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Quiz – Characteristics of a Prophetess 

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic, Characteristics of a Prophetess 

Characteristics of a Prophetess

  1. What is the definition of a prophetess?
    A. A woman who speaks on behalf of God
    B. A female religious leader
    C. A wise and knowledgeable woman
    D. A female healer of spiritual ailments
  2. What qualities are associated with a prophetess?
    A. Visionary
    B. Charismatic
    C. Respected
    D. All of the above
  3. Who are some famous prophetesses in the Bible?
    A. Deborah
    B. Miriam
    C. Huldah
    D. All of the above
  4. What is the role of a prophetess in the Bible?
    A. To provide guidance and direction
    B. To foretell the future
    C. To interpret the will of God
    D. All of the above
  5. What is the purpose of a prophetess?
    A. To warn people of danger
    B. To provide spiritual comfort
    C. To give guidance and direction
    D. All of the above
  6. What is an example of a prophetess in the Bible?
    A. Mary, the mother of Jesus
    B. Huldah, the prophetess of Jerusalem
    C. Miriam, the sister of Moses
    D. All of the above
  7. What is a prophetess’s relationship to God?
    A. She speaks on behalf of Him
    B. She receives divine guidance
    C. She acts as an intermediary between God and people
    D. All of the above
  8. What is the importance of a prophetess in religion?
    A. To provide guidance and direction
    B. To warn people of danger
    C. To spread the word of God
    D. All of the above
  9. What is a prophetess’s relationship to the community?
    A. She is a spiritual leader
    B. She is a source of emotional comfort
    C. She is a source of moral authority
    D. All of the above
  10. What qualities are expected of a prophetess?
    A. Integrity
    B. Faithfulness
    C. Compassion
    D. All of the above
  11. What is the purpose of a prophetess’s message?
    A. To foretell the future
    B. To provide spiritual guidance
    C. To interpret the will of God
    D. All of the above
  12. What is the importance of a prophetess in society?
    A. To provide hope and inspiration
    B. To help people better understand the will of God
    C. To provide comfort and solace
    D. All of the above
  13. How does a prophetess receive her messages from God?
    A. Through visions
    B. Through dreams
    C. Through the Holy Spirit
    D. All of the above
  14. What is the difference between a prophet and a prophetess?
    A. A prophet is male and a prophetess is female
    B. A prophet speaks on behalf of God, while a prophetess receives divine guidance
    C. A prophet speaks to the people, while a prophetess interprets the will of God
    D. All of the above
  15. What qualities should a prophetess possess?
    A. Wisdom
    B. Humility
    C. Discernment
    D. All of the above

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