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Quiz – What Does the Bible say About Absalom

Quiz - What Does the Bible say About Absalom

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – What Does the Bible say About Absalom

  1. Who is Absalom in the Bible?
    a. A prophet
    b. A king
    c. A disciple
    d. A leader
  2. What is Absalom’s father’s name?
    a. Saul
    b. David
    c. Solomon
    d. Abraham
  3. How many sons did Absalom have?
    a. 2
    b. 5
    c. 10
    d. 12
  4. What was the name of Absalom’s sister?
    a. Tamar
    b. Ruth
    c. Rebekah
    d. Sarah
  5. What is the significance of Absalom’s long hair?
    a. It symbolized his loyalty to his father
    b. It demonstrated his faithfulness to God
    c. It was a sign of his wealth
    d. It was a sign of his strength
  6. What did Absalom do to try to seize the throne from his father, David?
    a. He killed David’s advisors
    b. He gathered an army
    c. He plotted a coup
    d. He appealed to the people
  7. How did Absalom die?
    a. He was killed in battle
    b. He was killed by David’s army
    c. He was stoned to death
    d. He was hanged
  8. How did David respond to the news of Absalom’s death?
    a. He wept
    b. He rejoiced
    c. He prayed
    d. He cursed
  9. What did David’s advisors tell him to do when Absalom rebelled against him?
    a. To use force
    b. To seek help from other kings
    c. To forgive Absalom
    d. To flee the country
  10. According to the Bible, what was the cause of Absalom’s death?
    a. His own sins
    b. His father’s curse
    c. His own pride
    d. God’s judgment
  11. What did Absalom build in Jerusalem to try to win the people’s favor?
    a. A temple
    b. A palace
    c. An altar
    d. A tower
  12. In what book of the Bible is Absalom’s story found?
    a. Exodus
    b. Deuteronomy
    c. Samuel
    d. Proverbs
  13. What did Absalom do to get revenge on his half-brother Amnon?
    a. He killed him
    b. He exiled him
    c. He had him stoned
    d. He had him banished
  14. What did Absalom do to gain the support of the people?
    a. He gave them gifts
    b. He gave them land
    c. He promised to lower taxes
    d. He promised to increase wages
  15. What did Absalom do to gain the support of the priests?
    a. He gave them money
    b. He gave them sacrifices
    c. He promised to restore the Temple
    d. He promised to honor their traditions

Answers to Above Questions With Description

  1. b. A king
  2. b. David
  3. a. 2
  4. a. Tamar
  5. a. It symbolized his loyalty to his father
  6. d. He appealed to the people
  7. d. He was hanged
  8. a. He wept
  9. a. To use force
  10. c. His own pride
  11. b. A palace
  12. c. Samuel
  13. a. He killed him
  14. a. He gave them gifts
  15. a. He gave them money


  • Darlene & Greg

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