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Quiz – What Does the Bible Say Defiles a Person

Quiz - What Does the Bible Say Defiles a Person

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What Does the Bible Say Defiles a Person

  1. What does the bible say defiles a person?
    A. Disobeying the law of the land
    B. Disobeying the law of God
    C. Having a bad attitude
    D. Eating unclean foods
  2. What does Jesus say defiles a person?
    A. Keeping the law of the land
    B. Eating unclean foods
    C. Having a bad attitude
    D. Disobeying the law of God
  3. What does Jesus say is the source of all defilement?
    A. Ignorance
    B. Eating unclean food
    C. The heart
    D. Disobeying the law of the land
  4. According to the Bible, what kind of attitude does God consider defiling?
    A. Pride
    B. Greed
    C. Humility
    D. Generosity
  5. What does Jesus say that goes out of a person defiles them?
    A. Money
    B. Thoughts
    C. Words
    D. Actions
  6. According to Jesus, what is the most important factor in determining whether a person is defiled or not?
    A. Their words
    B. Their thoughts
    C. Their actions
    D. Their heart
  7. What does the Bible say defiles a person more than any other kind of sin?
    A. Unbelief
    B. Disobedience
    C. Prejudice
    D. Idolatry
  8. According to the Bible, what does defiling a person have to do with worshiping God?
    A. Nothing
    B. It is the only way to worship Him
    C. It is an acceptable form of worship
    D. It is an unacceptable form of worship
  9. According to the Bible, what is the most important factor in determining whether a person is defiled or not?
    A. Their attitude
    B. Their heart
    C. Their words
    D. Their actions
  10. What does the Bible say about the consequences of being defiled?
    A. They will be punished by God
    B. They will be forgiven by God
    C. They will be accepted by God
    D. They will be rejected by God
  11. According to the Bible, what is the most effective way to cleanse oneself of defilement?
    A. Repentance
    B. Fasting
    C. Prayer
    D. Sacrifice
  12. What does the Bible say about the importance of avoiding defilement?
    A. It is essential for a person’s spiritual health
    B. It is not necessary
    C. It is necessary only for those who want to be saved
    D. It is only important for those who want to be perfect
  13. What does the Bible say about the consequences of ignoring the issue of defilement?
    A. It will lead to punishment
    B. It will lead to salvation
    C. It will lead to happiness
    D. It will lead to destruction
  14. According to the Bible, what does defilement have to do with our relationship with God?
    A. It strengthens it
    B. It has no effect on it
    C. It weakens it
    D. It destroys it
  15. What does the Bible say is the only way to be truly cleansed of defilement?
    A. Prayer
    B. Sacrifice
    C. Repentance
    D. Fasting

Answers for Questions with Description

  1. B. Disobeying the law of God
  2. C. Having a bad attitude
  3. C. The heart
  4. A. Pride
  5. B. Thoughts
  6. D. Their heart
  7. D. Idolatry
  8. D. It is an unacceptable form of worship
  9. B. Their heart
  10. D. They will be rejected by God
  11. A. Repentance
  12. A. It is essential for a person’s spiritual health
  13. D. It will lead to destruction
  14. C. It weakens it
  15. C. Repentance


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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