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Quiz – What Does the Bible say About Angels

Quiz - What Does the Bible say About Angels

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible say About Angels

  1. How many angels did God send to speak to Abraham in the book of Genesis?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. Four
  2. What did the angels tell Abraham in the book of Genesis?
    A. That he would have a son
    B. To sacrifice his son
    C. To move to a new land
    D. To build an altar
  3. In the book of Daniel, what message did the angel Gabriel bring from God?
    A. A warning to flee from the city
    B. A message of hope and deliverance
    C. A message of judgment
    D. A call to repentance
  4. What did the angel Gabriel tell Mary in the book of Luke?
    A. She would become pregnant with a son
    B. She would conceive a daughter
    C. She would be blessed with many children
    D. She would be the mother of the Messiah
  5. What type of angels are mentioned in the book of Revelation?
    A. Cherubim
    B. Seraphim
    C. Archangels
    D. All of the above
  6. How many angels were standing around the throne of God in the Book of Revelation?
    A. Four
    B. Six
    C. Ten
    D. Twenty-four
  7. What did the angel tell Joseph to do in the book of Matthew?
    A. Take Mary as his wife
    B. Flee to Egypt
    C. Name the child Jesus
    D. All of the above
  8. What did the angels tell the shepherds in the book of Luke?
    A. To go to Bethlehem
    B. To praise the Lord
    C. That the Messiah had been born
    D. All of the above
  9. What did the angel Gabriel tell Zechariah in the book of Luke?
    A. That his wife would give birth to a son
    B. That he would be able to speak again
    C. That he should repent
    D. That he would have many descendants
  10. What did the angel tell Mary in the book of Matthew?
    A. That she would be blessed
    B. That she would give birth to a son
    C. That she should fear God
    D. That she should not be afraid
  11. What did the angel tell Joseph in the book of Matthew?
    A. To take Mary as his wife
    B. To flee to Egypt
    C. To name the child Jesus
    D. All of the above
  12. What did the angel tell Daniel in the book of Daniel?
    A. To go to Babylon
    B. To trust in God
    C. That his prayers had been answered
    D. All of the above
  13. What did the angel tell Joshua in the book of Joshua?
    A. To be strong and courageous
    B. To take possession of the land
    C. To keep the law of God
    D. All of the above
  14. What did the angel tell Elijah in the book of 1 Kings?
    A. To anoint a new king
    B. To go to the wilderness
    C. To stay in the land
    D. To build an altar to the Lord
  15. What did the angel tell Paul in the book of Acts?
    A. To be of good courage
    B. To remain in prison
    C. To preach the gospel
    D. All of the above

Answers to Above Questions with Description

  1. B. Two – Two angels were sent to speak to Abraham in Genesis 18.
  2. A. That he would have a son – The angels told Abraham in Genesis 18 that he would have a son through his wife Sarah.
  3. B. A message of hope and deliverance – The angel Gabriel brought a message of hope and deliverance from God to Daniel in Daniel 9.
  4. A. She would become pregnant with a son – The angel Gabriel told Mary in Luke 1 that she would become pregnant with a son who would be the Messiah.
  5. D. All of the above – The book of Revelation mentions cherubim, seraphim, and archangels.
  6. D. Twenty-four – There were twenty-four angels standing around the throne of God in Revelation 4.
  7. D. All of the above – The angel told Joseph to take Mary as his wife, flee to Egypt, and name the child Jesus in Matthew 1-2.
  8. D. All of the above – The angels told the shepherds in Luke 2 to go to Bethlehem, to praise the Lord, and that the Messiah had been born.
  9. A. That his wife would give birth to a son – The angel Gabriel told Zechariah in Luke 1 that his wife Elizabeth would give birth to a son who would become the forerunner of the Messiah.
  10. B. That she would give birth to a son – The angel told Mary in Matthew 1 that she would give birth to a son who would be the Messiah.
  11. D. All of the above – The angel told Joseph in Matthew 1 to take Mary as his wife, flee to Egypt, and name the child Jesus.
  12. D. All of the above – The angel told Daniel in Daniel 9 to go to Babylon, to trust in God, and that his prayers had been answered.
  13. D. All of the above – The angel told Joshua in Joshua 1 to be strong and courageous, take possession of the land, and keep the law of God.
  14. B. To go to the wilderness – The angel told Elijah in 1 Kings 19 to go to the wilderness and stay there.
  15. D. All of the above – The angel told Paul in Acts 23 to be of good courage, remain in prison, and preach the gospel.


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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