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Quiz – Money and the Bible

Quiz - Money and the Bible

Quiz – Money and the Bible

Quiz – Money and the Bible

  1. In the Bible, what is the first mention of money?
    A. In the Garden of Eden
    B. In the Ten Commandments
    C. In the parable of the talents
    D. In the Book of Proverbs
  2. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
    A. It is the root of all evil
    B. It is a blessing from God
    C. It should be used for good
    D. It should be shared with others
  3. Who said, “The love of money is the root of all evil?
    A. Jesus
    B. Paul
    C. Moses
    D. Solomon
  4. According to the Bible, how can money be used for good?
    A. To buy luxury items
    B. To give to the poor
    C. To invest in business
    D. To build monuments
  5. What does the Bible say about borrowing money?
    A. It should be avoided
    B. It is a sign of wisdom
    C. It is a blessing from God
    D. It should be used to buy luxuries
  6. What does the Bible say about generosity?
    A. It is a sign of wisdom
    B. It should be done in secret
    C. It should be done with great joy
    D. It should be done only when asked
  7. What does the Bible say about the love of money?
    A. It will bring peace
    B. It is the root of all evil
    C. It will lead to success
    D. It will bring contentment
  8. Who said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”?
    A. Jesus
    B. Paul
    C. David
    D. Solomon
  9. What does the Bible say about tithing?
    A. It is required of all believers
    B. It should be done in secret
    C. It should be done with great joy
    D. It is not necessary
  10. What does the Bible say about wealth?
    A. It is a blessing from God
    B. It is a sign of wisdom
    C. It is a sign of righteousness
    D. It is a sign of vanity
  11. According to the Bible, how should money be handled?
    A. With care and responsibility
    B. With extravagance and extravagance
    C. With freedom and generosity
    D. With greed and selfishness
  12. Who said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth”?
    A. Jesus
    B. Paul
    C. David
    D. Solomon
  13. According to the Bible, what is the purpose of money?
    A. To bring peace
    B. To bring contentment
    C. To bring joy
    D. To bring glory to God
  14. What does the Bible say about the importance of giving?
    A. It is essential
    B. It is optional
    C. It is discouraged
    D. It is not necessary
  15. What does the Bible say about how money should be used?
    A. To bring glory to God
    B. To bring peace to the world
    C. To bring comfort to the poor
    D. To bring joy to the rich

Why is the Love of Money the Root of all Evil: A Comprehensive Analysis | Money | Greed

Money: 25 Bible Verses about Money


  • Darlene & Greg

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