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Quiz – What The Bible says about Surrender | To God

Quiz - What The Bible says about Surrender

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What The Bible says about Surrender to God

What The Bible says about Surrender

  1. In the Bible, what does it say about surrendering to God?
    A. We must surrender ourselves completely to Him
    B. We must surrender our possessions to Him
    C. We must surrender our pride to Him
    D. We must surrender our will to Him
  2. According to the Bible, what is the ultimate result of surrendering to God?
    A. Joy and peace
    B. Wealth and prosperity
    C. Power and influence
    D. Eternal life
  3. What does the Bible tell us about surrendering our lives to God?
    A. We will be blessed
    B. We will be forgiven
    C. We will be rewarded
    D. We will be made new
  4. What does the Bible say about the importance of surrendering our hearts to God?
    A. He will give us strength
    B. He will protect our lives
    C. He will guide our paths
    D. He will provide our needs
  5. What does the Bible tell us about surrendering our minds to God?
    A. He will fill us with knowledge
    B. He will give us wisdom
    C. He will show us the truth
    D. He will open our eyes
  6. According to the Bible, what should we do when we surrender to God?
    A. Put our trust in Him
    B. Follow His commands
    C. Show His love to others
    D. Seek His guidance
  7. How often should we surrender to God, according to the Bible?
    A. Once a day
    B. Once a week
    C. Whenever we need it
    D. Constantly
  8. What does the Bible say about surrendering our desires to God?
    A. He will grant us our desires
    B. He will replace our desires with His will
    C. He will give us the strength to overcome our desires
    D. He will provide us with better desires
  9. What does the Bible say about the value of surrendering to God?
    A. It brings freedom
    B. It brings healing
    C. It brings hope
    D. It brings joy
  10. According to the Bible, what should be our main motivation for surrendering to God?
    A. Fear of punishment
    B. Fear of failure
    C. Love of God
    D. Admiration of His works
  11. What is the ultimate purpose of surrendering to God, according to the Bible?
    A. To glorify Him
    B. To obtain blessings
    C. To gain fame
    D. To achieve peace
  12. What does the Bible say about the rewards of surrendering to God?
    A. We will receive mercy
    B. We will receive forgiveness
    C. We will receive guidance
    D. We will receive eternal life
  13. What does the Bible say about the power of surrendering to God?
    A. He will give us strength
    B. He will protect us from harm
    C. He will provide for our needs
    D. He will guide us in all things
  14. What does the Bible tell us about the importance of surrendering ourselves to God?
    A. We will find peace
    B. We will find joy
    C. We will find courage
    D. We will find hope
  15. According to the Bible, why is it important to surrender to God?
    A. To show our love and trust in Him
    B. To experience His grace and mercy
    C. To seek His guidance in all things
    D. To be made new in Him

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