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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Animal Rights

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about Animal Rights

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible about the treatment of Animals

  1. According to the Bible, what is the purpose of animals?
    A. To bring joy and companionship to humans
    B. To be used solely for food
    C. To be treated with respect and kindness
    D. To be abused and neglected
  2. What is the most important responsibility people have towards animals, according to the Bible?
    A. To provide food and shelter
    B. To protect them from harm
    C. To worship them
    D. To exploit them
  3. In the Bible, what does God say about people who mistreat animals?
    A. They will be blessed
    B. They will be cursed
    C. They will be forgiven
    D. They will be ignored
  4. According to the Bible, what reason does God give for creating animals?
    A. For companionship
    B. For entertainment
    C. For sacrifice
    D. For labor
  5. In the Bible, what does God command us to do with animals?
    A. Love them
    B. Fear them
    C. Ignore them
    D. Abuse them
  6. According to the Bible, what is the proper way to treat animals?
    A. With respect and compassion
    B. With cruelty and neglect
    C. With worship and reverence
    D. With indifference and apathy
  7. What does the Bible say about animals that are used for food?
    A. They must be killed humanely
    B. They must be treated as slaves
    C. They must be worshipped
    D. They must be neglected
  8. According to the Bible, what should people do if they cannot care for their animals?
    A. Give them away
    B. Sell them
    C. Abandon them
    D. Sacrifice them
  9. What does the Bible say about people who care for animals?
    A. They will be blessed
    B. They will be cursed
    C. They will be forgiven
    D. They will be ignored
  10. What does the Bible say about animals that are used for labor?
    A. They must be treated humanely
    B. They must be treated as slaves
    C. They must be worshipped
    D. They must be neglected
  11. According to the Bible, what is the ultimate purpose of animals?
    A. To bring joy and companionship to humans
    B. To be used solely for food
    C. To be treated with respect and kindness
    D. To be abused and neglected
  12. What did Jesus say about people who neglect animals?
    A. They will be blessed
    B. They will be cursed
    C. They will be forgiven
    D. They will be ignored
  13. What does the Bible say about people who mistreat animals?
    A. They will be blessed
    B. They will be cursed
    C. They will be forgiven
    D. They will be ignored
  14. In the Bible, what is the proper way to treat animals?
    A. With respect and compassion
    B. With cruelty and neglect
    C. With worship and reverence
    D. With indifference and apathy
  15. What does the Bible say about animals that are used for food?
    A. They must be killed humanely
    B. They must be treated as slaves
    C. They must be worshipped
    D. They must be neglected

Answers for Above Questions with Description

  1. C. To be treated with respect and kindness. The Bible teaches that animals were created by God and are an important part of His creation. As such, they should be treated with respect and kindness.
  2. B. To protect them from harm. The Bible states that people have a responsibility to protect animals from harm and to ensure that they are treated with respect and kindness.
  3. B. They will be cursed. The Bible is clear that mistreating animals is wrong and that people who do so will be cursed.
  4. A. For companionship. The Bible states that God created animals for companionship, and that people should treat them with respect and kindness.
  5. A. Love them. The Bible states that people should love animals and treat them with respect and kindness.
  6. A. With respect and compassion. The Bible teaches that animals should be treated with respect and compassion, and that people should not mistreat or abuse them.
  7. A. They must be killed humanely. The Bible is clear that animals that are used for food must be killed humanely and with respect.
  8. A. Give them away. The Bible states that people should not abandon or neglect their animals; rather, they should find a good home for them if they are unable to care for them.
  9. A. They will be blessed. The Bible states that people who care for animals will be blessed.
  10. A. They must be treated humanely. The Bible states that animals used for labor must be treated humanely and with respect.
  11. C. To be treated with respect and kindness. The Bible teaches that animals are an important part of creation and should be treated with respect and kindness.
  12. B. They will be cursed. The Bible is clear that mistreating animals is wrong and that people who do so will be cursed.
  13. B. They will be cursed. The Bible is clear that mistreating animals is wrong and that people who do so will be cursed.
  14. A. With respect and compassion. The Bible teaches that animals should be treated with respect and compassion, and that people should not mistreat or abuse them.
  15. A. They must be killed humanely. The Bible is clear that animals that are used for food must be killed humanely and with respect.


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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