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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say Not to Eat

Quiz -What Does the Bible Say Not to Eat

15 Multiple choice questions on – What Does the Bible Say Not to Eat

  1. Which of the following is forbidden in the Bible?
    A. Milk
    B. Pork
    C. Shellfish
    D. Beef
  2. According to the Bible, which of the following is an unclean animal?
    A. Cow
    B. Lion
    C. Rabbit
    D. Pig
  3. What type of seafood is prohibited in the Bible?
    A. Shrimp
    B. Salmon
    C. Lobster
    D. Tuna
  4. What does the Bible say about the eating of locusts?
    A. It is acceptable
    B. It is forbidden
    C. It is allowed only on special occasions
    D. It is not mentioned
  5. Which of the following animals is not allowed to be eaten according to the Bible?
    A. Dove
    B. Horse
    C. Rabbit
    D. Deer
  6. What type of blood is not allowed to be eaten according to the Bible?
    A. Human
    B. Animal
    C. Fish
    D. All of the above
  7. What type of meat is not mentioned in the Bible?
    A. Goat
    B. Chicken
    C. Turtle
    D. Duck
  8. According to the Bible, are insects allowed to be eaten?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only on certain occasions
    D. It is not mentioned
  9. What type of animals are forbidden to be eaten according to the Bible?
    A. Reptiles
    B. Mammals
    C. Birds
    D. All of the above
  10. What type of fat is forbidden in the Bible?
    A. Animal
    B. Vegetable
    C. Both A and B
    D. None of the above
  11. Which of the following animals is not mentioned in the Bible as an unclean animal?
    A. Cat
    B. Wolf
    C. Sheep
    D. Pig
  12. What type of food is not mentioned in the Bible as being forbidden?
    A. Fruits
    B. Vegetables
    C. Grains
    D. Dairy
  13. Are shellfish allowed to be eaten according to the Bible?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only on special occasions
    D. It is not mentioned
  14. What type of food is not mentioned in the Bible as being unclean?
    A. Fish
    B. Nuts
    C. Dairy
    D. Shellfish
  15. According to the Bible, can you eat the flesh of dead animals?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Only on certain occasions
    D. It is not mentioned

Answers to Above Questions with answers

  1. B. Pork
  2. D. Pig
  3. C. Lobster
  4. B. It is forbidden
  5. B. Horse
  6. D. All of the above
  7. C. Turtle
  8. B. No
  9. D. All of the above
  10. A. Animal
  11. A. Cat
  12. D. Dairy
  13. B. No
  14. B. Nuts
  15. B. No


  • Greg Gaines

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family https://jesusleadershiptraining.com/about-us/

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