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Quiz – Questions about Tithing

Quiz - Questions about Tithing

Questions about Tithing

Quiz – Questions about Tithing

  1. What is tithing?
    A. The practice of donating a tenth of one’s income to a church
    B. A type of prayer
    C. A type of tax
    D. A type of fast
  2. What is the purpose of tithing?
    A. To demonstrate faith in God
    B. To support the Church
    C. To show obedience to God
    D. All of the above
  3. When did the practice of tithing begin?
    A. In the Old Testament
    B. In the New Testament
    C. In the Middle Ages
    D. In the 20th century
  4. What is the traditional way to pay a tithe?
    A. In cash
    B. In kind
    C. Through a trust fund
    D. With a credit card
  5. What is the recommended percentage for tithing?
    A. 5%
    B. 10%
    C. 15%
    D. 20%
  6. What is the principle of tithing?
    A. Give what is necessary
    B. Give what is convenient
    C. Give what you can
    D. Give the firstfruits of your income
  7. Is tithing required in the Bible?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only for the wealthy
    D. Only for the poor
  8. Can people tithe on their investments?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only on stocks
    D. Only on bonds
  9. What type of income can be included when tithing?
    A. Salary
    B. Interest
    C. Dividends
    D. All of the above
  10. What is the purpose of the tithe?
    A. To pay for church expenses
    B. To support the poor
    C. To demonstrate faith in God
    D. To show obedience to God
  11. When is tithing done?
    A. Weekly
    B. Monthly
    C. Annually
    D. As often as possible
  12. Is tithing voluntary?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only for the wealthy
    D. Only for the poor
  13. Who should receive the tithe?
    A. Church
    B. Charity
    C. Government
    D. All of the above
  14. Is tithing the same as offering?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only in the Old Testament
    D. Only in the New Testament
  15. What is the purpose of a tithe?
    A. To support the Church
    B. To demonstrate faith in God
    C. To show obedience to God
    D. All of the above

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Tithe: Bible Verses about Tithing


  • Darlene & Greg

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