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Quiz – When was Jesus Born

Quiz - When was Jesus Born

15 Multiple choice questions ( with 4 Possible Answers) on the topic Quiz – Questions about Jesus Birth

Quiz – When was Jesus Born

  1. Where was Jesus born?
    A. Egypt
    B. Nazareth
    C. Bethlehem
    D. Jerusalem
  2. Who came to visit Jesus shortly after His birth?
    A. Three Wise Men
    B. Two Shepherds
    C. Joseph and Mary
    D. Roman Soldiers
  3. What did the angel tell the shepherds about Jesus?
    A. He is the King of Israel
    B. He will bring peace to the world
    C. He will be a great prophet
    D. He is the Son of God
  4. How did Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem?
    A. On a donkey
    B. On foot
    C. By boat
    D. By camel
  5. What did the Angel Gabriel tell Mary about Jesus?
    A. He will be a great prophet
    B. He will be the King of Israel
    C. He will be the Son of God
    D. He will bring peace to the world
  6. What did the Three Wise Men bring to Jesus?
    A. Gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
    B. Three lambs
    C. Pieces of silver
    D. Loaves of bread
  7. What did the star signify to the Three Wise Men?
    A. A sign of peace
    B. A sign of danger
    C. A sign of hope
    D. A sign of the coming of the Messiah
  8. What did the Innkeeper say when Joseph and Mary asked to stay?
    A. There is no room
    B. You do not belong here
    C. You must leave at once
    D. You may stay in the stable
  9. What did the Angel tell Joseph in a dream?
    A. To flee to Egypt
    B. To return to Nazareth
    C. To stay in Bethlehem
    D. To name the child Jesus
  10. What did the shepherds do after seeing Jesus?
    A. Spread the news of the birth of the Messiah
    B. Offered gifts to Mary and Joseph
    C. Fled in fear
    D. Prayed in the temple
  11. How did the people of Bethlehem react to Jesus’ birth?
    A. They rejoiced and celebrated
    B. They were angry and rejected Him
    C. They were indifferent
    D. They were scared and ran away
  12. What did the Angel tell the shepherds about the baby Jesus?
    A. He will bring peace to the world
    B. He is the King of Israel
    C. He will be a great prophet
    D. He is the Son of God
  13. What did the Magi ask King Herod when they arrived in Jerusalem?
    A. Where is the newborn King of the Jews?
    B. How can we find the Messiah?
    C. Who is the ruler of Bethlehem?
    D. What is the name of the baby?
  14. What sign did God give to the Magi to tell them where to find Jesus?
    A. A star
    B. A voice
    C. A vision
    D. An angel
  15. What did the Magi bring to Jesus when they visited Him?
    A. Gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh
    B. Three lambs
    C. Pieces of silver
    D. Loaves of bread

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