreach, inviting individuals to church services or community events, and providing a platform for testimonies and transformative stories.

Used wisely and responsibly, social media can be an effective tool in fulfilling the Great Commission to spread the Gospel to all corners of the earth.

Building Strong Fellowship and Community Ties

Fostering a sense of community can significantly improve church attendance. This involves organizing regular fellowship events, small group meetings, and social activities that allow members to build relationships outside of regular church services.

Crafting Compelling Church Events

Church events can be a powerful tool to attract new attendees while keeping the existing congregation engaged. These could range from charity drives and community service to fun-filled family events. Such events not only bring the community together but also demonstrate the church’s commitment to service.

Creating a sense of fellowship and community within a church is essential for its growth and sustainability. The following table provides some ways and events that a church can use to foster strong fellowship among its congregation:

Community Service ProjectsOrganizing projects where members can work together to benefit their local community can foster a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
Small Group MinistriesSmall groups or home-based Bible studies can provide intimate settings for members to connect on a deeper level and grow in their faith together.
RetreatsChurch retreats provide a getaway from the daily routine and an opportunity for members to connect, learn, and grow in their faith in a relaxed setting.
Worship NightsSpecial nights dedicated to worship can deepen the spiritual bond among members.
Potluck DinnersSharing a meal together can foster a sense of community. Potluck dinners provide an opportunity for members to contribute and learn more about each other.
Volunteer TeamsCreating teams that handle different church tasks like hospitality, music, technical support, etc., can make members feel more involved and invested.
Youth and Children’s ProgramsThese programs can provide a way for younger members to connect with one another and the church.
Prayer MeetingsRegular prayer meetings can provide a supportive environment for members to share their concerns and feel a sense of communal support.
Fundraising EventsEvents such as bake sales, charity runs, or auctions can build fellowship while supporting the church or a charitable cause.
Social GatheringsEvents like game nights, movie nights, or sporting events can offer casual, non-religious settings for church members to socialize and build relationships.

These activities not only help strengthen the bonds among existing members but can also be welcoming for new members, creating a strong, supportive community.

The Importance of Family and Youth Engagement

The younger generation is the future of the church. Thus, engaging children and youth is essential. This can be achieved by organizing age-appropriate activities, incorporating youth in church services, and providing avenues for them to understand and express their faith.

The Power of Personal Invitations

Never underestimate the power of a personal invitation. Encourage your congregation to invite their friends, neighbors, and family to attend church. A personal invitation can be more effective than any advertisement, as it carries a genuine, personal touch.

Outreach Programs: Making a Difference in the Community

Outreach programs serve the dual purpose of serving the community and displaying the church’s mission and values. These initiatives can attract community members to the church, thereby improving attendance.

Churches can engage in a variety of outreach programs to both share their faith and offer practical help to their communities. Here are some examples of such programs:

Outreach ProgramDescription
Food PantryMany churches operate food pantries that offer free groceries to people in need.
Clothing DrivesCollecting and distributing gently used clothing can provide necessary items for those who can’t afford them.
Homeless OutreachChurches can offer meals, hygiene kits, or other services to homeless individuals in their communities.
After-School ProgramsThese programs can provide children with safe, structured environments for learning and play after school ends.
Job Training WorkshopsChurches can offer workshops on resume writing, interview skills, or other job-related skills to help people find employment.
Addiction Recovery GroupsChurch-sponsored recovery groups can provide support for people struggling with substance abuse.
Prison MinistryMinistry teams can visit local prisons to share messages of hope and rehabilitation.
Health ClinicsSome churches operate or partner with health clinics to offer medical care, dental care, or health education.
Elder CareServices can include visits to the elderly, running errands, or providing transportation.
Community Clean-UpChurches can organize days to clean parks, streets, or other public spaces in their neighborhoods.

By actively engaging in these types of outreach programs, churches can make a positive impact in their communities and demonstrate the love and service that characterize their faith.

Cultivating Spiritual Growth and Discipleship

Promoting spiritual growth is a fundamental aspect of improving church attendance. This involves offering resources for spiritual development, holding discipleship classes, and providing opportunities for members to grow in their faith.

Vision SuggestionsDescription
Regular Sermons on EvangelismChurch leadership can frequently address the importance of reaching the lost in their sermons, emphasizing it as a key part of the church’s mission.
Evangelism TrainingChurches can provide regular training on how to effectively share faith with others. This can include apologetics courses, communication skills training, or practical evangelism strategies.
Community EventsOrganizing events in the community can provide an opportunity to interact with people outside the church and show them God’s love in practical ways.
Small Group OutreachEncourage small groups within the church to regularly participate in outreach activities, and consider making this a key part of the small group structure.
Encourage Personal TestimoniesRegularly sharing personal testimonies can inspire others in the church to share their faith. These can be shared during church services, small group meetings, or via the church’s social media platforms.
Mission TripsOrganize regular local and international mission trips, allowing church members to actively participate in reaching the lost.
Partnership with Outreach OrganizationsPartner with local or international evangelism organizations to create more opportunities for church members to participate in outreach.
Prayer Meetings for the LostRegularly hold prayer meetings specifically focused on praying for the salvation of the lost.
Technology & Social Media UseUse technology and social media platforms to reach a wider audience, share sermons, testimonies, and gospel messages.
Invitational CultureFoster an invitational culture where members are encouraged to regularly invite friends, neighbors, and coworkers to church services or events.

These strategies can inspire and equip church members to actively participate in the mission of reaching the lost, thus making evangelism a central part of the church’s identity and vision.

Fostering a Culture of Volunteering

Involving congregation members in church activities through volunteering can improve attendance. When members actively participate in the church’s functioning, they feel more connected and are likely to attend more regularly.

The Role of Inspirational Sermons in Church Attendance

Inspirational and relevant sermons can leave a lasting impact, encouraging people to attend more frequently. By addressing real-life issues from a Biblical perspective, you can provide spiritual guidance and solutions, making your sermons a not-to-miss experience.

Spiritual Lessons a Preacher can Give to encourage an Evangelistic Spirit

Spiritual LessonDescription
The Great CommissionJesus’ instruction in Matthew 28:19-20 serves as a command for all believers to spread the gospel. The preacher can emphasize the importance and responsibility of sharing the Good News.
Parable of the SowerUsing the parable in Matthew 13:1-23, preachers can explain that our role is to sow the seed (the Word of God), even though some will not accept it, while others will bear fruit.
Story of the Samaritan WomanJohn 4:1-42 provides a great example of personal evangelism. Preachers can use this story to encourage believers to share their testimonies and talk about Jesus in their everyday encounters.
Paul’s Missionary JourneysThe life of Apostle Paul, as described in the book of Acts, is a powerful example of dedication to evangelism. Preachers can use his example to inspire courage and commitment.
Parable of the Lost SheepLuke 15:1-7 emphasizes God’s heart for the lost and can be used to stir up a similar passion within believers.
Power of the Holy SpiritActs 1:8 explains that believers receive power from the Holy Spirit to be witnesses. Preachers can emphasize reliance on the Holy Spirit in evangelistic efforts.
Love Your NeighborPreachers can use Matthew 22:39 to highlight that love for others should compel us to share the gospel with them.
The Value of a SoulThe parable of the pearl of great price in Matthew 13:45-46 can be used to emphasize the value of every soul in God’s eyes.
Responsibility of the WatchmanEzekiel 33:1-9 serves as a stern reminder of the believer’s responsibility to warn others of the coming judgement.

These lessons can encourage a heart for evangelism, inspire courage, and provide practical guidance for spreading the gospel.

Why Church Appearance and Aesthetics Matter

The aesthetics of a church can greatly influence first-time visitors. A clean, well-maintained church environment can create a positive impression and a comfortable atmosphere, thereby encouraging people to attend.

Incorporating Music and Arts in Worship

Music and arts can enhance the worship experience, making services more engaging and appealing. This, in turn, can improve church attendance, as people are drawn towards a spiritually enriching, aesthetically pleasing experience.

Leveraging Church Ministries to Drive Attendance

Church ministries can be a driving factor in improving church attendance. Whether it’s a men’s ministry, women’s ministry, or a ministry for the elderly, these groups provide a platform for similar individuals to gather, grow, and support each other.

The Impact of Effective Leadership on Church Attendance

Effective leadership can have a profound impact on church attendance. Leaders who are approachable, spiritually grounded, and charismatic can attract and retain more members in the congregation.

Visionary LeadershipChurch leaders inspire and set the vision for the congregation. They help in painting a vivid picture of the future, which motivates and encourages attendance.
Pastoral CareLeaders play a vital role in providing spiritual guidance, counseling, and mentorship. This personalized attention can lead to increased engagement and regular attendance.
Organizational ManagementChurch leaders coordinate activities, programs, and events that engage the congregation. Their effective management ensures smooth operations, fostering an environment that congregants are eager to participate in.
Role ModelingAs role models, church leaders’ attitudes and behaviors influence the congregation. Leaders who are consistent in their commitment and practice are more likely to inspire regular attendance.
Teaching and PreachingQuality of sermons plays a significant role in church attendance. Effective leaders deliver compelling, Bible-based teachings that meet the spiritual needs of the congregation.
Community BuildingLeaders foster a sense of community within the church. They develop programs and initiatives that encourage fellowship, making the church a place where people want to be.
Conflict ResolutionConflicts are inevitable in any community. Church leaders play a crucial role in mediating and resolving conflicts, ensuring a harmonious environment conducive to regular attendance.
Strategic PlanningChurch leaders’ strategic planning for growth, outreach, and discipleship can significantly impact attendance. Clear plans and goals help congregants feel part of a bigger mission.
Spiritual DiscernmentLeaders use their spiritual discernment to understand and address the unique challenges of the congregation, leading to services that are more relevant and engaging.

Strong leadership is fundamental to the health and growth of a church. When congregants trust their leaders and feel engaged and cared for, they are more likely to attend church regularly and participate in church activities.

Transparency and Communication: Key to a Thriving Church

Transparent communication can help in improving church attendance. Keep your congregation informed about the church’s mission, vision, finances, and decisions. A well-informed congregation is more likely to be engaged and active.

Nurturing Church Partnerships and Alliances

Building partnerships with other churches and alliances can boost church attendance. Joint worship services, community projects, and resource sharing can benefit all involved parties and attract a larger audience.

Staying Relevant: Adapting to Changes and Trends

In order to improve church attendance, it’s important to stay relevant. This involves understanding and adapting to societal changes and trends, while staying true to your church’s mission and values.

Ways a Church can Maintain its Revelance as Culture Changes so Rapidly

Embrace ChangeChurches should be open to new ideas and be willing to adapt to changes in society. This includes new styles of worship, incorporating technology, and more.
Relevant TeachingsKeep biblical teachings relevant by applying them to modern life. This helps congregants apply the Bible’s teachings to their everyday lives and current societal issues.
Engage with TechnologyIncorporate modern technology to engage with congregants, such as social media, livestream services, and digital Bible studies.
Community EngagementFoster relationships with the community through outreach programs, charity work, and local events. This creates a meaningful bond between the church and the community it serves.
Intergenerational WorshipEncourage interactions between different age groups within the church. This can create a sense of unity and foster understanding between different generations.
Foster InclusivityPromote a culture of inclusivity where everyone, regardless of their background, feels welcomed and valued. This reflects the universal love of God.
Continuous LearningInvest in ongoing training and education for church leaders to equip them with relevant skills to navigate cultural shifts.
CollaborationEncourage congregants to participate in church decision-making. This can foster a sense of ownership and engagement.
Proactive CommunicationRegularly communicate with the congregation about changes and why they’re happening. Transparency can foster trust and understanding.

It’s crucial for churches to remain relevant as society evolves. By adapting to changes and meeting the needs of the congregation, churches can continue to grow and make a significant impact in their communities.

Handling Attendance Slumps and Seasonal Changes

It’s common for churches to experience attendance slumps and seasonal changes. Whether it’s during holiday seasons or summer vacations, having a strategy to maintain engagement during these times can help in sustaining church attendance.

The Role of Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

Continuous improvement and evaluation are crucial for any strategy aimed at improving church attendance. Regularly assess your strategies, get feedback from congregation members, and be willing to make changes as necessary.

Final Thoughts: Fostering Sustainable Church Attendance Growth

Improving church attendance is not a one-time effort; it’s a continual process that involves fostering a welcoming environment, building strong community ties, using technology effectively, and providing engaging services. By incorporating the strategies discussed in this guide, you can stimulate sustainable growth in your church attendance, thereby cultivating a vibrant and engaged congregation.

How to be saved according to the Bible    In order to understand how to be saved, we first need to understand what salvation is. Salvation is when God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. It's a free gift from God that we can't earn on our own. So how do we receive this gift? The Bible tells us that there are six steps: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. Let's break each one of these down.     Hearing - The first step is hearing the gospel. The gospel is the good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again. This news must be heard in order for us to believe it.     Believing - Once we hear the gospel, we must believe it. This means that we trust that Jesus is who He says He is and that He can save us from our sins.     Repenting - Once we believe the gospel, we must repent of our sins. This means that we turn away from our sin and start living for God.     Confessing - After we repent of our sins, we need to confess them to God. This means that we tell God all of the sinful things we have done and ask Him for forgiveness.     Believers Baptism - The final step is believers baptism. This is when a person who has already believed and repented is baptized in water as an outward sign of their inward decision to follow Christ. Baptism doesn't save us, but it's an important step of obedience for every Christian.     Discipling others -  Finally, once we have received salvation through these steps, it's important that we continue to grow in our faith and share the gospel with others so they too can be saved.      These are the six steps required for salvation according to the Bible: hearing, believing, repenting, confessing, repenting again, and believers baptism. If you have never done these things or if you're not sure if you've done them correctly, I encourage you to talk to a pastor or other Christian friend who can help guide you through these steps. Salvation is a free gift from God, but it's one that we need to take intentional steps to receive. Don't wait another day - start your journey towards salvation today!


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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