In Managerial Leadership which part is Leadership? – There are many different definitions of the word “leadership.” Some people might say that it is all about being a good manager. Church Leaders must Inspire, Motivate, and Have Vision, Patience, and a Heart on Developing other Leaders. We will examine both management styles and leadership skills
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In Managerial Leadership which part is Church Leadership? (Management)
Others might say that leadership is about setting an example and inspiring others. In this blog post, we will explore the different aspects of managerial leadership and discuss which part is truly related to leadership. We will also provide examples of successful leaders (managerial) in order to help illustrate our point.
Church Leadership is not a one-size-fits-all approach
In Church Leadership, there must be different types of leaders that are able to lead the church.
There are three main leadership styles in the Bible: (Answer)
First, you have Moses who is a visionary leader.
Second, you have Joshua and David as operator leaders.
Thirdly, we have King Solomon as an administrator type of leader. Each one has their strength so they can complement each other and make sure all areas are covered.
A common misconception about leadership is that if somebody gets appointed with a title such as “bishop” or “senior pastor” then he should know how to do everything by himself which means taking up every role in leadership on his own shoulders including being a prophet (visionary), an apostle (foundational), evangelist (confrontational), pastor (restorative) and a teacher. In Managerial Leadership which part is Church Leadership?
- Bishop
- Senior Pastor
- Prophet
- Apostle ( Originally With Christ)
- Evangelist
- Pastor
- Teacher
A person can be one or more of these roles but they cannot simultaneously be all five leadership types at the same time. If that is possible then there will not be any need for other people to lead because we should have a “super-leader” who has all the necessary characteristics.
The different types of leaders in the Bible are complementary:
- Apostles ( Originally With Christ) plant churches,
- Evangelists bring souls into those churches,
- Pastors nurture those new converts into maturity
- Teachers help them understand God’s Word so they can grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ! Each type of leader must complement each other as long as they are walking together under the same vision which comes from God.
Church Leaders can come from any level in an organization.
Church leaders are developed, not born. There is no specific level in an organization that a Church Leader must come from. Many times, people who are great leaders in their field of work are called to lead churches. They may have never worked in a church before, but they have the skillset and heart for leading people.
Churches should be open to anyone who feels called to lead, regardless of their position in the organization. In fact, it can be helpful to have a variety of backgrounds represented among church leadership. This allows different perspectives and ideas to be brought forward and helps the church stay relevant and effective.

It is important to remember that Church Leaders do not need to have all the answers; they simply need to be willing to learn and grow. With the help of God, they can lead their church through any challenge or obstacle.
Church leaders are not perfect, but they are called by God and have a passion for serving Him. They are also committed to helping others come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. If you feel called to lead a church, don’t hesitate – to answer the call! You will not regret it.
Church Leaders must be able to adapt to change.
One of the Challenges of Leadership is adapting to change. Leaders must be able to anticipate change, plan for change, and manage through change.
Church leaders are not immune to the need to adapt. The church is constantly changing as it responds to the needs of the community and the world around it. Many Times leaders focus on roles
Church leaders must be able to readjust their plans and strategies as needed in order to stay effective. They also need to be flexible enough to allow for new ideas and approaches from those they lead. Change can be difficult, but it is essential for churches that want to remain relevant in today’s society.
It is important for leaders within the church to keep an open mind toward change and be willing to implement new methods when necessary. By doing so, they will help ensure that the church can continue to grow and serve those around it.
Church Leaders must have a clear vision and strategy
For a Leader to be able to lead a group of people it is paramount they know where they are going and how they will get there. Leaders read and learn new ideas to help them achieve their goals and objectives. They set the path for others to follow in order to reach that end goal of success. Whether it is a football team, a business, or an organization like the church.
In The Old Testament, it is said ” That without Vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). This is so important for the church. Leaders must have a clear vision and strategy to keep their church moving in the right direction. Churches can sometimes become stagnant because there is no clear plan on where they are going.
A vision gives hope, it instills a sense of purpose, and it unites people towards a common goal.
A great example of this is when Pastor Rick Warren set out to start Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California back in 1980. He had a very clear vision for what he wanted his church to be and how it would reach people all over the world with the gospel message. That vision still stands today and Saddleback has now grown into one of the largest churches in America.
Church leaders must also have a strategy in order to accomplish their vision. A strategy is a plan of action that will help them reach their goals. This could involve setting specific targets, allocating resources, and making decisions on what steps need to be taken.
When it comes to leading a church, having both a clear vision and strategy is essential for success. Leaders who have these tools can guide their churches in the right direction and help them reach their full potential.
Church leaders must inspire and motivate their team
Enthusiasm literally means to have God within, and a Church leader who is enthusiastic about what he or she is doing will be able to inspire others in their congregation.
If they see God’s Spirit in their leader, it will give them the motivation to want to do their best.
Church leaders must also be good role models for their team, setting the example by working hard and being devoted to their ministry. When people see that their leader is putting in the effort, they will be more likely to do the same.
Church leaders need to keep in mind that not everyone on their team has the same gifts or talents, so they shouldn’t always expect everyone to perform at the same level. It is important to encourage those who are struggling and praise them when they do well.
A church leader who can inspire and motivate his or her team is a valuable asset and one that shouldn’t be taken for granted. With God’s help, any leader can reach their potential and become an effective leader.
Church Leaders Grow other Leaders?
True Leadership is wise enough to see the need for developing other leaders. It starts with recognizing that everyone has gifts and talents to share, and then takes the time to invest in those people.
Church leaders have a unique opportunity to grow other leaders within their congregation. Not only does this help the church as a whole, but it also allows these new leaders to reach their full potential.
When you take the time to develop other leaders, you’re investing in the future of your church and its members. These new leaders will be able to carry on the work of the church long after you’ve moved on. They’ll also be more likely to pass along what they’ve learned to others, creating a legacy of leadership that lasts for years.

Church Leaders must be Good Managers
As people grow the Church Leaders need to grow with them. The Church Leaders need to learn how to manage the people of the church and their resources.
People are a resource and if they are managed correctly, can generate more resources for this ministry of God on earth called the church. In Luke chapter 14 verse 28 Jesus said “for which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate [estimate] the cost”?
Jesus used an analogy that related building to managing people resources because it is important in whatever we do especially as church leaders are good managers than just spiritual leaders alone.
Good management helps us reach our goals faster while poor management slows us down or even stops us from reaching our goals at all or worse still makes us go backward.
Luke 12:48 tells us that “to whom much is given, of him shall be much required”. As leaders we are stewards of God and as such have to give account for the people entrusted into our care.
We must therefore do all things with excellence including managing these resources so that when God asks for an account from us, we will not fall short or even fail completely in our responsibilities and duties to the Almighty Father because of poor management skills which could have been avoided if we had learned how to manage well in good time before handing over our accounts.
Note however that no matter how careful you may be as a leader, at some point you will make mistakes but it is important that you learn from those mistakes, correct them and move on.
Church Leaders must make Tough Decisions when Necessary
One of the most challenging aspects of being a church leader is making tough decisions. These decisions may be unpopular, but they are necessary in order to keep the church moving forward. Some examples of tough decisions that church leaders may have to make include:
- Firing a staff member
- Closing a ministry
- Making changes to the worship service
- Cutting back on spending
- Addressing Sin
These are just a few examples, and every situation will be different. Church leaders must prayerfully consider all of the options before making a decision, and then they must act boldly and with conviction. It can be difficult to make tough decisions, but it is crucial for the health of the church. May God give us wisdom and courage as we navigate through challenging times. Amen!

Final Thoughts – In Managerial Leadership which part is Church Leadership?
In Conclusion Church Leaders need to lead their flock to help them grow and develop. People grow at different paces and therefore need to be treated with empathy.
We can use the analogy of a family where you have children of all ages, they will not develop at the same pace as each other but in their own unique way because God is unique. Just like we nurture our families we also need to help people develop by managing them correctly and leading with love.