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Quiz – What the Bible says about Talking to the Dead

Quiz - What the Bible says about Talking to the Dead

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What the Bible says about Talking to the Dead

  1. What did Paul warn the Corinthians about in his first letter to them?
    a. Not to speak in tongues
    b. Not to practice witchcraft
    c. Not to practice idolatry
    d. Not to talk to the dead
  2. What did God say to Saul through the prophet Samuel when he tried to consult the dead?
    a. You are a fool
    b. Your faith is weak
    c. You are in disobedience
    d. You are disobeying me
  3. In the book of Deuteronomy, what did God warn the Israelites about when it came to talking to the dead?
    a. They would be cursed
    b. They would be punished
    c. They would be rejected
    d. They would be condemned
  4. What did Jesus tell the Sadducees about talking to the dead?
    a. It is a sin
    b. It is wrong
    c. It is an abomination
    d. It is forbidden
  5. What did Paul say about talking to the dead in his letter to the Colossians?
    a. It is foolishness
    b. It is blasphemy
    c. It is a deception
    d. It is idolatry
  6. What did the prophet Isaiah say about talking to the dead?
    a. It is an abomination
    b. It is vanity
    c. It is a waste of time
    d. It is a form of witchcraft
  7. What did the prophet Ezekiel say about talking to the dead?
    a. It is an offense to God
    b. It is an abomination
    c. It is a snare of the devil
    d. It is a sign of apostasy
  8. What did the prophet Jeremiah say about talking to the dead?
    a. It is the voice of demons
    b. It is a form of idolatry
    c. It is a passing fancy
    d. It is a gateway to darkness
  9. What did Jesus say about talking to the dead in the Gospel of Mark?
    a. It is a foolishness
    b. It is a sign of unbelief
    c. It is an abomination
    d. It is a form of sorcery
  10. What did Paul tell Timothy about talking to the dead?
    a. It is a sin
    b. It is a temptation
    c. It is a deception
    d. It is an abomination
  11. What did Jesus say about talking to the dead in the Gospel of Luke?
    a. It is a snare
    b. It is an abomination
    c. It is a sign of unbelief
    d. It is a gateway to darkness
  12. What did the writer of Hebrews say about talking to the dead?
    a. It is an offense to God
    b. It is a form of idolatry
    c. It is a waste of time
    d. It is a sign of apostasy
  13. What did James say about talking to the dead in his epistle?
    a. It is a foolishness
    b. It is a temptation
    c. It is a deception
    d. It is an abomination
  14. What did Jesus tell the Pharisees about talking to the dead in the Gospel of Matthew?
    a. It is a snare
    b. It is forbidden
    c. It is a sign of unbelief
    d. It is a gateway to darkness
  15. What did Peter say about talking to the dead in his second epistle?
    a. It is an offense to God
    b. It is a form of idolatry
    c. It is a sign of apostasy
    d. It is a passing fancy

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  • Darlene & Greg

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