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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about Crucifixion

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about Crucifixion

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about Crucifixion

  1. What did Jesus do on the cross?
    A. Preach
    B. Die
    C. Heal
    D. Teach
  2. How many thieves were crucified with Jesus?
    A. One
    B. Two
    C. Three
    D. None
  3. According to the Bible, why was Jesus crucified?
    A. To punish him for his sins
    B. To prove His power to save
    C. To fulfill prophecy
    D. To satisfy the crowds
  4. What did Jesus say from the cross?
    A. “It is finished”
    B. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
    C. “I thirst”
    D. “Father, forgive them”
  5. What did Jesus do on the cross to forgive sins?
    A. Prayed
    B. Died
    C. Wept
    D. Blessed
  6. What did Jesus do on the cross to atone for our sins?
    A. Pardoned us
    B. Bore our sins
    C. Interceded for us
    D. Sacrificed Himself
  7. According to the Bible, what did Jesus accomplish through His death on the cross?
    A. He conquered death
    B. He reconciled us to God
    C. He destroyed the power of sin
    D. He revealed God’s love
  8. What does Jesus’ death on the cross demonstrate?
    A. His power
    B. His mercy
    C. His justice
    D. His greatness
  9. What did Jesus accomplish by His death on the cross?
    A. He opened the way to Heaven
    B. He defeated Satan
    C. He restored us to God
    D. He destroyed death
  10. What does Jesus’ death on the cross show about God?
    A. His wrath
    B. His holiness
    C. His love
    D. His justice
  11. What did Jesus’ death on the cross reveal about our relationship with God?
    A. We are sinners
    B. We are worthy of His love
    C. We are forgiven
    D. We are saved
  12. What did Jesus do on the cross to show His power?
    A. He prayed
    B. He died
    C. He conquered death
    D. He rose again
  13. According to the Bible, what did Jesus’ death on the cross mean for our sins?
    A. They were erased
    B. They were forgiven
    C. They were forgotten
    D. They were no longer counted against us
  14. What does Jesus’ death on the cross show us about His love?
    A. He was willing to die for us
    B. He was willing to forgive us
    C. He was willing to give us grace
    D. He was willing to accept us
  15. What does Jesus’ death on the cross tell us about ourselves?
    A. We are unworthy of His love
    B. We are capable of great things
    C. We are worthy of His grace
    D. We are forgiven of our sins

Answers to Above Questions with Description

  1. B. Die – Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins.
  2. B. Two – Two criminals were crucified with Jesus.
  3. C. To fulfill prophecy – Jesus was crucified to fulfill the prophecies that were written about Him.
  4. A. “It is finished” – Jesus said “It is finished” to show that He had accomplished the mission given to Him by God.
  5. B. Died – Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins and to show His love for us.
  6. D. Sacrificed Himself – Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross to atone for our sins and to show His love for us.
  7. B. He reconciled us to God – Jesus’s death on the cross allowed us to be reconciled to God and to be saved from our sins.
  8. C. His love – Jesus’s death on the cross showed us the great love that God has for us.
  9. A. He opened the way to Heaven – Jesus’s death on the cross opened the way for us to enter into Heaven.
  10. C. His love – Jesus’s death on the cross showed us the great love that God has for us.
  11. C. We are forgiven – Jesus’s death on the cross revealed that we are forgiven of our sins and can be reconciled to God.
  12. C. He conquered death – Jesus’s death on the cross showed His power to conquer death and defeat Satan.
  13. B. They were forgiven – Jesus’s death on the cross meant that our sins were forgiven and no longer counted against us.
  14. A. He was willing to die for us – Jesus’s death on the cross showed His great love for us and that He was willing to die for us.
  15. C. We are worthy of His grace – Jesus’s death on the cross showed us that we are worthy of God’s grace and can be reconciled to Him.


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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