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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say about the Tongue

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say about the Tongue

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say about the Tongue

  1. According to James 3:2-5, what is the power of the tongue?

A. It is a small member, but it boasts great things
B. It can produce life and death
C. It is a fountain of wisdom
D. It can bring peace and joy

  1. What does Proverbs 18:21 say about the tongue?

A. Death and life are in the power of the tongue
B. A soft answer turns away wrath
C. He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles
D. He who speaks truth shows forth righteousness

  1. What does Proverbs 10:20 say about the tongue?

A. The tongue of the wise is health
B. The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom
C. The lips of the wise disperse knowledge
D. The heart of the wise teaches his mouth

  1. According to Psalm 34:13, what is the power of the tongue?

A. It is a tree of life
B. It can keep one from evil
C. It can keep one from harm
D. It can bring peace and joy

  1. According to James 3:6, what should we be careful not to do with our tongue ?

A. Speak falsehood
B. Speak idle words
C. Curse others
D. All of the above

  1. According to Proverbs 12:18, what should a wise person do with his tongue?

A. Speak with knowledge
B. Speak with understanding
C. Speak with wisdom
D. Speak with discretion

  1. According to Proverbs 15:4, what does a wholesome tongue do?

A. It brings healing
B. It brings joy
C. It brings peace
D. It brings life

  1. According to Matthew 12:36-37, what will be judged by our words?

A. Our thoughts
B. Our actions
C. Our intentions
D. Our heart

  1. According to Proverbs 12:23, what does a wise person do with his tongue?

A. He speaks prudently
B. He speaks kindly
C. He speaks truthfully
D. He speaks wisely

  1. According to Proverbs 15:2, what does an understanding tongue do?

A. It brings peace
B. It brings life
C. It brings healing
D. It brings joy

  1. According to Ephesians 4:29, what should we do with our tongue?

A. Speak only what is helpful
B. Speak only what is kind
C. Speak only what is true
D. Speak only what is edifying

  1. According to Proverbs 16:24, what does a wise person do with his tongue?

A. He speaks with kindness
B. He speaks with knowledge
C. He speaks with understanding
D. He speaks with discretion

  1. According to Proverbs 17:27, what does a wise person do with his tongue?

A. He speaks with knowledge
B. He speaks with understanding
C. He speaks with wisdom
D. He speaks with discretion

  1. According to Psalm 19:14, what does a wise person do with his tongue?

A. He speaks with knowledge
B. He speaks with understanding
C. He speaks with wisdom
D. He speaks with truth

  1. According to Proverbs 21:23, what does a wise person do with his tongue?

A. He speaks with knowledge
B. He speaks with understanding
C. He speaks with wisdom
D. He speaks with discretion

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  • Greg Gaines

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