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Quiz- Foods That Jesus Ate

Quiz Foods That Jesus Ate

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic Foods That Jesus Ate

  1. What type of fish did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Salmon
    b. Trout
    c. Tilapia
    d. Mackerel
  2. What type of bread did Jesus feed the 5,000 people with?
    a. Unleavened Bread
    b. Naan
    c. Pita
    d. Focaccia
  3. What type of fruit did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Apples
    b. Oranges
    c. Grapes
    d. Bananas
  4. What type of vegetable did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Carrots
    b. Potatoes
    c. Onions
    d. Spinach
  5. What type of grain did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Barley
    b. Wheat
    c. Rye
    d. Quinoa
  6. What type of meat did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Beef
    b. Lamb
    c. Pork
    d. Chicken
  7. What type of oil did Jesus reportedly use in cooking?
    a. Olive Oil
    b. Canola Oil
    c. Coconut Oil
    d. Sunflower Oil
  8. What type of dairy product did Jesus reportedly eat?
    a. Milk
    b. Cheese
    c. Yogurt
    d. Butter
  9. What type of fish did Jesus and his disciples reportedly catch in the Sea of Galilee?
    a. Carp
    b. Mackerel
    c. Tilapia
    d. Catfish
  10. What type of fish did Jesus reportedly eat after his resurrection?
    a. Herring
    b. Salmon
    c. Trout
    d. Sardines
  11. What type of drink did Jesus reportedly offer at the Last Supper?
    a. Wine
    b. Beer
    c. Water
    d. Juice
  12. What type of food did Jesus reportedly feed to the multitudes?
    a. Fish and Bread
    b. Bread and Cheese
    c. Soup and Bread
    d. Fruit and Nuts
  13. What type of food did Jesus reportedly eat in the wilderness?
    a. Locusts
    b. Fish
    c. Cakes
    d. Berries
  14. What type of food did Jesus reportedly feed the 4,000 people with?
    a. Seven Loaves of Bread and a Few Fish
    b. Seven Fishes and a Few Loaves of Bread
    c. Seven Fruits and a Few Vegetables
    d. Seven Vegetables and a Few Fruits
  15. What type of food did Jesus reportedly eat at the Last Supper?
    a. Fish and Bread
    b. Bread and Cheese
    c. Meat and Potato
    d. Fruit and Nuts

Answers for Questions With Description

  1. c. Tilapia
  2. a. Unleavened Bread
  3. a. Apples
  4. d. Spinach
  5. b. Wheat
  6. b. Lamb
  7. a. Olive Oil
  8. a. Milk
  9. c. Tilapia
  10. a. Herring
  11. a. Wine
  12. a. Fish and Bread
  13. a. Locusts
  14. b. Seven Fishes and a Few Loaves of Bread
  15. b. Bread and Cheese


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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