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Quiz – What the Bible says about Anointing

Quiz - What the Bible says about Anointing

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic What the Bible says about Anointing

  1. According to the bible, what does anointing symbolize?

A. Death
B. Authority
C. Blessing
D. Holiness

  1. What is the significance of anointing in the Old Testament?
    A. To mark spiritual transition
    B. To grant protection
    C. To symbolize election
    D. To consecrate a priest
  2. What is the common practice of anointing in the New Testament?
    A. To mark a person as a disciple
    B. To set a person apart for service
    C. To prophesy over a person
    D. To signify a spiritual calling
  3. Who was anointed with oil by Samuel in 1 Samuel 16:13?
    A. David
    B. Saul
    C. Aaron
    D. Joshua
  4. What did Jesus tell His disciples to do in Mark 6:13?
    A. Go preach
    B. Cast out demons
    C. Anoint the sick
    D. Feed the poor
  5. Who was anointed with oil by the woman in Luke 7:38?
    A. Jesus
    B. John the Baptist
    C. Peter
    D. Judas
  6. What did James say about anointing in James 5:14-15?
    A. Anoint the sick with oil and pray for them
    B. Anoint the righteous with oil and pray for them
    C. Anoint the poor with oil and pray for them
    D. Anoint the sinners with oil and pray for them
  7. What did Paul instruct Timothy to do in 2 Timothy 4:5?
    A. Anoint the sick
    B. Anoint the elders
    C. Anoint the prophets
    D. Anoint the teachers
  8. What did Peter say about anointing in 1 Peter 2:9?
    A. Anoint the sick with oil
    B. Anoint the righteous with oil
    C. Anoint the poor with oil
    D. Anoint the believers with oil
  9. According to the bible, what does anointing symbolize for Christians?
    A. Death
    B. Authority
    C. Blessing
    D. Holiness
  10. What did Jesus tell His disciples to do in Mark 6:13?
    A. Go preach
    B. Cast out demons
    C. Anoint the sick
    D. Feed the poor
  11. Who was anointed with oil by the woman in Luke 7:38?
    A. Jesus
    B. John the Baptist
    C. Peter
    D. Judas
  12. What did James say about anointing in James 5:14-15?
    A. Anoint the sick with oil and pray for them
    B. Anoint the righteous with oil and pray for them
    C. Anoint the poor with oil and pray for them
    D. Anoint the sinners with oil and pray for them
  13. What did Peter say about anointing in 1 Peter 2:9?
    A. Anoint the sick with oil
    B. Anoint the righteous with oil
    C. Anoint the poor with oil
    D. Anoint the believers with oil
  14. What is the purpose of anointing in the New Testament?
    A. To mark a person as a disciple
    B. To set a person apart for service
    C. To prophesy over a person
    D. To signify a spiritual calling

Answers to above Questions with Description

  1. B – Authority
  2. D – To consecrate a priest
  3. B – To set a person apart for service
  4. A – David
  5. C – Anoint the sick
  6. A – Jesus
  7. A – Anoint the sick with oil and pray for them
  8. B – Anoint the elders
  9. D – Anoint the believers with oil
  10. D – Holiness
  11. C – Anoint the sick
  12. A – Jesus
  13. A – Anoint the sick with oil and pray for them
  14. D – Anoint the believers with oil
  15. B – To set a person apart for service


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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