Jesus Description in the Bible -He is one of the most commonly painted figures in Western art. But what do we really know about his appearance? There are many descriptions of Jesus in the Bible. He is often called the “Prince of Peace,” and is said to be kind and gentle. He is also known as a powerful leader who can perform miracles. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at some of the most well-known descriptions of Jesus in the Bible. We will explore his role as the Son of God, and discuss how he was able to change people’s lives.
Table of Contents
Jesus Description in the Bible (Jesus’ Appearance)
The Bible says that Jesus was a normal-looking man, nothing out of the ordinary. He had dark hair, and dark eyes. His skin was bronzed from being out in the sun. He was about average height. Some people think that he may have had a beard, but the Bible does not say for sure.
There is no mention of any scars or blemishes on his body. In short, Jesus probably looked like any other man of his day. That is why it was so easy for him to go unnoticed in a crowd. And yet, despite his ordinariness, there was something about Jesus that set him apart from other men.

Perhaps it was his way of looking at people, or the way he spoke with such authority. Whatever the case may be, there is no doubt that Jesus was a man who radiated strength and compassion. In the end, it is not so important what Jesus looked like on the outside. What matters most is what he looked like on the inside. And that is something that we can all strive to emulate.
What are the Bible Verses that speak about the physical appearance of Jesus
Old Testament
Three Old Testament Bible verses that speak about the physical appearance of Jesus are as follows:
1. “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” – Isaiah 53:2
2. “For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.” – Isaiah 53:2 3. “He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.” – Isaiah 53:3
As you can see from these verses,Christ Jesus was not a physically beautiful man. He was ordinary-looking and unassuming. However, his inner beauty shone through, and he is now revered by millions of people around the world.

New Testament
In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as in the book of Revelation, there are several verses that speak about the physical appearance of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 17:2, we are told that Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John, and his face “shone like the sun.”
In Mark 9:3, we see that Jesus was transfigured with Moses and Elijah on the mountaintop, and his clothing became “dazzling white.” Luke 24:4 describes Jesus as being “long-haired” and having a “garment down to his feet.
In Revelation 1:14-15, we are told that Jesus has a countenance like the sun and hair like pure wool. These verses give us a glimpse of the physical appearance of Jesus Christ, and help us to imagine what he may have looked like when he walked on this earth. He is now on the Right Hand of our mighty God.
In John 20: 24-27 Before Thomas was able to see Jesus in person, he asked for proof of his identity. Jesus showed him his hands and feet, which had nail marks from the crucifixion. Thomas was also able to feel Jesus’ side where a spear had pierced him on the cross.
List of the Titles the Bible Gives Jesus
- The Lamb of God – John 1:29
- The Lion of Judah – Revelation 5:5
- The Root and Offspring of David – Isaiah 11:10
- Emmanuel – Isaiah 7:14
- God With Us – Matthew 1:23
- Wonderful Counselor – Isaiah 9:6
- The Bread of Life (John 6:35)
- The King of Kings (1 Timothy 6:15)
- The Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6:15)
- The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)
- The Son of Man (Matthew 8:20)
- The Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
- The Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)
- The Vine (John 15:1-8)

What is Jesus Description in Revelation
5 Awesome Facts about Jesus from Revelation
If you thought you knew everything there was to know about Jesus, think again! These five verses from Revelation paint a whole new picture of our risen Savior. Check them out!
Verse 1: Rev 1:12-16 “His eyes were like a blazing fire, and on his head were many crowns. And he has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron sledgehammer.’ He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.” (NIV)
This verse gives us a glimpse of the awesome power and might of our Lord and Savior. He is not to be messed with!
Verse 2: Rev 5:5-6 “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” (NIV)

In this verse we see that Jesus is not only all-powerful, but also good and gentle. He opens the scroll instead of conquering it by force, which shows us His mercy and patience. What an amazing Savior we have!
Verse 3: Rev 14:14 “I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one ‘like a son of man’ with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.” (NIV)
This verse tells us that Jesus is coming back again…and He’s going to harvest His crop! We need to make sure we’re living our lives for Him so that we can be part of that harvest. Are you ready?
Verse 4: Rev 15:3-4 “And I saw what looked like a sea of glass mingled with fire—and also those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name standing beside the sea of glass with harps from God. They sang the song of Moses . . .” (NIV) This verse tells us that those who have been victorious against sin will get to sing alongside Moses at Christ’s return. What an incredible honor that will be! If you’re not sure if you’re among those who will be victorious, don’t worry—just keep reading.
Verse 5: Rev 22:12-13 “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.'” (NIV) This last verse reassures us that Jesus is coming back soon—and He’s bringing rewards with Him for those who have served Him faithfully. So whatever you’re doing for Christ right now, know that it’s not in vain and that you WILL be rewarded for your faithfulness.
He is Described as:
- Flame of Fire
- As White Wool
- Having a Loud Voice
- Golden sash
- Riding a White Horse
- As Ancient of Days
- As a Fiery Flame
- Wearing a Long Robe
These verses from Revelation give us a much different picture of Jesus than what we’re used to seeing. Here we see Him as all-powerful, just, merciful, patient, returning again soon—and so much more! As we await His return, let’s make sure we are living our lives for Him so that we can receive those rewards He promises us. Won’t you join me?

What is Isaiah 53 Description of Jesus
The Suffering Servant: A Study of Isaiah 53
Jesus is often referred to as the suffering servant. This title comes from the fifty-third chapter of the book of Isaiah in the Bible. In this passage, the prophet Isaiah describes a man who suffers greatly, yet does not complain. This man is thought to be a picture of Jesus Christ. Let’s take a closer look at this passage and see what we can learn about Jesus from it.
Isaiah 53:1-3 talk about how this servant was rejected by people. He was someone they turned their backs on. They were not interested in what he had to say. Even though he was always doing good things, they spoke against him and lied about him. Even though he never did anything wrong, they punished him anyway. This sounds a lot like what happened to Jesus Christ, doesn’t it? He was totally innocent, yet people treated him as if he was a criminal. They even put him to death on a cross.
Isaiah 53:4-6 talk about how this servant was wounded and beaten because of our sinfulness. He took our punishment upon himself even though he didn’t deserve it. These verses remind us that when we sin, we wound Jesus Christ just as surely as if we had wounded him with a knife or hit him with a fist. Our sin causes him pain just as any physical wound would cause pain to us. But he takes that pain upon himself because he loves us so much and wants to save us from its consequences—eternal separation from God in hell.
Isaiah 53:7-9 tell us that this servant freely gave his life for us even though we didn’t deserve it and even though we didn’t ask for it. He died instead of us so that we could have eternal life with God. Just as these verses say, Jesus Christ freely gave his life for us even though we are sinners. He did it because he loves us and wants to save us from our sinfulness.

The fifty-third chapter of the book of Isaiah is sometimes called the “Fifth Gospel” because it tells us so much about who Jesus Christ is and what he did for us. As we have seen in this study, this passage reveals that Jesus is the suffering servant who was rejected, wounded, and beaten because of our sinfulness; yet, he freely gave his life for us any way out of his great love for us. If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, I invite you to do so today. He is waiting with open arms to welcome you into his eternal family!
Final Thoughts – Jesus Description in the Bible
We can learn many things about Jesus from these descriptions in the Bible. We learn that Jesus was humble and unassuming, yet powerful and compassionate. We also learn that he suffered for us to bring about salvation for everyone who believes in him. In the end, it is not so important what Jesus looked like on the outside; what matters most is what he looked like on the inside. And that is something that we can all strive to emulate.
God Bless Greg