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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about the Universe

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about the Universe

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about the Universe

  1. According to the Bible, what is the universe made of?
    A. Time and space
    B. Water and air
    C. Nothing
    D. Heaven and earth
  2. According to the Bible, who created the universe?
    A. Man
    B. The Angels
    C. God
    D. Satan
  3. According to the Bible, how long did it take God to create the universe?
    A. 6 Days
    B. 6 Hours
    C. 6 Weeks
    D. 6 Months
  4. According to the Bible, how does God view the universe?
    A. With indifference
    B. With joy
    C. With disdain
    D. With anger
  5. According to the Bible, what is the purpose of the universe?
    A. To punish sinners
    B. To bring glory to God
    C. To test human faith
    D. To bring peace to mankind
  6. According to the Bible, what is the ultimate destiny of the universe?
    A. Destruction
    B. Renewal
    C. Transformation
    D. Preservation
  7. According to the Bible, what is the nature of the universe?
    A. Fixed
    B. Evolving
    C. Perfect
    D. Imperfect
  8. According to the Bible, is the universe eternal?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  9. According to the Bible, does the universe have a beginning and an end?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  10. According to the Bible, is the universe filled with evil?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  11. According to the Bible, can humans understand the universe?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  12. According to the Bible, is the universe a physical realm?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  13. According to the Bible, is the universe infinite?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  14. According to the Bible, is the universe part of God’s plan?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown
  15. According to the Bible, is the universe a source of wonder and awe?
    A. No
    B. Yes
    C. Maybe
    D. Unknown

Answers to above Questions With Description

  1. D. Heaven and Earth
  2. C. God
  3. A. 6 Days
  4. B. With Joy
  5. B. To bring glory to God
  6. B. Renewal
  7. D. Imperfect
  8. B. Yes
  9. B. Yes
  10. B. Yes
  11. B. Yes
  12. B. Yes
  13. B. Yes
  14. B. Yes


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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