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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say You Have To Do to Be Saved

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say You Have To Do to Be Saved

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic – What Does the Bible Say You Have To Do to Be Saved

  1. What must a person do to be saved according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. All of the Above
  2. What is the first step to being saved according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  3. What must a person do to be saved according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Be Baptized
  4. What must a person do to show their faith in Jesus according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  5. What must a person do to turn away from their sinful ways according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  6. What must a person do to be forgiven for their sins according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  7. What must a person do to be accepted by God according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Be Baptized
  8. What must a person do to demonstrate their faith in Jesus according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  9. What must a person do to receive the gift of eternal life according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  10. What must a person do to be added to the church according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Be Baptized
  11. What must a person do to proclaim their faith in Jesus according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  12. What must a person do to show submission to God according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Be Baptized
  13. What must a person do to be cleansed of their sins according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess
  14. What must a person do to become a disciple of Jesus according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Be Baptized
  15. What must a person do to show their commitment to Jesus according to the Bible?
    A. Hear
    B. Believe
    C. Repent
    D. Confess

Answers with Description

  1. D. All of the Above – In order to be saved, the Bible says that a person must Hear, Believe, and Repent.
  2. A. Hear – The Bible says that the first step to being saved is to Hear the message of the Gospel.
  3. D. Be Baptized – The Bible says that in order to be saved, a person must be baptized.
  4. D. Confess – To show their faith in Jesus, the Bible says that a person must Confess their belief in Him.
  5. C. Repent – To turn away from their sinful ways, the Bible says that a person must Repent.
  6. D. Confess – To be forgiven for their sins, the Bible says that a person must Confess their sins.
  7. D. Be Baptized – To be accepted by God, the Bible says that a person must be Baptized.
  8. D. Confess – To demonstrate their faith in Jesus, the Bible says that a person must Confess their belief in Him.
  9. B. Believe – To receive the gift of eternal life, the Bible says that a person must Believe in Jesus.
  10. D. Be Baptized – To be added to the church, the Bible says that a person must be Baptized.
  11. D. Confess – To proclaim their faith in Jesus, the Bible says that a person must Confess their belief in Him.
  12. D. Be Baptized – To show submission to God, the Bible says that a person must be Baptized.
  13. D. Confess – To be cleansed of their sins, the Bible says that a person must Confess their sins.
  14. D. Be Baptized – To become a disciple of Jesus, the Bible says that a person must be Baptized.
  15. D. Confess – To show their commitment to Jesus, the Bible says that a person must Confess their belief in Him.


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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