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Quiz – What Does The Bible Say about Barnabas

Quiz - What Does The Bible Say about Barnabas

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does The Bible Say about Barnabas

  1. Who was Barnabas in the Bible?
    A. An apostle
    B. A prophet
    C. A disciple
    D. A missionary
  2. Where did Barnabas come from?
    A. Egypt
    B. Syria
    C. Israel
    D. Rome
  3. What was Barnabas’s original name?
    A. Joseph
    B. Saul
    C. Peter
    D. John
  4. What was Barnabas’s purpose in the early church?
    A. To preach the Gospel
    B. To serve as a leader
    C. To provide financial support
    D. To provide encouragement and comfort
  5. What did Barnabas do when he met Saul?
    A. He prayed for him
    B. He welcomed him
    C. He challenged him
    D. He ignored him
  6. How did Barnabas help the church at Antioch?
    A. He gave generously from his own resources
    B. He preached in the synagogues
    C. He organized a relief effort
    D. He invited Paul to join him
  7. How did Barnabas and Paul travel together?
    A. On foot
    B. By ship
    C. By donkey
    D. By horse
  8. What did Barnabas and Paul do on their missionary journeys?
    A. They preached the Gospel
    B. They established churches
    C. They performed miracles
    D. They gathered donations
  9. What did Barnabas do when he and Paul disagreed?
    A. He argued
    B. He left
    C. He prayed
    D. He compromised
  10. How did Barnabas respond when John Mark abandoned Paul and Barnabas?
    A. He condemned him
    B. He dismissed him
    C. He comforted him
    D. He forgave him
  11. How did the church at Jerusalem respond to Barnabas and Paul’s mission?
    A. They praised them
    B. They questioned them
    C. They ignored them
    D. They rejected them
  12. What kind of person was Barnabas?
    A. Generous
    B. Judgmental
    C. Harsh
    D. Selfish
  13. What did Barnabas do when he arrived in Cyprus?
    A. He preached in the synagogues
    B. He gathered money from the churches
    C. He organized a relief effort
    D. He challenged the governor
  14. What happened when Barnabas and Paul argued?
    A. They parted ways
    B. They reconciled
    C. They continued together
    D. They stayed angry
  15. What did Barnabas do before he died?
    A. He founded a church
    B. He wrote a letter
    C. He preached one last sermon
    D. He left instructions to the church

Answers to Above Questions with Description

  1. A. An apostle- Barnabas was an apostle in the early church.
  2. A. Egypt- Barnabas was from Cyprus, but he was originally from Egypt.
  3. A. Joseph- Barnabas’s original name was Joseph.
  4. D. To provide encouragement and comfort- Barnabas was known for his encouragement and comfort to the early church.
  5. B. He welcomed him- When Barnabas met Saul, he welcomed him into the church.
  6. A. He gave generously from his own resources- Barnabas gave generously from his own resources to help the church at Antioch.
  7. B. By ship- Barnabas and Paul traveled together by ship on their missionary journeys.
  8. A. They preached the Gospel- Barnabas and Paul’s main purpose on their missionary journeys was to preach the Gospel.
  9. D. He compromised- When Barnabas and Paul disagreed, Barnabas compromised in order to keep the peace.
  10. D. He forgave him- Barnabas responded to John Mark’s abandonment by forgiving him.
  11. A. They praised them- The church at Jerusalem praised Barnabas and Paul for their mission.
  12. A. Generous- Barnabas was known for his generosity.
  13. A. He preached in the synagogues- When Barnabas arrived in Cyprus, he preached in the synagogues.
  14. B. They reconciled- When Barnabas and Paul argued, they eventually reconciled and continued together.
  15. B. He wrote a letter- Before he died, Barnabas wrote a letter to the church.


  • Darlene & Greg

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