Characteristics of Solomon in the Bible – King Solomon is one of the most renowned leaders in history. He was known for his wisdom, his leadership skills, and his ability to make tough decisions. In this blog post, we will explore some of the leadership qualities that King Solomon possessed. We will look at how he managed his kingdom, how he dealt with difficult situations, and how he inspired others to follow him. If you are looking for leadership advice, on becoming a wise leader, or a servant Leader let’s examine Solomon.
Table of Contents
Characteristics of Solomon in the Bible
In the Bible, there are many examples of good leaders. One leader that sticks out is Solomon. He was a man who had wisdom and knowledge. When it came to making decisions, he always seemed to make the right ones. But what made him a good leader? Let’s take a look at some of the qualities that made Solomon a good leader.
One quality that made Solomon a good leader was his wisdom. He wasn’t just a wise man, but he was also incredibly smart. He had a way of seeing things that other people didn’t. This allowed him to make decisions that were in the best interest of his people.

Another quality that made Solomon a good leader was his knowledge. He knew a lot about many different subjects. This made him someone people could go to for advice and guidance. People trusted his opinion because they knew he was knowledgeable about what he was talking about.
Lastly, Solomon was always fair and just. He treated everyone equally, no matter their social class or status. This made him someone people could respect and admire. They knew they could count on him to be fair in everything he did.
Solomon was a great leader because of his wisdom, knowledge, and fairness. He was someone people could trust and look up to. If you ever find yourself in a leadership position, remember the qualities that made Solomon a good leader, and try to emulate them.
Solomon is Known as the wisest man in the book of Proverbs.
God Blessed him with a Long Life as he led the people of Israel.
In His life, he showed some amazing leadership qualities for Christian leaders.
God Blessed him with Being the King of Israel and he was a very successful leaders
List of 9 Leadership Qualities that Solomon Exhibited
- Wisdom
- Discernment
- Justice
- Humility
- Courage
- Empathy
- Trustworthy
- Obedient
- Forgiving
The Bible is full of wisdom and guidance on how to live a godly life. leadership is one area where the Bible has a lot to say. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 9 leadership qualities that were exhibited by Solomon, who was widely regarded as one of the wisest men who ever lived. In His reign, he was also one of Israel’s Best Leaders, record of his life is found in the first book of kings,song of songs, Song of Solomon, and Proverbs.

Major Leadership Principles are found in:
- Solomon’s prayer
- Solomon’s Wisdom
- Good Decisions
- Listening Heart
- Understanding Heart
- Fear of the Lord
- Solomon wisdom as a young king
- His Kingdom was evidence of effective leadership
1. Wisdom
One of the most important qualities of a leader is wisdom. Solomon was granted wisdom by God when he asked for it and used it to rule over Israel wisely (1 Kings 3:28). As a result, Solomon’s reign was marked by peace and prosperity.
Wisdom is the ability to know what to do in any given situation and the courage to follow through with that course of action even when it’s not popular. We see an example of this in Solomon’s life when he was faced with two women claiming to be the mother of the same child. In order to settle the matter, Solomon proposed a test in which each woman would be given a sword and asked to kill her own child.
The true mother would naturally protest such a horrific act, while the other woman would be willing to go through with it in order to win the child. By following his wisdom, Solomon was able to quickly and efficiently settle the matter without anyone getting hurt.
While this example may seem extreme, there are many situations in our own lives where we must use wisdom to know what to do. For instance, if we are faced with a difficult decision at work or school, we can pray for wisdom and look to God’s Word for guidance. When we trust God for His direction, He will always lead us down the path of wisdom.
As Christians, we are called to live wisely in all areas of our lives. Thankfully, we have access to the ultimate source of wisdom—God Himself! When we seek Him out and ask for His guidance, He will never lead us astray. So let’s choose today to live wisely, obeying His commands and following His will for our lives!

2. Discernment
A leader needs to be able to discern between right and wrong, good and bad. Solomon demonstrated his discernment when he wisely ruled in a dispute between two mothers over which of them was the rightful owner of a baby (1 Kings 3:16-28).
In the account of Solomon requesting wisdom from God, we see that he already possessed a quality that was necessary for discernment- humility. He could have requested anything from God but instead he ask for wisdom to lead the people God had given him.
“So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” -1 Kings 3:9a
This verse shows us that in order for us to lead others well, we must first be able to distinguish between right and wrong ourselves. This is something that only comes with a personal relationship with God and studying His word. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, He begins to reveal areas of our lives that need to change. It is only through repentance and obedience to His word that we can develop the discernment needed to lead others.
Discernment is a quality that all leaders must possess if they want to be effective in their roles. This quality allows us to see things from God’s perspective and make decisions based on what is right instead of what is popular or easy. If you are currently in a leadership role or aspire to be a leader one day, begin developing this quality by humbly submitting yourself to God and His word on a daily basis
3. Justice
A leader must be just, or fair. This doesn’t mean that a leader should never show mercy, but there must be a balance between justice and mercy. Solomon showed his sense of justice when he spared Adonijah, instead of being put to death according to the law (1 Kings 1:50-53).
When the queen of Sheba heard about Solomon’s wisdom, she came to test him with hard questions. Solomon answered all her questions; there was nothing he could not explain to her. When the queen of Sheba saw all the wisdom of Solomon and the palace he had built,…she was overwhelmed…and exclaimed to the king, “The half has not been told me; your wisdom and your prosperity exceed the fame that I heard.” (1 Kings 10:1-7).
The Queen of Sheba’s visit to Solomon provides us with a great example of justice. First, notice that she came to him with difficult questions. This was a potentially dangerous situation for Solomon, as she could have easily trapped him and made him look foolish in front of his court. However, he handled her questions with wisdom and dignity. He did not get defensive or avoid her questions; rather, he answered them honestly and fully.
Second, notice that when the queen saw how prosperous and wise Solomon was, she was “overwhelmed.” She recognized that he had far more than she had been led to believe. And yet, despite her initial skepticism, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and see him for who he truly was—a great leader with much to offer.
This story teaches us that in order to be just leaders, we must be willing to listen to difficult questions and answer them honestly; we cannot afford to shy away from difficult conversations. Furthermore, we must be humble enough to recognize when others have something valuable to offer us, even if they come from a different background or perspective. When we are able to do these things, we model the leadership quality of justice for those around us.

4. Humility
A leader should be humble enough to admit when he or she is wrong and seek forgiveness when necessary. Solomon was the son of David, who was one of the most successful kings in Israel’s history. When David’s reign came to an end, Solomon took the throne and quickly proved himself to be a wise and capable leader. One of the first things he did was to ask God for wisdom, which showed humility and faith.
Because he asked for wisdom, God blessed him with not only wisdom but also wealth and power. Under Solomon’s rule, Israel flourished like never before. However, as time went on, Solomon began to take his blessings for granted. He became prideful and started to worship false idols. As a result, God became angry with him and allowed his enemies to defeat him.
Despite his failings, we can still learn from Solomon’s example. We see that he was a great leader because he was humble enough to ask for wisdom from God. He didn’t think that he knew everything and was willing to listen to those who were wiser than him. This is a quality that all great leaders share.
In conclusion, we see that Solomon was a great leader because of his humility. He sought advice from God and followed His guidance even when it wasn’t popular or easy. This is a lesson that we can all learn from – whether we’re leading a country or just our own lives.
5. Courage
A leader needs to have courage in order to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition. When faced with the prospect of going to war with Egypt, Solomon showed courage by seeking guidance from God first instead of immediately resorting to violence (1 Kings 3:5-15).
We are going to look at a time when that wisdom was courageous. As we read 1 Kings 3:16-28, let’s discover how Solomon showed leadership quality of courage.
Then two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him.
17 One of them said, “My lord, this woman and I live in the same house. I had a baby while she was there with me.
18 The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there was no one in the house but the two of us.
19 “During the night this woman’s son died because she rolled over on him.
20 Then she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast.
21 The next morning I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t the son I had borne.”
22 The other woman said, “No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours.” But the first one insisted, “No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine.” And so they argued before the king. 23 The king said, “This one says, ‘My son is alive and your son is dead,’ while that one says, ‘No! Your son is dead and mine is alive.’”
24 Then he said to one of his officers, “Bring me a sword.” So they brought a sword for the king. 25 He then gave an order: “Cut the living child in two and give half to each of these women.”
26 But even as the officer raised his sword to carry out this decree, Solomon called out his order: “Don’t kill him! Give her the baby—don’t kill him!” When all of Israel heard what King Solomon had decreed, they held their breath—waiting to see what he would do next
27 King Solomon spoke up: “Give this woman her baby—don’t kill him! That baby is her life! All Israel will hear what you have done today and will respect you greatly for it.]”
28 When all Israel saw that King Solomon showing such wisdom in judging this dispute, they held their breath—waiting to see what he would say next.” 1 Kings 3:16-28 NLT

6. Empathy
A leader should be able to empathize with those he or she is leading. This will help the leader understand what others are going through and make decisions that are in their best interests.
In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon gives us a window into his heart and how he displays leadership qualities. In this post, we’re going to take a look at how empathy was a quality that Solomon showed as a leader.
One way that Solomon displayed empathy was by considering other points of view. In Ecclesiastes 4:4, Solomon says, “I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another.” Here, we see that Solomon is aware of the fact that people can be driven to achieve things out of jealousy of others. This is an example of empathy because Solomon is able to understand how other people are feeling and why they might be motivated to act in certain ways.
Another way that Solomon showed empathy was by sharing in the sorrows of others. In Ecclesiastes 7:2-4, we read, “I thought in my heart, ‘Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good.’ But that also proved to be meaningless. ‘Laughter,’ I said, ‘is madness. And what does pleasure accomplish?’ I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly—my mind still guiding me with wisdom.”
Here, we see that Solomon recognized that people often turn to things like alcohol and drugs to numb their pain. This is an example of empathy because Solomon is able to understand what other people are going through and why they might make certain choices.
Solomon was a leader who displayed the quality of empathy. He was able to understand the feelings and motivations of others, and he shared their sorrows. This made him a compassionate leader who could relate to his people on a deep level. If we want to be effective leaders, we would do well to follow Solomon’s example and display empathy towards those we lead.
7. Trustworthy
A leader must be someone who can be trusted. This quality was evident in Solomon’s relationship with God. Even though Solomon sinned against God, he still kept his promise to follow God’s commands (1 Kings 11:1-8).
Trustworthiness is being able to be relied on as honest or truthful. Leaders who are trustworthy gain the respect of those they lead and are able to successfully lead because of it. Let’s take a closer look at how Solomon displayed trustworthiness.
One way that Solomon showed he was a trustworthy leader was by being obedient to God’s commands. We see this in 1 Kings 3:3 when it says, “Solomon loved the Lord, walking faithfully in all his father David’s instructions.” Even though Solomon was young, he recognized the importance of obeying God and followed His commands.
This obedience showed those he was leading that he could be trusted to follow God’s will even when it was difficult.

8. Forgiving
A leader should also be forgiving towards those who have harmed him or her in some way. This quality is illustrated in Solomon’s decision to forgive his brother Adonijah even though Adonijah had tried to take over the throne while Solomon was still alive (1 Kings 1:50-53).
In Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus tells a parable about a servant who was forgiven a large debt by his master but refused to forgive a much smaller debt owed to him by another servant. When the master learned of this, he rescinded the forgiveness he had shown to the first servant and had him punished severely. This story teaches us that even though we have been forgiven much by God, we need to be willing to forgive others who have wronged us. Just as Solomon asked for wisdom instead of revenge when he had been wronged, we should also seek forgiveness instead of revenge when we are wrong.
The ability to forgive is a sign of strength. It doesn’t mean that what happened was okay, or that you forget about it. Instead, forgiveness is a choice to let go of anger and resentment. To move forward without letting the past define you.
The Old Testament is full of examples of people who had to learn how to forgive. In 1 Kings 11, we read about King Solomon. He was one of the wisest men who ever lived, but even he made some poor choices when it came to women! By the end of his life, he had 700 wives and 300 mistresses. As a result, his heart was turned away from God.
Despite his mistakes, Solomon remained a forgiven man. In this blog post, we’re going to take a look at three examples of times when Solomon was forgiven, and what we can learn from them.
1 Kings 11:4-8 – Worshipping Other Gods
In 1 Kings 11:4-8, we read about how Solomon allowed his foreign wives to lead him into worshipping other gods. This was a direct violation of God’s commands, and yet God was still willing to forgive him.
What does this tell us about God’s character? First of all, it tells us that God is patient. Even though Solomon continued in his sin for years, God didn’t give up on him. He allowed Solomon time to repent and turn back to Him.
Secondly, this passage tells us that God is just. He didn’t sweep Solomon’s sins under the rug or pretend they never happened. Instead, He held Solomon accountable for his actions and allowed the natural consequences of those actions to play out. In this case, the consequence was that Solomon would lose his throne after his death.
Lastly, this passage tells us that God is merciful. Even though Solomon deserved punishment for his actions, God was willing to forgive him when he repented. He didn’t have to, but He did because He is a loving and merciful God.
2 Chronicles 7:14 – Turning Away From God After Success
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, we read about how Solomon turned away from God after he had been blessed with wisdom, power, and wealth. Even though he had been given everything he could ever want or need, he still wasn’t satisfied and turned away from the One who had blessed him so richly.
9. Obedient
Last but not least, a sucessful leader must be obedient to God’s commands if he or she wants to please God and receive His blessing (1 Kings 3:14).
Last but not least, we see Solomon obeying God’s command to walk humbly with Him in Ecclesiastes 12:9-14. In these verses, Solomon reflects on his life and realizes that everything he has accomplished – all his wisdom and wealth – means nothing without a relationship with God. He acknowledges that it is only by walking humbly with God that we can find true meaning and purpose in life. This is such an important truth for each one of us to remember! Yes, our accomplishments matter – but even more than that, our relationship with God matters.
The story of Solomon teaches us so much about obedience – specifically, that it is possible for us to remain obedient to God even when we make mistakes or disobey Him in certain areas of our lives. So let us never give up hope; instead, let us press on toward the prize of salvation (Philippians 3:14) with humility (Proverbs 22:4) and obedience (Proverbs 6:23). Then – and only then – will we experience the abundant life that Jesus came to give us (John 10:10).
Best Old Testament Commentaries
Below is a table featuring some renowned Old Testament commentaries, their publishers, and websites where they can be found. As always, it’s best to confirm availability on multiple platforms or the publishers’ websites.
Commentary Name | Publisher | Website |
The New International Commentary on the Old Testament | Eerdmans | Eerdmans |
Word Biblical Commentary | Zondervan | Zondervan |
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament | Baker Academic | Baker Academic |
The Anchor Yale Bible Commentary | Yale University Press | Yale University Press |
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | InterVarsity Press | InterVarsity Press |
Expositor’s Bible Commentary | Zondervan | Zondervan |
The Old Testament for Everyone | Westminster John Knox Press | Westminster John Knox Press |
Note: As with the New Testament table, this table provides generalized examples and does not list each volume within the commentary series. The commentaries can usually be found on the publishers’ websites or other online book retailers such as Amazon or Christianbook. It is always advisable to check for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding availability.
Final Thoughts – What made Solomon a Good Leader
These are just 9 of the many good leadership qualities that are exemplified by King Solomon throughout the book of 1 King in the Bible. As we can see, wisdom, discernment, justice, humility, courage, empathy, trustworthiness, forgiveness, and obedience are all essential qualities for any leader who wants to succeed both spiritually and in our families, Our Jobs, in our Leadership in the Church.”
God Bless Greg