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Quiz – Is it a Sin to Change your Name 

Quiz - Is it a Sin to Change your Name

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about Name Changes

  1. According to the Bible, what was the significance of the name Abram changing to Abraham?
    A. It symbolized Abraham’s faith in God
    B. It marked his entry into the priesthood
    C. It marked his entry into the royal lineage
    D. It marked his entry into the Promised Land
  2. Who changed their name from Saul to Paul in the Bible?
    A. Moses
    B. Jesus
    C. Abraham
    D. Paul
  3. According to the Bible, why did Jacob change his name to Israel?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify his father’s blessing
    C. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
    D. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
  4. What did God change Abram’s name to in the Bible?
    A. Abraham
    B. Jacob
    C. David
    D. Moses
  5. According to the Bible, who changed his name to Peter?
    A. Simon
    B. Solomon
    C. Saul
    D. Jacob
  6. According to the Bible, who changed his name from Ishmael to Israel?
    A. Abraham
    B. Jacob
    C. Isaac
    D. Ishmael
  7. According to the Bible, why did Hagar and Ishmael change their names?
    A. To symbolize their new identities
    B. To signify God’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate their loyalty to God
    D. To indicate their conversion to Christianity
  8. According to the Bible, why did Jesus change Simon’s name to Peter?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify God’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
    D. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
  9. According to the Bible, why did God change Abram’s name to Abraham?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify his father’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
    D. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
  10. According to the Bible, who changed his name from Jacob to Israel?
    A. Abraham
    B. Isaac
    C. Jacob
    D. Moses
  11. According to the Bible, why did Jacob change his name to Israel?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify his father’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
    D. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
  12. According to the Bible, what was the significance of the name change from Simon to Peter?
    A. It symbolized Peter’s faith in God
    B. It marked his entry into the priesthood
    C. It marked his entry into the royal lineage
    D. It marked his entry into the Promised Land
  13. According to the Bible, who changed their name from Saul to Paul?
    A. Abraham
    B. Jacob
    C. Saul
    D. Paul
  14. According to the Bible, why did Abram change his name to Abraham?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify his father’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
    D. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
  15. According to the Bible, why did Jesus change Simon’s name to Peter?
    A. To symbolize his new identity
    B. To signify God’s blessing
    C. To demonstrate his loyalty to God
    D. To indicate his conversion to Christianity
    Answers to Above Questions with Description
  16. A. It symbolized Abraham’s faith in God
  17. D. Paul
  18. A. To symbolize his new identity
  19. A. Abraham
  20. A. Simon
  21. D. Ishmael
  22. A. To symbolize their new identities
  23. B. To signify God’s blessing
  24. B. To signify his father’s blessing
  25. C. Jacob
  26. A. To symbolize his new identity
  27. A. It symbolized Peter’s faith in God
  28. C. Saul
  29. B. To signify his father’s blessing
  30. B. To signify God’s blessing


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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