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Quiz – What Does the Bible say about Jesus Birth

Quiz - What Does the Bible say about Jesus Birth

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible say about Jesus Birth

Quiz – What Does the Bible say about Jesus Birth

  1. How is Jesus described in the Bible?
    A. A savior
    B. A prophet
    C. A teacher
    D. A prince
  2. Who announced the birth of Jesus to Mary?
    A. An angel
    B. An apostle
    C. A shepherd
    D. A prophet
  3. Where was Jesus born?
    A. Damascus
    B. Jerusalem
    C. Bethlehem
    D. Nazareth
  4. What did the angel say to the shepherds about Jesus?
    A. He is your king
    B. He will bring you peace
    C. He will bring you joy
    D. He will bring you salvation
  5. What did the wise men bring for Jesus?
    A. Gold
    B. Silver
    C. Frankincense
    D. Myrrh
  6. How many wise men were there?
    A. Two
    B. Three
    C. Four
    D. Five
  7. What did the angel tell Joseph about Jesus?
    A. He will be a great leader
    B. He will be a great teacher
    C. He will be a great king
    D. He will be a great savior
  8. What did the angel tell Mary about Jesus?
    A. He will be a great leader
    B. He will be a great teacher
    C. He will be a great king
    D. He will be a great savior
  9. Who was the first to visit Jesus after his birth?
    A. Angels
    B. Shepherds
    C. Wise men
    D. Joseph
  10. What did the angel say to the shepherds about Jesus’s birth?
    A. It will be a sign of God’s favor
    B. It will be a sign of God’s power
    C. It will be a sign of God’s glory
    D. It will be a sign of God’s mercy
  11. What did the wise men follow to find Jesus?
    A. A star
    B. An angel
    C. A dream
    D. A prophecy
  12. What was the reaction of the shepherds when they saw Jesus?
    A. They rejoiced
    B. They bowed down
    C. They were afraid
    D. They wept
  13. What did the angel tell Joseph to do when he found out about Jesus?
    A. Flee to Egypt
    B. Return to Bethlehem
    C. Go to Jerusalem
    D. Stay in Nazareth
  14. What did the angel tell Mary to name the baby?
    A. Jesus
    B. Emmanuel
    C. Joshua
    D. David
  15. What did the angel tell Joseph about Jesus?
    A. He will save his people
    B. He will bring them peace
    C. He will bring them joy
    D. He will bring them salvation

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  • Darlene & Greg

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