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Quiz – What Did Manna Taste Like

Quiz - What Did Manna Taste Like

15 Multiple choice questions on – the Children of Israel receiving Manna in the Wilderness

  1. How many days did the Children of Israel receive manna in the wilderness?
    A. 6
    B. 10
    C. 7
    D. 5
  2. What color was the manna?
    A. White
    B. Blue
    C. Red
    D. Yellow
  3. What did the manna taste like?
    A. Honey
    B. Bread
    C. Apples
    D. Dates
  4. How did the manna appear on the ground?
    A. In the form of grains
    B. In the form of dew
    C. In the form of stones
    D. In the form of bread
  5. How frequently did the manna appear in the wilderness?
    A. Every day
    B. Every week
    C. Every month
    D. Every year
  6. In what book of the Bible is the story of the Children of Israel receiving manna in the wilderness found?
    A. Exodus
    B. Leviticus
    C. Numbers
    D. Deuteronomy
  7. What did the Children of Israel use to collect the manna?
    A. Their hands
    B. Pots
    C. Bowls
    D. Baskets
  8. How much manna did each person collect?
    A. Enough for two people
    B. Enough for one person
    C. Enough for three people
    D. Enough for four people
  9. What did the manna represent for the Children of Israel?
    A. God’s love
    B. God’s provision
    C. God’s protection
    D. God’s guidance
  10. What happened to the manna if it was not eaten on the day it appeared?
    A. It rotted
    B. It disappeared
    C. It turned to worms
    D. It turned to dust
  11. What did the Children of Israel do with the manna?
    A. They ate it
    B. They sold it
    C. They gave it away
    D. They stored it
  12. What did God tell the Children of Israel to do with the manna?
    A. Eat it
    B. Burn it
    C. Worship it
    D. Offer it as a sacrifice
  13. What did the Children of Israel do with the manna on the seventh day?
    A. They gathered twice as much
    B. They offered it as a sacrifice
    C. They ate it
    D. They stored it
  14. How long did the manna last in the wilderness?
    A. 40 years
    B. 20 years
    C. 10 years
    D. 5 years
  15. Who gave the manna to the Children of Israel in the wilderness?
    A. Moses
    B. Aaron
    C. God
    D. Joshua

Answers to above Questions with Description

  1. C. 7
  2. A. White
  3. A. Honey
  4. B. In the form of dew
  5. A. Every day
  6. A. Exodus
  7. D. Baskets
  8. B. Enough for one person
  9. B. God’s provision
  10. B. It disappeared
  11. A. They ate it
  12. A. Eat it
  13. A. They gathered twice as much
  14. A. 40 years
  15. C. God


  • Darlene & Greg

    Father / Grandfather / Minister / Missionary / Deacon / Elder / Author / Digital Missionary / Foster Parents / Welcome to our Family

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